What was your rock bottom?



  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    When I had to buy 2 sizes bigger.....
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    when I would spend hours trying to find a pair of pants that could button and not cut off my circulation!!!

    Oh, and basically LIVING in yoga pants.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    when i polished off a jar of soy nut butter, a sleeve of graham crackers, 4 cans of soup, the uncooked beans from all the rice n bean mixes from the cabinets, a jar of salsa, and an entire package of rice cakes all alone at 3am in my kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible as i raced from cabinet to cabinet. that was the night before going out and eating a huge breakfast with an old friend....

    disgusting, fat, ugly feelings of regret berated me months after that ridiculous binge.

    i never want to feel that out of control and desperate for food again.
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member
    I quit smoking November 1, 2011 and my fat pants (size 18) got too tight...
    I have always been 'thick' but for once in my life I want to wear 'skinny' clothes. I want to wear a bathing suit to the beach and be comfortable. I need to be a role model for my 12 year old that is developing exactly like her mother...
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I had a Chris Farley moment - "fat guy in a little coat" - split the damn coat right down the back seam while bending slightly.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    When it seemed pretty much nobody wanted me as their girlfriend.
  • lillystargazer
    When I saw 300 pounds on the scale. I told myself I would never weigh 300 pounds (and this isn't meant to offend anyone, this is just about ME), but.. what should I really have expected when I sat around all day and ate little debbie cakes, drinking copious amounts of sweet tea, and watching television. Also realizing I couldn't play with my dog because it was so hard for me to move around. I also quit smoking and realized I should change my health all around.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    When I looked at pictures of myself and though "why is my face so fat", I decided then that I was going to make myself fit and healthy.
  • ckerce
    ckerce Posts: 25
    I guess it would be at Christmas 2010, looking back at the videos and one of the women in the video made a comment on how fat she looked (she is 125 soaking wet) and then i happened to walk in front of the camera and I was shell-shocked! when we got home things changed and I lost 33 lbs! Now i get comments on how skinny I am! love it!
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Diabetes - the one word that my Dr uttered. Obese (and morbidly) never did the trick, but the "d" word-that was the final straw
  • lesliemifflin
    rock bottom was when i went to class, tried to sit down in the seats and my fat butt barley fit in them. then i heard a girl who told me "our big bootys don't fit in kid sized desks, come sit over here in the "big girl chairs" " ...all i could think was.. OH NO. this is not happening. time to change! lol
  • hewson44
    after a did a crash diet for so long, i started binging everynight and skipping college to order takeaway and buy food and binge all day long, then i'd cry about it! that was a pretty ****ty time, im much better now and my binges are more under control thank god!
    but yeah i felt very ashamed and angry at how i'd lost so much weight and then put it back on plus alot more!

    hopefully now i shall lose it in a healthy manner, and not have the same repercussions!
    alot harder this time round though haha! :)
  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    When you don't turn your husband on anymore and they almost leave you for a skinnier woman. Is my rock bottom. What got me to put my butt in gear tho is a trip to FL I'm taking in Apr I so wanna wear a swim suit on the beach and look decent.
  • blantonjm1
    blantonjm1 Posts: 74 Member
    Multiple things; doctor told me i was in the obese one category, i saw 299lbs on the scale, my pants were all shrinking along with my shirts. Plus i would see pictures of myself and think "wow, i am one fat guy." I'm glad i was able to see the light and start on this journey to life long weight loss and health.
  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    Seems that where i'm from, no guys want to date a bigger girl. I guess that was my rock bottom. Being the fat and always single girl. Kinda sad when ya think about it. Hell, I still feel at rock bottom, 73 pounds gone and still single LOL
  • hewson44
    Realizing I was too big to wear a swimsuit to the beach on a Mexican vacation...also I realized that something needed to change when I spent all my free time re-watching shows on my laptop while eating way too much chocolate and cheese (I even did this on vacation!!! WTF?!), hiding the food I ate from my parents, and being so unfit my heart beat faster when all I did was stand up...also I began smoking and such, so that wasn't good...

    god that sounds like me! hiding food from my mum, and last year on holiday i spent most of it in the hotel eating all the stuff id bought from the shop, id buy it then run home with it hiding in my beach bag!
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    All of my friends went away to different colleges while I stayed home and went to the local college (PSU). I was bored and started eating more than normal. In highschool I was a cheerleader so that def kept the weight off. Once I started college and was sitting much more, the weight started creeping up. I realized I was eating (not binging) until like 4 in the morning alot of the time. I would do my work and talk to my friends on the computer all night. NOT GOOD to be eating so much that late. My mom started to comment on my butt and how my jeans looked tight. She was not mean about it or hurtful, which at the time I took it that way. It only made me eat more. I went to the doctor's one day and he told me I was 165 (for 5'1 that is not very good). Obviously the shorter you are, the more your weight shows. I had a big gut and butt..actually all of me was big. One day I guess I just got fed up out of nowhere and started to eat better and exercising. I lost weight and looked better but kept on improving my eating and got into lifting. It took years but I transfomed my body and changed my lifestyle. I do cheat but will never let it get back to where it was. When I see old pictures I can't believe how I looked.
  • GossInABox
    GossInABox Posts: 58 Member
    Going to Portugal for vacation and feeling more than ever like a "fat American". I had an emotional breakdown out in front of one of our hotels. >.>
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    When the number on the scale started with 3 and I only had 3 pairs of jeans that fit! I actually laid out all my jeans on the bed one day, comparing the waist band size to see what I might squeeze into, and then cussed myself up and down.
    A friend that I dearly love took a picture of me that embarassed me when I saw it, and 8 days later, I joined MFP.

    I also had to try on every pair of shorts and capris in April because nothing fit for vacation!!! Joined MFP in Sept!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I signed up for a weight loss competition to be "supportive" thinking I could lose a couple pounds, but I still looked good. Then went on vacation before the competitions started. My swim suit didn't fit. My shorts didn't fit. I always hate having pictures taken but when I saw a couple of full-body pics from the vacation I realized I really did need to lose the weight. Sad thing is that the vacation was in June. I didn't really look at the pictures until December (for the Christmas cards). I think if I'd seen them in July I would have been irritated about light, or angle or photogenic-ness, and not about the fact that I was overweight, well and truly.