People giving you the evil eye at the gym...



  • meant "throw" not "through"!!!:embarassed:
  • CineMachine
    CineMachine Posts: 8 Member
    Hey now..... using the elliptical does not make you lazy....
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    maybe they are impressed and amazed and wish they were up to snuff to do what you do? I know I can't help but look at the folks who seem to really be on a mission and know what they are doing. I admire them
  • sweat is fat crying(saw it on a bumper sticker)

  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    "It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and LAZY LIKE 90% OF THE WOMEN THERE. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the LAZY *kitten* ELLIPTICAL for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business. WORRY ABOUT THEMSELVES AND STOP MAKING PEOPLE FEEL SO AWKWARD.


    Oh, the Irony...You just spent this whole post complaining about people just looking at you, judging and insulting other people and what they do at the gym, with a very conceited attitude, then you end it with saying people need to worry about
  • I have an idea: Why don't you just do your own thing and not pay any attention to those girls? Who cares if somebody shows up in make-up cause they just got off work. Who cares if their hair is down? Who cares if they changed into their workout clothes at the office cause the dressing rooms at the gym are nasty or they're uncomfortable getting undressed in front of folks like you who judge them??? Just go do your workout and leave well enough alone. We all work out at our own pace, and if that bothers you then maybe it's time you ask yourself why you care so much about others instead of yourself.

    Have a fantastic day!

    The one who runs her *kitten* of at the gym as well, but doesn't really care what else goes on around me.
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    And the makeup? Why would anyone go through the trouble of removing make up just because they are going to the gym?

    Agreed. I put makeup on before I leave for work in the morning, and after I leave work to go to the gym, I don't feel the need to remove my makeup before I can enter the gym. I go in there to work hard, and I don't worry if my makeup is still on from the 12 hours I was awake and doing stuff before I got there.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    hey Stephy.

    i totally understand. why the hell do people even bother going to the gym if they aren't as awesome as you? yuck. just taking up space. you, with your perfectly undone hair and sparingly applied make-up - that's the only way to get the job done!

    don't even get me started on folks who are making a huge lifestyle change by 'walking' on a treadmill. the nerve of some people!

    friend me, k?

    This made me laugh and its perfect! I could care less what other people are doing... everyone does things at their own pace. Its not that I'm oblivious to others in the gym - I see people who are wearing sunglasses in a basement gym and think Why?? Or wish the guy who lifts and grunts and then adjusts his junk next to me would move away while doing it. But in the end it really doesn't matter. Did I set out to do what I wanted to do???

    I can't poke my tongue out and touch my nose... can you do that?! :wink:
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and lazy like 90% of the women there. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the lazy *kitten* elliptical for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business, worry about themselves and stop making people feel so awkward.

    That girl that does what you can't.

    you know whats funny,the fact that you are venting about them giving youi funny looks judging you while you judge them. and if your are worrying about yourself so much what do you care if they use the tread mill (that thing for people that cant handle an elliptical :wink: ) at 1.5 or if they lounge around,you seem to take a lot of notice for someone whos there to mind their own buisness....:laugh:

    I have an idea: Why don't you just do your own thing and not pay any attention to those girls? Who cares if somebody shows up in make-up cause they just got off work. Who cares if their hair is down? Who cares if they changed into their workout clothes at the office cause the dressing rooms at the gym are nasty or they're uncomfortable getting undressed in front of folks like you who judge them??? Just go do your workout and leave well enough alone. We all work out at our own pace, and if that bothers you then maybe it's time you ask yourself why you care so much about others instead of yourself.

    Have a fantastic day!

    The one who runs her *kitten* of at the gym as well, but doesn't really care what else goes on around me.

    Exactly....I use the elliptical and kick @$$ on it and don't pay attention to a single person around me.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    She's wearing 6inch platform heals and doing gonna give her the evil eye too?
