weight watchers vs mfp



  • tanya2163
    tanya2163 Posts: 12 Member
    I keep asking myself this same question - a number of my work colleagues have just joined WW.........Can't beat free so MFP for me!!

    The free fruit & veg is the only difference - but some are quite high, Bananas for example are like 95 calories each???
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Meh, I've done WW off and on for years. It's an easy program to use if you are new to watching what you eat. It provides structure and an easy format to go off of. Wouldn't hurt to try it if you want to. Also, not all vegetables are free and fruits are considered free but they built a buffer into your daily points allowance to cover fruit. You're not supposed to eat more than a few servings a day, not go nuts with it.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    My mom loves WW... I find this easier. Converting to points is an extra step that I found to be a pain and not something I would want to keep up in the long term.

    My thoughts exactly. I did it before they switched up the points system. I did well, but MFP is pretty much the same (minus point counting) and is free. :-)
    This ^
  • Looks like you are doing fine using mfp !!! Congrats on the weight loss so far !! With that said, I have no problem with WW. It has helped some of my friends !!
  • mellygator
    mellygator Posts: 3 Member
    I was doing MFP and getting nowhere, just taking into account calories allows you to eat too much sugar/fat anf no smart foods.
    Since starting WW i've lost 8 kilos in 11 weeks.
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    I am someone who had done both. I really like the convenience of this program better than weight watchers.

    Same here - get support on the BB'S and from linked friends - maybe to a higher level than WW, and I like the potential for daily accountability if you log weight daily. For some, the WW may be better if they need more face to face.

    Lots of ways to get there!
  • I've done WW for 2 years. It helped me stay accountable...but I've never had TOO much to lose. MFP is free, and just as easy. Although, I'm already not eating as much fruit and veggies as I was, so...not sure about that aspect.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I started with WW (after using MFP before) and though I loved the free fruits and veggie, I hated the way the site was set up, mfp is better, I felt restricted bc the points are low (27 a day) vs 1440 calories so mentally I feel like i get more this way, counting calories for me is way easier than points, I cant just look at the product and say "no" I have to work to figure out the point to say no, I love looking at the product and saying, 1/4 portion size.. 140 calories *imagining a measuring cup* yup.. thats good for me. ETC I had luck on here, moved to WW didnt have any luck, came back bigger and am now 5 pounds down. This works for me, maybe this is just what works for you too.. plus paying for it is just a pain!!!
  • I did WW for a while and had some success, but then didn't want to keep paying for it. The main problem I have with WW is the idea that the purpose of exercise (activity points) is to earn food points. For me, I want to train my mind to eat what I need in order to fuel my activity, not be active so I can eat more. Bottom line is, do what works. For some having paid for it is motivation enough. Also, the points take into account protein, fiber, etc, and calories aren't actually part of the equation. This may be helpful for people who eat lots of empty calories and need the visual points values to make better choices based on more than calories.
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I have been doing WW since September and have lost close to 35 lbs. My husband has been doing MFP since November and is down 25 lbs :) That's when I opened up a MFP account :) I still do WW points but I love the community part of this sight. So they both work! Both programs have their pros and cons and you have to see what works best for your personality.

    I don't work on Mondays so I take that day to go to WW for my weigh-in and stay for the meetings (which I love). It works for me because I'm accountable to that person weighing me! It has been expensive ($18/week) but now I go for free because I am at goal!

    My husband loves MFP because he doesn't need outside motivation... he is a really good self motivator! He loves the tech behind it too (ex: scanning the barcode of an item with his ipad to get info). He also likes the activity tracking device.

    Both are similar in that you are eating less therefore you will lose weight!
  • Angie_Van
    Angie_Van Posts: 8 Member
    I have used weight watchers before and lost weight, but I have found mfp easier to use and it's free.
  • 77Maria
    77Maria Posts: 90
    Ive done both and prefer MFP because I don't have to convert Calories to Points. That makes no sense to me. But WW does work! So its what you prefer!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    The only difference is one you pay for and one you don't.