Summer Challenge- 20 lbs by Aug. 31st



  • I'm going to lose 20 lbs by aug 31st. I will weight 151 lbs, total loss 29 lbs. Wooooohoooooo!!! :glasses:
    When is the weight in? Friday?
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi Guys

    I'd love to join too :flowerforyou:

    I'm down 15lbs as of today :bigsmile: 180.6lbs so another 20 by end of Aug would be FAB .. My birthday is beginning of Aug so I am on a mission anyway :love:

    I need all the motivation I can get so let's all "Kick some *kitten*" :drinker:
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I am starting at 257 today.. Good luck to all!
  • Hi Guys

    I'd love to join too :flowerforyou:

    I'm down 15lbs as of today :bigsmile: 180.6lbs so another 20 by end of Aug would be FAB .. My birthday is beginning of Aug so I am on a mission anyway :love:

    I need all the motivation I can get so let's all "Kick some *kitten*" :drinker:

    Mine is aug 5th. When is yours?
    I like your cute dogs. I have a maltese. He is very smart and protective of me.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi Guys

    I'd love to join too :flowerforyou:

    I'm down 15lbs as of today :bigsmile: 180.6lbs so another 20 by end of Aug would be FAB .. My birthday is beginning of Aug so I am on a mission anyway :love:

    I need all the motivation I can get so let's all "Kick some *kitten*" :drinker:

    Mine is aug 5th. When is yours?
    I like your cute dogs. I have a maltese. He is very smart and protective of me.

    Thanks they are my furkids :heart: :heart: them plus my 2 kitty kats :happy: Have you a pic of him or are you on Facebook ?

    If you are here is our link

    BTW my birthday is 7th Aug :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone- Pip!!your sooo cute. I just knew you'd be one of the first to make the leap:laugh:

    Ok, so here's the deal. I started this Summer Challenge the last week of May and today was actually our fifth weigh in as a group. I've moved the thread over under Motivation and Support vs Introduce Yourself.
    For all of you signing on today, a huge welcome!!! and here's what you need to do to get up to speed. Go back to Introduce Yourself and find this thread, read the criteria, and get started today (Friday is the official weigh in date- workouts count from Friday through Thursday)

    It's really not that complicated. Go at your own pace for the challenge. At this point- 20lbs does seem like an aggressive goal but keep in mind we've been doing this for 5 weeks already.
    Some are way on track and others, ahem me, have slipped up a bit.

    We rant and rage, we talk each other off the cliff but mostly what you'll find is a good down to earth kick in the pants you need to stick it out.
    YOU READY!!!!
  • Age 36
    Starting weight... 320
    Currant weight ..305
    Goal weight ...175
    Days/minutes of exercise .... 3 days @ 30 minutes:grumble:
  • Starting weight 185
    Todays weight 182

    I did 4 days of 45 min workout, except yesterday, I did 1 hour and 45 min. I walked 6 miles!! WOOT WOOT!
  • Hi all,

    I am weighing in this morning at 179 lbs still! BUT I have finally seen some changes in my measurements. I only measure my chest, waist and hips and although I have dropped 1 1/2 dress sizes recently, it seemed my measurements stayed the same for the longest time. I figured maybe my tape measure was shrinking along with me :laugh: but when I measured Wednesday evening, I had lost 2 inches from my waist . I lost 2 inches from my chest/back recently as well. I'm not great at keeping this type of record so I didn't do my arms and legs but I can see a definite difference there too. Hopefully next week the scale will have changed again. Slowly but surely I'm getting there. Yay me!!
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Hi Everyone :smile:

    For this challange:
    SW 257
    CW 255
    GW 239

    I am down 2 more and I have now lost 15% of my starting weight. WooHoo!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Took me a while to find the new thread! I was moving and not paying attention to the boards for a while. :laugh:

    Ok. Now I'm going to repost my last weigh in to restart on this thread!

