Up for a Summer Challange??? 20 lbs by August 31st



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'd love to jump on board with you ladies. I doubt I'll lose the 20 by the end of august, seems a little excessive.
    I've been on my fitness & nutrition journey since November 2008. I lost the first 20 pounds quickly enough, but been plateau'ing for the last 4 months. I've hired a PT 3/days a week, and swim 20 x 25 m laps twice a week, and try to fit in 30 minutes of cardio 2 x /week. In July I'll be starting Bikram yoga and hoping to get in at least 2 x 90 minute sessions/week.

    My Goal weight is 150
    My start weight was 214
    My current weight is 190
    I'm 5' 6.5"

    I think my problem with my nutrition is that I've bee protein loading. I'll try to stay within the recommended allotment the site recommends to see if that makes a difference in busting through this plateau.

    Wish me luck!
  • stjohnspark
    Look at you!! Already got your goals lined up for week 6- thats waht I call inspiring....
    OK- here are mine.

    #1. Log all food each and every day.
    #2. Log all excersise daily- I got derailed last week!!
    #3. Gut my pantry and fridge and restock with all healthy foods.
    #4. Water water water-
    #5. Pack a cooler with water, fruits, nuts etc. Avoid making bad choices when hungary.
    #6. Eat every 3 hours...3 meals 2-3 snacks...
    #7. Weigh in at 180 next Friday!!

    ok, this should keep me on track for the week:flowerforyou:

    ok here are my goals/challenges for the week

    walk my dog for 20 mins a day for 3 days- I hate the heat so this is definitely a challenge
    drink my alloted water for the week- easy I love water
    log in all foods for this week-usually only get in a day or two. when I start eating poorly i stop logging
    get in more fruits and veggies
    spend more time being activity- no tv or computer til after 6- this will nearly kill me
    in bed by 8 sleep by 9- good luck to me. 4 kids out for the summer they never sleep

    I think thats all for this week. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • stjohnspark
    Hey all you rockstars...
    I would like to move this thread under the header "Motivation and Support". Each time we post it comes up under" Introduce yourself" and I feel that at 5 weeks into the challenge we have found our nitch.
    Of course everyone is welcome to join our Summer Challenge but.... If you take a look back at the very beginning up to today- how many have truely stayed the course and how many have "promised" they're up to the challenge only to back out. If your serious about this challenge, you'll find us.
    It's not about if you lose the 20 lbs by the deadline...although what a lovely bonus that would be. It's more about having the discipline, focus and determination to STICK with something and see it through.
    For me my weight loss has bee slow on this journey...however...I am seeing patterns in my behaviour that are consistent with my moods, emotions, time of the week-month etc.
    It's about heading them off at the pass and being able to CHOOSE the right over the wrong. I consider myself a pretty strong woman but come on...are we seriously saying that in 5 weeks I have not only lost 6 lbs but gained back 3??? :explode:
    I am an emotional eater!
    I make lists and lists of what I'm going to do,weigh ,eat, etc. every day.
    I subscribe to every health and work out mag. on the market
    I own every diet book written
    I have countless food diaries with mostly blank pages.
    I have rewards ready for the taking when I lose the magic weight.
    I am the Queen of deception- and the only one I'm fooling is ME!
    I'm moving to a new header because we're not NEW to this any longer. We know what we have to do and no amount of promises are going to get us there any faster.
    August is fast approaching. I started this thread to kick myself in the butt. No excuses anymore. I'm tired of the promises- I want this soooo bad I can feel it.
    My new Mantra- JUST DO IT!
    PS-continue to post your stats in the regular place. Next week we'll being the shift over to the same thread under a different header. See you there!!!
  • healthymom2009
    June 26th update

    Age 40
    Starting this challenge: (June) 183
    Last week: 178
    This week: 178
    Weight loss: -5 lbs (no change)

    Minutes of exercise: 150/300 minutes walking this week.

    Not thrilled with the scale this week but taking the ups and downs of it all. Difficult to exercise this week with the heat and visitors. See you next Friday :wink:
  • windy44
    windy44 Posts: 2
    I love your challenge and agree how we set ourselves up to fail. Lack of sleep, emotional eating, having the naughty foods in the house. I was 210 and then got down to 166....now back up to 187. I am up for your challenge and being accountable may just help me get back there. I don't know if I can get to your goal by August 31st but gonna try. So this is my first posting:

    Age 45
    Starting this challenge: (June 26) 187
    Last week:
    This week:
    Weight loss: :smile:

    Thanks for the challenge!
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184

    SW 238

    Last week 194.2
    This week the same

    But that is Ok I have been on this site for exactly one month now and have dropped 9 pounds so far from it, so I am happy with that. Also took my measurements today and figured out from when I started this whole journey and I am down 48 inches in total!!! So I am very happy with that. I am 5 days into P90X and loving it, so things are good.

