Food scale? Yes or No?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Food scale is highly recommended if you're serious about success.

  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I love my food scale. Mostly because I found out that I was eating less than I should have! Especially with nuts. And I can't live without pecans and almonds.
  • ssb1004
    Just bought one this weekend. I used it to weigh 1 oz of cheese and I was suprised about the amount, I was over guessing before.
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    Yes I use one. I bought one last month after reading a similar thread on here. I've noticed that some things I actually get more of now that I am not guessing. It's been very helpful.
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    Absolutely -- I've found the scale makes a huge difference. My husband and I ate out last night and it was killing me not to have a scale. We tried to see if there was an app for our phones (turns out, there's not one that works reliably). I know the portion size to weight visual cues (a pack of cards, fist, pair of dice...) but eyeballing sashimi (1 oz?) and edamame was really tough.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I use the paula deen food was like 15 dollars at walmart.....we buy all our meat in bulk, so when we come home we weigh out pieces and put them in individual packages.....if you dont' measure you are really allowing yourself to overeat and underestimate your caloric breast is usually 2 serving sizes
  • chefanie85
    My other trick: I went to the dollar store and bought a ton a small plastic containers. I weigh out portions of different foods and the keep them in their own containers so it's easy to grab-n-go. :)

    Love this idea!! I'm totally stealing this!! :)
  • Terrilmk
    Terrilmk Posts: 4 Member
    food scale, measuring cups and spoons. I use all of it. :happy:
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Best investment I've made besides my HRM and my bike.
  • ShalisaClam
    Digital scale all the way.... great investment.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    yes. definatally. Walmart has a nice reasonablly priced digital.... I portion things out into baggies after measuring them, especially after I cook chicken etc...then pop them in the freezer so I don;t have to worry about not being sure...!
  • Dawnd92
    Absolutely love my scale. Couldn't manage without it. I have a digital scale that measures in grams and ounces/pounds.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    Before getting one I was like 'who needs a food scale-just a waste of money'-then my girlfriend got one and got one for me and my meal portions have never been the same!!! Who knew weighting your food could be so important and empowering! yes get the food scale!
  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    :smile: Please help. I want to know how many food loggers use a scale for accurate measuring~do you, or do you guesstimate portions?

    Never guess, guessing can mean the difference of a few hundred calories when it comes to stuff such as cheese and the higher calorie foods.

    I use a digital scale that weighs in grams, I would not be without it.

    Watch the following YouTube video - this was posted on these Forums by somebody else, but I have copied and pasted the link for you because after watching it (it's only around five minutes long), you will seriously think about buying scales. The video shows just how easy it is to misjudge, even by a tiny bit, it will send your calories out and could mean the difference between losing weight - or putting weight on.

    Thanks!! I was wondering about this too.
    I have a really nice WW digital scale...use it 95% of the weighs in grams and ounces which is great since many MFP foods are listed in grams. My adult son came home for a visit ...saw it on the counter and asked his little sister...."So, mom does crack now???" :laugh:
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I couldn't live without my food scale

    This. The food scale has been the #1 most helpful thing with regard to my weight loss. No joke.

    This! No scales would be a disaster - particularly with pasta!
  • ArwenP
    ArwenP Posts: 53 Member
    I don't use a scale, but I'm an avid label reader and I am very good at judging portion sizes from the label. For me, putting everything on a scale is too stressful. I may be off by a few calories, but not so much that I don't continue to lose weight. Maybe I could lose a little faster if I weighed everything, but the quality of my life would be less from worrying about every half ounce. I'd rather exercise a few more minutes to give myself a safety margin, and not worry about the food as much. That's just my preference.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    Yes....and measuring cups and tablespoons...I measure everything. And the best part is, after a while you're able to determine what a portion size is by looking at it yourself, which is great when you're at a party or a restaurant.

    this too!!! I keep measuring spoons in my desk at work.... dollar stores are also awesome for those :)
  • Goosiesnougs
    Have had a food scale for a while.
    Digital from Target....I had been "screwing" myself out of food for the longest time!!
    I get to eat SOOOO much more when it's weighed out than measuring food into a cup. Plus they're just so much more accurate.
  • cip1
    cip1 Posts: 31 Member
    when I've joined MFP I started using an electronic scale - it really was an eye opener :)
    It is quite shocking how easy it is to underestimate how much you're eating.