    Age- 33
    Challenge start weight -187
    5/29 - 187
    6/05 - 183
    6/12 - 181
    6/19 - 179
    6/26 - ? I was moving and just found my scale :blushing:
    Current weight - 177!!!!:bigsmile:
    8/31 goal - 167

    Exercise - cardio 45min/3 days; strength 60 min/3days

    Goal for the week - Drink all of my water plus some daily (not just at work but at home too) and get back on the exercise train!! I've been so busy moving and unpacking that I have gotten out of my exercise groove and haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks.:sad:
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I am back. I will check in tomorrow.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Ack. Time to get back on the exercise schedule. Starting today.:indifferent:

    Age- 33
    Challenge start weight -187
    5/29 - 187
    6/05 - 183
    6/12 - 181
    6/19 - 179
    6/26 - ? I was moving and just found my scale :blushing:
    07/03 - 177
    Current weight - 179 :cry: I guess the two weeks of moving and holiday have caught up with me...
    8/31 goal - 167

    Exercise - cardio 45min/3 days; strength 60 min/3days

    Goal for the week - Exercise 4 days this week with min of 30mins cardio and 45 strength.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I broke my plateau!!! :happy: :drinker: :smokin: :glasses: :bigsmile:

    Starting Weight (01/09): 183
    Challenge Starting Weight (06/05): 162
    06/12: 160
    06/19: 160
    06/26: 160
    07/03: 160
    07/10: 157
    Final Goal Weight: 135

    My Goals/Challenges this week are:
    1. Work out at least four times for at least a 1/2 hour
    2. In bed by 10PM
    3. No eating after 8PM
    4. Drink my water quota
    5. Log my cals, and STAY UNDER!!

    :drinker: Here's to another week ladies and gents! We can do this with each others help! Keep up the GREAT work everyone!!! :happy: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    xoxoxoxoxo, pip:smile:
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I want to join!

    SW 184lbs
    CW 168lbs

    Goal Weight by August 158lbs (10 lb loss)

    I am really trying to drink and drink my water! I tend to only drink about 4 cups a day.
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Checking in.
    SW: 205
    5/29: 207 exercise: 335 min/ 3 days
    6/5: 203.6 exercise: 845 min/ 4 days
    6/12: 203.4 exercise: 650 min/ 5 days
    6/19: NA exercise: 0 min
    6/26: NA exercise: 0 min
    7/3: NA exercise:0 min
    7/10: 207.6 exercise: 30 min/ 1 day

    My goal this week is to exercise 5 days for at least 90 minutes.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Checking in.
    SW: 205
    5/29: 207 exercise: 335 min/ 3 days
    6/5: 203.6 exercise: 845 min/ 4 days
    6/12: 203.4 exercise: 650 min/ 5 days
    6/19: NA exercise: 0 min
    6/26: NA exercise: 0 min
    7/3: NA exercise:0 min
    7/10: 207.6 exercise: 30 min/ 1 day

    My goal this week is to exercise 5 days for at least 90 minutes.

    Don't get discouraged ammcnett! Looks like you may of had a couple of off weeks (as did I!)... Just wanted to say that I'll be thinking of you this week! :heart: :flowerforyou: xoxoxox
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Checking in:

    257 Challange SW
    255 July 3/09
    252 July 10/09
    239 Challange GW

    So far I am down 5lbs!
    My goal this week is to get in my workouts at least 5 a week at 45 mins each. Between allergies and the flu I have managed to skip out on a couple this week. No more excuses! :smile:
  • Checking in

    179 Challenge SW
    176 July 3
    176 CW (and down another inch)

    Congrats Ocean_91... great job!

    Between battling allergies and the flu too I manage to do 60 mins of workouts a day except Wednesday. I did good. :tongue:
  • Happy Friday all

    A huge shout out to Pip and Ocean91- huge losses this week.

    I am horrified and so disgusted to report a weigh in of 186 lbs this a.m.
    I actually worked out 4 days however I blew it on my food and bloody snacking. This was my week to break the 180's- right! Now I'm closer to the 90's :noway: :noway:
    Lord above- this is such a head game.

    Am really proud of you out there, keep it up. You inspire me to stay with this. It's not over till it's over right?
    Kytngirl and Nikkitoo-You both ROCK

    I definately need words to kick me in the A## and get back on track!!!
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