Gym bloopers...



  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Seen quite a few people fall off the treadmill too.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    I really enjoy a good, brisk walk with my German shepherd who is really still a big puppy since she's only two years old. She's great on the leash and I thought since she was great at heeling during a fast 4mph pace that she could run by me no problem. Yeah, I really should have thought this through a bit more. We started running at a nice pace and she did great for the first few minutes. Then she saw a small dove on the sidewalk directly in our running path. She took off like a bat out of h***! I had her leash looped through my arm and when she bolted, she utilized all 80 lbs of her weight and yanked me with her and straight to the ground. Thank goodness I had the quick reaction to extend my arms in a defensive move to catch my fall or I'd have been toothless and my face would have had an intimate encounter with the concrete/grass. I imagined myself getting up and having grass and dirt stuck in between my front "tooth" because I landed partially in the grass and on the concrete. Thanks goodness my "kung fu grip" on the leash stopped her; however, the house we fell in front of had four movers in the front yard taking a break. Two of them ran over to me to make sure that I was okay while the other two tried their best to hold it together. I'll give them credit for their genuine concern; however, I was so red with embarrassment. It was one of those laugh at yourself situations and they laughed with me. I can only imagine them replaying this event to their friends and loved ones later that evening or have wondered if they posted a cell phone video of the event, as it unfolded, for their Facebook pages. We turned around and went the other direction just so I wouldn't have to pass by them again. Since then, Nala and I stick to a very brisk walking pace. My hands healed and now I carry alcohol wipes, sanitizer gel, and Band-Aids in multiple sizes my waist pack. Just when you think working out around your neighborhood is safe from "exercising bloopers" but apparently not on this particular day! My husband told me he was going to buy me a tank top that displayed the term he deemed for this act, "I believe I can fly but I do not land gracefully!" :blushing:

    am actually laughing out loud LOL x
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    A couple of years ago when I first started running I didn't realise how much weight I was losing. I went for a run outside in a busy park and my (formerly snug) running shorts fell down to my knees. I had to run back holding them up with one hand. Even worse, I was wearing comedy superhero underpants. Not cool.
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
  • kimmieey
    I was on the treadmill talking to a friend and I slapped my hand down laughing at something and I hit the 10 mph button and fell off because I didn't realize it.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    A couple of years ago when I first started running I didn't realise how much weight I was losing. I went for a run outside in a busy park and my (formerly snug) running shorts fell down to my knees. I had to run back holding them up with one hand. Even worse, I was wearing comedy superhero underpants. Not cool.

  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    saw a girls pants fall off while she was jumping rope in the boxing room, lol and she wasn't even fazed
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I was a novice eliptical user & made the mistake of grabbing for my water bottle while still going. Ye-ah...that was a HUGE mess! Water was EVERYWHERE. Lol
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Blimey where do I start;

    1)Was pinned in a bench press by 100kgs while my spot was checking out a girl - i couldnt even breathe to say help!
    2)For some reason I tried to turn a 360 while on a treadmill (don't ask why) and ended up on my *kitten* looking at the rest of the gym
    3)Farted and couldn't stop quick enough on a treadmill, and with each foot fall it pushed a little but more out - I will never forget the expression on the person behind me

    i should probably leave it at that - taxi!

    ^ LOL! #3 made me laugh so hard! :)
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I love this thread.

    I do water aerobics, and they make you run in a circle which gets a whirlpool effect, then change direction to get the resistance from the current.

    Last week, something happend (neither of us can remember exactly) but I ended up going under, and just floating off to the side with the current whilst choking.

    Got some funny looks for that one...
  • Mrsfoxtrot
    Mrsfoxtrot Posts: 10 Member
    A couple of years ago when I first started running I didn't realise how much weight I was losing. I went for a run outside in a busy park and my (formerly snug) running shorts fell down to my knees. I had to run back holding them up with one hand. Even worse, I was wearing comedy superhero underpants. Not cool.

    OMG...I can't stop laughing on this one! LOVE IT!! Well, I am heading out the gym shortly...I normally don't pay attention, but due to this thread, I certainly will! :)
  • jrock317
    I choked on my gum while on the elliptical. Like literally choked and thought one of the hunky dudes next to me was going to have to give me the heimlich. I was trying to get it out or down and was so worried it was going to come flying out into someone's hair. Luckily I swallowed it and vowed to NEVER chew gum and workout again.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    have you guys had any gym bloopers? I havent had any myself but I have seen plenty happen. There is a girl at our gym.. who will remain nameless but we call her Slutty McSluterton... she like to check herself out in the mirror as she walks past them.. just a few weeks ago she was doing this and tripped over a bench press..(how I have no idea)but it was one of the funniest things EVER ...I seen another guy let go of a resistant strap and smack himself in the face..I have seen numerous people drop dumbells on themselves.. Some day Im sure it will be my turn.

    one of my MFP friends did the same thing. LOL
  • rach2705
    rach2705 Posts: 107
    These are making me laugh so much. Both mine happened on my first day at the gym
    1 got my arm caught in my iPod wire and flung it off the back towards the person behind me, I was fine, iPod fine, not sure man behind will ever stand behind me again
    2 with personal trainer and fell off yoga ball, flat onto my butt and he didn't know whether to see if I was OK or wipe my tears from laughing

    Nothing major compared to some people but still funny
  • emaxtastic
    emaxtastic Posts: 41 Member
    Just last week during boot camp I was rolling out on my back on a stability ball to do some chest presses, but I was super sweaty, and when I hit a certain angle the ball just shot out from under me and across the room, and I landed on my butt! hahaha
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm a total clutz and thankfully do most of my working out at home. My first at-home yoga experience was painful. I fell on my face several times and looked much like Bambi on ice LOL

    In a gym type setting however, I did once nearly lose my pants (good thing and bad thing... they were getting too big and I was in a hurry while changing and didn't tighten the drawstring!!). Also, about 2 weeks ago we were doing part of a class that was ab specific using a stability ball. Everyone else apparently had knowledge of the rollyness of said ball and got a riser for the aerobic step to sit their ball on. I thought they were being prissy and fancy and I guess assumed they didn't want to get it dirty by sitting it on the floor. I didn't get anything to keep mine still. After the first ab-ball set, we just did ab stuff without the ball. I sat mine above my head and heard two people behind me get an extra workout by trying to not only do the exercise but keep my stability ball from hitting them in the heads. I thought it was funny though and corrected it before the next exercise. I told them all I was dangerous LOL
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    have you guys had any gym bloopers? I havent had any myself but I have seen plenty happen. There is a girl at our gym.. who will remain nameless but we call her Slutty McSluterton... she like to check herself out in the mirror as she walks past them.. just a few weeks ago she was doing this and tripped over a bench press..(how I have no idea)but it was one of the funniest things EVER ...I seen another guy let go of a resistant strap and smack himself in the face..I have seen numerous people drop dumbells on themselves.. Some day Im sure it will be my turn.

    I didn't know that checking yourself out in a mirror equated to being a slut these days. Whodathunk!

    who cares why they call her that. There's a dude I call hulk at the gym, he's not green.

    HA, Thanks! Like I explained previously.. there IS a real good reason why we call her this =)
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    I haven't seen too many bloopers of other people...but I can't pretend that I haven't accidentally walked into the men's locker room at the end of a workout.

    :)))) nice view???
  • tnrown87
    tnrown87 Posts: 134 Member