calling all people with a SPACE between your thighs



  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I spread my legs wider apart....
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    From my own excessive observations, you have to be like a 2 or zero(the new vanity sizes) to have that.
    Think of Kelly Ripa , you have to be that thin.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I don't think I've had one since I was about 14, and I weighed 125 pounds when I got married. Just have a few curves I guess! I don't expect to get one back...try not to let it bother you. It's just part of being a girl :)
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I spread my legs wider apart....

    Hahahaha this is great. It's all in the perspective. :D
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    definitely more to do with our genes and shape, I'm an apple smaller legs. I see the hint of the gap at 180 lbs and 5'6". But I'd give it up to be more of an hourglass, give me some hips and booty.
  • omgsuveena
    I'm 103 lb, 5'1", size 1 and have no gap! I don't think I had a gap in high school when I was 85 lbs ether. I have narrow hips and carry most of my fat on my upper thighs and love handles/tummy area. It just depends on your cousin is the same height as me and weighs about 95 lb and she has a gap *shrug*
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I really don't mean to sound snotty...

    but could I respectfully suggest you spend an evening volunteering in a homeless shelter working with children who live on the streets.

    Might put a little perspective on this issue. There really are SO MUCH more important things happening in this world.

    Oh god not this argument. Everyone has problems/worries. Are we only allowed to talk about the very worst things in the world? Ok, screw your homeless, what about kids in Africa who don't even have access to clean water. They are worse off so stop talking about those lucky homeless people who can go to a shelter and get free soup.

    I know that sounds like reductio ad absurdum but can you see my point. If people can't complain about the little things that bother them about their weight/shape then what does this (or any) internet forum even exist for?
  • kseier
    kseier Posts: 91 Member
    I really don't mean to sound snotty...

    but could I respectfully suggest you spend an evening volunteering in a homeless shelter working with children who live on the streets.

    Might put a little perspective on this issue. There really are SO MUCH more important things happening in this world.

    Oh god not this argument. Everyone has problems/worries. Are we only allowed to talk about the very worst things in the world? Ok, screw your homeless, what about kids in Africa who don't even have access to clean water. They are worse off so stop talking about those lucky homeless people who can go to a shelter and get free soup.

    I know that sounds like reductio ad absurdum but can you see my point. If people can't complain about the little things that bother them about their weight/shape then what does this (or any) internet forum even exist for?

    thank YOU. i get it other peoples lives suck but if i spent my time worrying about ti my own life would suck more because thats depressing stuff to think about. right now im trying to be healthy and happy for the people i love. it's called ME work. if i don't love ME no one else will either. k? k.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    What is the obsession with thigh gaps??!! I don't get it, why are all these girls striving for this? I have one, I honestly never noticed it till I got a tumblr and saw how many girls are starving themselves for a stupid thing some people have and other don't... I get wanting a flat stomach, toned legs, nice butt. But really? A thigh gap? I would rather have toned legs then worry about some gap.. I think curvy thighs with a triangle at the top that you can see through under your "lady area" & butt lol is much cuter! (hopefully at least guys will know what I am talking about, I'm a stripper and I hear guys always talking about there favorite parts on a women & I have never heard thigh gap!) Some people are built to have one, other are not, I have huge hips that stick out, there for my legs are prone to have a gap even at heavier weight, if you have narrow hips you may not have one. Its a silly thing to worry about.

    I am 118 at 5'4 btw!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Right now I do, because I'm not sitting like a lady. :laugh:

    Otherwise, I don't have one and don't have any desire for one.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I really don't mean to sound snotty...

    but could I respectfully suggest you spend an evening volunteering in a homeless shelter working with children who live on the streets.

    Might put a little perspective on this issue. There really are SO MUCH more important things happening in this world.

    This is a diet & exercise website, so her post was completely relevant. Unlike your response which was in fact SNOTTY. Maybe if you feel so strongly about it you should get off the computer and go work in a homeless shelter! Wow.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    I'd love to see that space, however, I more interested in seeing my collarbone again at this point :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I really don't mean to sound snotty...

    but could I respectfully suggest you spend an evening volunteering in a homeless shelter working with children who live on the streets.

    Might put a little perspective on this issue. There really are SO MUCH more important things happening in this world.

    You absolutely sound snotty. If you think being concerned over your fitness and body image is so petty then why are you scrolling through forums on a fitness site? Apparently your time would be better spent doing volunteer work wouldn't it?
  • kseier
    kseier Posts: 91 Member
    and i do not want an ANOREXIC GROSS super model thigh gap. yuck. i just dont want FLAB or chaffing! HAHA...take a look at THIS beautifulness:

    she's gorg <3
  • MamaLionesss
    MamaLionesss Posts: 2 Member
    I just think some women will always be thick in the thighs. No matter what size I have been I have never had a space(gap) between my things. Good luck! :O) Congras on your weight loss.
  • _CiaoParis
    I don't worry about the thigh gap. It's pointless to me, no one really notices it anyway.

    I have a thigh gap though & I run, Wii fit yoga & strength, dance, and do pilates..
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Set a different goal, then if your thighs so happen to gap along the way it will be an extra little surprise and in the end you can still reach the goal that you set and it will be a double yay!
  • siobhano_
    I'm 5'9 and about 143lbs and I have a thigh gap. My bf% is 27% so for me it has nothing to do with my fat, it's more to do with body structure and the fact I don't have very muscular legs.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I think it has a bit more to day with your hips than with your body fat %. I am still really big, and I am already STARTING (note the word starting though), to get a space. I also have really wide hips no matter what size I am, so my legs are naturally further apart than those who don't have wide hips.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member