265 POUNDS boy need a HELP



  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Could you ask your mum to weight out the rice once or twice so you get an idea of how much it is.

    When I used to just portion things up I put tons on my plate.

    An alternative would be pop down the supermarket and have a look at the precooked rice already portioned out have a look at the size, calorie information and how many portions are in the packet, that will give you an idea about the right size for a portion.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    I have found it easier to lose weight once I started to count the calories and then I could understand why I was fat! Try to get an idea of how many calories you eat and drink every day :)

    I agree. I think what the guy is doing is a great start, but it seems like he wants to optimize his weight-loss, and the only way you're going to do that is by knowing how many calories you're consuming.

    The main key, I believe, is preparing your own food. The food you need to lose weight isn't extravagant, you can prepare it for yourself, just ask your mom to teach you how to cook. It's a tool you will probably want anyways when you move out of the house and live on your own.
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    THanks for the post my friends ,i will try to follow the advise given, and i dont COUNT my calories,its hard since my mom cook ,and i need to search in the internet to know the calories im eating,its hard u know

    I think this is the main point..... You really need to start logging what you are eating as you maybe over eating significantly. When I was obese, I still cycled everywhere and exercised everyday (no joke! - I can't drive so I walked and cycled everywhere) but I ate and drank such a significant amount more in calories

    Also the MFP diary is programmed to calculate for you..... I know it's difficult, but a food diary is imperative when first starting out. Ir you could be exercising off 2000 vals a day but if you eat 5000 - you're going to put on weight
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Also just wanted to say that you are doing really really well and the fact that you're losing 1-2lbs is still great. I saw your profile and I honestly feel for you. It's like what my profile was like when I was 18-22 :( please don't give up and don't beat yourself up as you're doing so well and especially if you are exercising every day - that's amazing!

    Exercise has never been my issue, it was honestly the food and my mum (who is Chinese) would always be chief cook and (although he cooking is incredible) meals were always rice, noodles and various Chinese dishes that are full of salt but PoRTiON control was my big issue especially where food is the centrepoint of the household.

    I know it's hard but try at least estimating in the MFP food diary your intake and I promise you'll find what works for you

  • chriswee2012
    THANKS A lot my friends, i will start count my calories starting tomorrow, ! HOPE this will helps me lose more weight
  • Squir88
    Also, I haven't read every single comment, but here is my advise. Go to the doctor, tell them that you are trying to lose weight. Have blood test done to see where your at and make sure everything is working correctly. In my case I have Low T and it was causing me to gain weight.
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Losing 1-2 pounds per week is exactly what you want. Don't try to lose any faster than this. You're doing a good job! Keep it up! Make sure you're eating enough calories. Remember that you didn't put on 4-5 pounds per week when you were gaining weight, so you can't expect it to come off that quickly and stay off. I think a lot of people think they got heavy overnight, but it took them a while to put on weight and it takes time to get rid of it. Be patient, and consistent. You will see the results. Good luck!
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    THanks for the post my friends ,i will try to follow the advise given, and i dont COUNT my calories,its hard since my mom cook ,and i need to search in the internet to know the calories im eating,its hard u know

    I think this is the main point..... You really need to start logging what you are eating as you maybe over eating significantly. When I was obese, I still cycled everywhere and exercised everyday (no joke! - I can't drive so I walked and cycled everywhere) but I ate and drank such a significant amount more in calories

    Also the MFP diary is programmed to calculate for you..... I know it's difficult, but a food diary is imperative when first starting out. Ir you could be exercising off 2000 vals a day but if you eat 5000 - you're going to put on weight

    This is a great point. You really need to know where your calories are coming in at everyday. There are different theories about how many calories to get, I prefer consistency, but you can't do it if you don't know how many you are getting.
  • chriswee2012
    Lets say i need to consume 2400 calories a day, what happen if i consume less from that ?? for example like 1700 calories a day,I will still yet lose weight ?
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    I'd take out the rice completely. I LOVE rice it is seriously my favorite, I mean FAVORITE food. But it is very high in calories, and depending on what kind of rice. It can also be very unhealthy as well.