    Also workout minutes this week were 420

    Have a great weekend everyone!!:drinker:
  • kdblev
    kdblev Posts: 18
    Not so good for me. I have been stagnant pretty much since the first week and now it seems I've gained a pound! Not to mention the inch I had lost on my waist seems to be back :) I am trying so very hard not to get frustrated. Although I do treat myself to a skinny cow or such most days, I have really worked hard to make everything else count and come in right where it should. I haven't had a coke or beef in a month! (two of my previous favorite things) I get most of my water in and have totally changed eating habits. My husband has been at this for 6 months, so he is a great support, but he is as stumped as I am with my progress as he is able to see all the work I have done. To be fair, my arms and shoulders look awesome and I can lift more weight now, but that's it really. Okay...vent done :)

    SW: 152.2
    CW: 151.4
    GW: 130

    exercise: 240 minutes (aerobics with intervals and circuit weights)
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi Guys

    I'd love to join too :flowerforyou:

    I'm down 15lbs as of today :bigsmile: 180.6lbs so another 20 (+ or -) by end of Aug would be FAB .. My birthday is beginning of Aug so I am on a mission anyway :love:

    I need all the motivation I can get so let's all "Kick some *kitten*" :drinker :

    Crumbs I've some reading to catch up on lol :smokin:
  • stjohnspark
    Yay Chellie- you found us.
    Love the pooches. I have a 10 month old Cavalier King Charles that absolutely runs my house. She's sooo spoiled:tongue:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    He he I sure did ... thanks for the direction :flowerforyou:

    They are my babies Bonnie 8 and Mollie 3 ... I hear you "runs the house" I also have 2 kitty kats and I share "their bed" at nite lol

    Have you a pic of her ? :love:

    I have browsed a few of the threads at the beginning but 12 pages is a lot to catch up on lol (will get back to it tom)

    So here are the basics :wink:

    Age: 37
    Starting weight: 195lbs actual - Since Fri 22.05.09 186lbs
    Current weight: 180.6lbs
    Goal weight: Approx 150lbs
    Days/minutes of exercise: This week I walked my girls for 40 mins per day (Fri is my dayoff and theirs :wink: )
  • CandaceW
    CandaceW Posts: 73
    Hey...here is my friday check in for this week

    Age: 26
    Starting Weight (5/22/09): 238.6
    Current Weight (6/26/09): 227.0 (-0 lbs this week [did have 2 treat days (trying to kick plateau) and a
    bridal shower this week though, so I'm pretty happy to have
    maintained], and -11.6 since start of challenge)
    Goal Weight (8/31/09): 214
    Workouts this week (6/19-6/26): 630 min (2900 cal burned)
  • ktlyons
    ktlyons Posts: 4
    I am in! That is exactly the push I need. I seem to be the only one I know motivated to get out and get fit so I am in serious need of some outside motivation.

    When do we start!
  • iwant2clessofme
    I am most definitely in, I have been at a plateau for way too long this is exactly what I need to get me back on track !

    Age 39
    Starting weight 297
    Current weight 198
    Goal weight 160
    get some form of activity in everyday at least 30 min
  • nicrock
    nicrock Posts: 3
    Age: 15
    Starting weight: 135
    Current weight: 132
    Goal weight: 120

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • simmonss
    simmonss Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I'm up for the challenge!!! I've been on a roller coaster ride for about 10 years now and NEED/WANT to get my weight under control!!! :explode:

    Age: 42
    Starting weight: 164
    Currant weight: 164
    Goal weight: 140
    Days/minutes of exercise: 5 days/45 minutes a day
  • jadadesigns
    You sound exactly like me!! I'm also married to a man that looks better now than we were marriade 26 years ago.He got on the p90x program and lost 50 pounds and here i am still looking in the mirror and wondering what happened .I exercise with him as much as I can,but he has the will power and only eats what is on their program.I lost inches,but no pounds.I want the scale to go down too,so I'm ready for your challenge.We are going to Vegas in Aug.so that will give me more incentive(hopefully).
    starting weight-174
    current weight-165.8(almost 10 pounds since I found this site)
    goal weight-145
    I do p90x and turbo jam everyday but sunday
  • stjohnspark
    It's great to have you all on board. We're in week 6 of this challenge so do what you are comfortable with for the remainder. You never know what may happen from now until the end.
    Can you believe tomorrow is July 1st????
    Whatever your current status is, you have a clean slate to build on starting with a new month!!!!

    Rock this week everyone and once again welcome and stay tough!! :bigsmile:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ya know, I was just thinking about that a few minutes ago. June flew by soooo fast! :noway: It's actually hard to believe.
  • gapeaches
    gapeaches Posts: 16
    I'm game!! So do we weigh in the friday right! :drinker:
  • 4mricandy
    4mricandy Posts: 159 Member
    Thursday night 9:00PST, July 2
    Reporting in for the challenge

    Starting weight 310
    Currant weight 307
    Goal weight 290
    Days/minutes of exercise 20-30 daily

    I'll take it!