30 day shred group - starting 2/15/12 - 3/15/12



  • ummmsorrybutno
    ummmsorrybutno Posts: 38 Member
    I just restarted so I will join you all.

    I started a week ago but slacked off for a business trip... I would like to do 10 days at each level, anybody else with that?
  • jacquiroxx
    jacquiroxx Posts: 68 Member
    Too late to join?? I just started today.
  • I'll join in! I did Level 1 yesterday. I got through it ok. Feeling it today, even with an hour of stretching last night & supplements to help ease muscle soreness. I used 5 ls weights but wish I had 3! I plan to do her routine 3 days per week and p90 cardio 1 day per week. I took pre pictures. WIll take again at 30 days.
  • Jannie225
    Jannie225 Posts: 8 Member
    Can I join? I'm starting today and looking for some support. Thanks!
  • ozo27
    ozo27 Posts: 25 Member
  • ozo27
    ozo27 Posts: 25 Member
    Would like to start a group of people who'd like to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred from 2/15 - 3/15, share results and motivate eachother.

    I'd love to but I don't have her workout DVD! If it's on Netflix I can do that!

    I found a free link for the dvd on youtube, message me and I'll send you a link if you are interested and good luck
  • ummmsorrybutno
    ummmsorrybutno Posts: 38 Member
    Level 1 day 2. It was harder today, which sucks since I'm still doing some of the motified versions. (push ups and one other but can't remember the name)

    I'm giving myself until day 5 and then I have to be doing the non modified version.

    tip: create a better playlist for the back ground. I've been listening to pandora hip hop work out and country music work out. It makes it go by faster and a little easier to stay interested and not want to check out.... Also if a song comes on you like you can just sing along in your head and forgt how many reps or seconds are left.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I did day 1 yesterday, but then I did some pretty intense hiking and mountain biking today and my legs are seriously done, so I figured it would be overkill to come home and do day 2. I'll do it tomorrow. :drinker:
  • dublinrose
    dublinrose Posts: 10 Member
    Day 1 done. Have done Level 1 before so knew what to expect but its a few weeks since I last did it and I really felt it. But its done. :happy:
  • asudheimer
    asudheimer Posts: 82 Member
    I have added everyone who's requested an add so far, glad to see such a group of great people to help motivate eachother! If anyone needs added encouragement, feel free to add me as a friend as well.

    Is everyone noticing a big difference in their stamina yet since day 1? I know I am! :happy:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I started saturday so today is day 3 for me
  • dshearrer
    dshearrer Posts: 25 Member
    It is getting easier to do and I am now looking forward to working out.....
  • ok...got my shred in again..how is everyone doing?
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    Just finished L1 D5. It's kicking my butt! :wink:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Day 3 kicked my butt!!
  • Today's my last day on level 1, can't wait for level 2. I reviewed the whole dvd before I started it but I can't remember level 2 so I look forward to the change :)
  • Im in .. started the shred Tuesday so im into day 3 ,, my usual wieght in is / was thismorning .. so what a nice surprise?? up 2 lbs! NOT impressed!

    It's not uncommon for your muscles to retain water in the beginning which will cause the scale to move up..hang in there. Measurements are probably most accurate.
  • Level 2 Day 1 today, it kicked my butt! can't wait to see where I am in 9 more days
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    L1 D7 done! I want to sneak a peek at L2 but I'm scared to :bigsmile:
  • Started a little over 2 weeks ago with a 3 day break in the middle! I love it!! Level 2 is significantly harder but it's so worth it!!!!