    Strong this!
    take out that rice/pasta/noodles/flour products including potatoes, yams etc.

    Eat protein! 70g per day. - to preserve your muscle
    Eat omega3+omega6 fats! - to keep heart healthy (hemp oil+flaxseed oil) 2tbsp each per day
    Eat 1 banana per day!- it has potassium that your heart needs.

    Do very heavy weightlifting to sweat for 1 hour.
    Your muscles will ache like crazy = because you dont eat required food for bodybuilding.

    Eat cholesterol + fats
    Egg yolks + oils as i mentioned above.
    Eat avocado!

    If finances allow, try to eat lean beef/ lean chicken breast /shrimps.
    Eat green leafy vegetables... eat a broccoli or something. Bok choy.
    Do weight lifting 6x a week. 30min leg 3x per week, and 45min-1hr upper body 3x a week. Alternate them.
    Use proper form to do 3 sets 8 reps.
    if you can do more than 8 reps, increase weight by 10% each time until u can only do 8 reps.

    Give yourself 3!!!! , i repeat 3-5 minute rest before sets.

    I was 250 lbs..... now i am 194. I kept all of the muscle!!!!!!!
    mail me if u have any questions or need advice. feel free to add me as friend
  • CindyGrey
    You should really try to track your calories with MyFitnessPal. That way you'll see how many calories you're consuming every day. If you exercise as much as you say and record everything you eat and drink, every day, you'll have better success.
  • chriswee2012
    I see, and i can skip rope for like 100 reps once ,SKIPPING ROPE is a one hell exercise to burn fats right ? i did that for like 200 reps, i sweat like hell , but at night , i will definetely fell hungry and my temptation of foods will be very high, and i cant control myself to eat foods at night since im hungry
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    I see, and i can skip rope for like 100 reps once ,SKIPPING ROPE is a one hell exercise to burn fats right ? i did that for like 200 reps, i sweat like hell , but at night , i will definetely fell hungry and my temptation of foods will be very high, and i cant control myself to eat foods at night since im hungry

    lift heavy weights.read my previous post
    rope skipping is a cardio. its good that you sweat.
  • chriswee2012
    Ok,i will lift heavy weight,and dumbells fly is ok ? i did that everyday for my chest,i want to flatten my chest
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Ok,i will lift heavy weight,and dumbells fly is ok ? i did that everyday for my chest,i want to flatten my chest

    i believe exrx.net might help you to develop a nice split workout routine. As you get used to it, you will learn about what you really want and how you want to do it. Make sure to do excercises in proper form. Proper form is more important than weight. also proper form will greatly avoid possibility of injury.
  • chriswee2012
    And one more last thing dude,why when i do push up,my bottom palm hands will feel pain ? Is it because im too heavy ?
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    Hi, well done so far, it is a very difficult journey but one that can be achieved. I would suggest you google www.cookinglight.com. This site has great recipes and the nutritional contents are included.Good luck and I hope you continue to log onto MFP in because there are very nice and helpful people on here.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    And one more last thing dude,why when i do push up,my bottom palm hands will feel pain ? Is it because im too heavy ?

    no idea dude. do you have any joint problems? any family history? when i was 250lbs i didnt have any pain. only aching 1 day after workout.

    Do you have same pain when you do bench press or dumbell press
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    And one more last thing dude,why when i do push up,my bottom palm hands will feel pain ? Is it because im too heavy ?

    Another alternative is to do Dips and Chinups

    There are "assisted" dips and chinups in the gym where counter-weight makes it easier for you to do them.
    Dips are best excercise for your chest and tricep

    Chinups give you amazing back and bicep workout.
  • chriswee2012
    No ,i dont have any problems when doing dumbell press , i think my hands cant support my HEAVY BODY since i need to push it down and up to flatten my chest