Are you honest with your food diary?



  • I do track everything yes. I don't see the point in lying, you're only lying to yourself really.

    I wouldnt worry too much about what other people are doing in *their* diaries. Focus on doing the right thing with your own.

    Good luck
  • I log everything whether it's just a bite or not, I log it. I feel like I am cheating myself if I don't.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    I track it all. I feel guilty if i forget a piece of gum, even!

    This Saturday i had a weekend away with my husband and i attempted to pre-plan, but didnt stick to it (restaurants out, then drinks later, etc) I wasnt going to fix my diary. But i did! I made it be accurate and it holds me accountable.
  • I track absolutely everything that enters my mouth... if I don't, I'm only cheating myself! I don't care what my friends think of me if I have a blow-out, I'm only accountable to myself.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I track everything... even on days when I embarass myself by eating ice cream or having three drinks (yesterday for example:sad: )..

    For me logging honestly is important because when I have a day where I go over (and even though I am thin, I have many), I try harder the next day. It's not what you eat in one day that determines your weight.

    It's what you eat and how much you exercise over time that determines your level of fitness and overall health. :bigsmile:
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    not always
    sometimes i over estimate and sometimes i don't track "bad" things. shame on me. :(
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I do track every morsel. It is such a key component to losing weight AND THEN KEEPING IT OFF because when you are at the dreaded and dangerous shopping centers you have the log in the back of your mind and you are NOT going to pick up that horrible unhealthy item. Logging every morsel really helps.
  • yep everything down to the vitamins i take in the morning.
    Unfortunately im still over my allowance almost everyday!
  • I'm overly honest. I don't want to go over, so I count everything and round up - always!

    This sounds like me!
    I am brutally honest and always round up if there is any question. ( say I had a bite or two but it doesn't calculate to a .25 of a portion - then I will round up to .5 or more to make sure I capture it ).

    Just log everything - do your best, and be accountable.
  • Honestly from myself "NO" I am horrible with it and i know it is why i struggle. I do not intentionally leave anything out to please the calorie numbers, but i do know i am bad about walking past the candy dish. Grabbing a few M&M's on pass one or two. DARN IT why do we have this candy dish and why is it always full? I am bad at tasting what i cook as well. The point is I am getting to understand what I am doing and why I am not losing. Being aware is my first step in correcting my wrong behavior. :grumble: M&M's are my nemisis so DARN YUMMY!!!!
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I don't track 0 calorie things.. like coffee - I do track the creamer.. Or if i have a glass of *gasp* diet pop lol. I am completely honest when I mess up though, like if I ate something bad.. It helps me do better when I have to log in the crap I ate and see just what the damage was.
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    I track every single thing I put into my mouth. What's the point in not tracking? Just because it's not written down somewhere, it doesn't mean it isn't having an effect on your body.
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    I track everything, if I didn't then I wouldn't know where I'm at and how much excercise I need to do to counteract whatever it was that I eat that might need me to hop on the bike for another while to get my calorie account back in order.
  • i log everything - i have learned a lot about carbs and nutrition on here. i'm always bugging my husband about the exact quantities of ingredients he put in dinner when he cooks. i like being able to put things in before i eat dinner so i can get an idea of how much i should have before i start eating.
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    I track everything, otherwise I will do as I always have and think I have eaten less than I actually have and then will be right back where it all began.
    The good thing about tracking everything is that it makes me think twice about eating a snack or taking seconds :)
  • agibson0430
    agibson0430 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm getting better with tracking everything. I use to not track my "cheat or treat meals" because I knew I was going to be way over my calories for the day - so why bother I would ask myself. I tracked my cheat meal this past Friday and was mortified on just how much I went over. I always get back on track the very next day, but tracking that cheat meal this time motivated me that much more to work out even harder in the gym. I 'm determined to make up those calories because I know I didn't earn that much throughout the week to have gone over as much as I did. I find that using MFP and logging my food motivates me to go to the gym and do some work. If I'm only left with 200 calories for dinner I know that is not going to cut it so I go to the gym and earn more calories.
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    I track everything, even if I'm quite shameful of my day (see yesterday...and Saturday...) but on the other hand, sometimes it makes me realize that it's not AS bad as I thought it would be.
  • bj6886
    bj6886 Posts: 60 Member
    I track , even when I don't want to. The Cherry Angel Food cake is gone and hubby only had one serving.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I don't track spices used in cooking. I'm not worried about salt intake, and I really don't find it worth it for the rest. I'm not in the habit of eating them with a spoon. Other than that, yes, 100%.
  • sharonhite2012
    sharonhite2012 Posts: 23 Member
    I am very honest with my diary.why bother going through the motions of tracking your foods if you aren't honest.Our friend thought I was crazy when I was scanning our snacks at the winery yesterday but he said we ( my husband and I ) were doing a great job..I have lost 8 pounds and my husband has lost 16 in a little over 6 weeks ( and lots of inches) you WILL NOT see weight loss like that if your not honest. Also when I do track things and have to check in the database for an item..I DO NOT pick the lowest calorie count for that item..I always pick towards the high middle. I am doing this for one else ...if people have the need to "adjust" thier food diaries to make it look like they are doing be it....but with me I would much rather see the results from my hard work. :bigsmile: