Diet Soda Warnings



  • corriebean28
    The doctor said it was from 35 years of daily aspartame consumption.

    It was irresponsible of the physician to tell you that, as there is no known cause of Alzheimer's.
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Good (and scary) documentary about aspartame:
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    So aspartame is fine for your brain? Since you're an expert in neuron cell death, does she have other options? Has she been misdiagnosed? Because we'd like her back.
  • neo200120018
    neo200120018 Posts: 106 Member
    A study based on 69 year olds? fact one older adults are more susceptible to vascular conditions, fact 2 a 69year old would have more than likely smoked before the warning, been exposed to lead pain, building materials and chemicals that we now have bans on, their mother would have more than likely smoke and drank through out their pregnancy because they knew better!

    In moderation diet soda is ok! I would never reccomend drinking litres a day! the only thing you should drink litres a day of is water!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    My mom's best friend drank those diet sodas for 35 years. She was there from the time I was a toddler and she helped raise me. About 6 years ago she started showing signs of dementia--in her mid 50s-- and now she has full-blown Alzheimer's. The doctor said it was from 35 years of daily aspartame consumption. She weighs about 80 pounds now and doesn't recognize me, my mother, her children, or her grandkids. You don't have to believe me, but this is reality for us.

    Please don't drink those awful things. I'm not interested in my friends' waistlines. I'd rather they were able to grow old with me.

    I watch my grandma go from a healthy vibrant woman to not knowing any of us at end not even her own son (my father) then 10 years later I went through the same exact thing with my father...Its a hard think to swallow when your own father doesn't even remember you.... neither of them drank a single bottle of soda in all their years..... Alzheimer's can be contracted from nothing more than genetic's... It runs in my family so I am not to going to lose any sleep over me drinking a diet pepsi.......
  • TheDecision
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    I think alzeimers can be linked to soft drinks in aluminum can because

    aluminum causes alzeimers

    thats what i think.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    With several other medical opinions. Mainly that aspartame is a neurotoxin.

    EL OH EL
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    Thanks, Ron. I'll be sure to laugh at your questions and offer you statistics when someone you love is dying and you can't do anything to help.
  • neo200120018
    neo200120018 Posts: 106 Member
    sadly there is no know cause for dementia, as a mental health nurse it breaks my heart to see people with this distress condition. I wish I could tell you the cause and treatment or any miricale for it, Its sad to see your family member/friend/ loved one go through this.

    But I think its irresponsible for any practioner to solely blame it on one thing, at this point in time we know possible contributors and that there is some genetic link but one can no pin point one thing, I'm sorry but having something to blame makes you feel better but not your loved one.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Aspartame is a poison. Research it. I would never touch a diet soda (or anything w/nutrasweet in it).

    I have researched it. Aspartame is broken down into naturally occurring components that pose virtually no unique harm to the body.

    You have every right not to drink it, but it's not a "poison."
  • jsc4him
    jsc4him Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks! This is perfect timing as I am trying to quit the diet soda addiction I have!
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    i stay all-natural in my beverage consumption.....water, grape/yeast/hops-based drinks and bodily artificial anything for me
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    So aspartame is fine for your brain? Since you're an expert in neuron cell death, does she have other options? Has she been misdiagnosed? Because we'd like her back.

    All we are saying is that no one knows what causes Alzheimer's. It's a horrible disease, but that doctor should not have said that it was essentially self-induced through drinking diet soda. It isn't accurate and it certainly isn't kind.
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    bump to read later
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    My mom's best friend drank those diet sodas for 35 years. She was there from the time I was a toddler and she helped raise me. About 6 years ago she started showing signs of dementia--in her mid 50s-- and now she has full-blown Alzheimer's. The doctor said it was from 35 years of daily aspartame consumption. She weighs about 80 pounds now and doesn't recognize me, my mother, her children, or her grandkids. You don't have to believe me, but this is reality for us.

    Please don't drink those awful things. I'm not interested in my friends' waistlines. I'd rather they were able to grow old with me.

    Her doctor is an idiot.

    How, pray tell, did he isolate aspartame as the causal link?

    plus, Alzheimer's cannot be diagnosed until death - the brain has to be autopsied for a definitive diagnosis.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I cannot make your pain go away. I can offer that you are not alone in dealing with it. There are lots of resources available. Might I suggest starting here?
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    So aspartame is fine for your brain? Since you're an expert in neuron cell death, does she have other options? Has she been misdiagnosed? Because we'd like her back.

    Aspartame is fine for your brain, yes. Your brain has a barrier designed to protect it. In many ways, it's a separate compartment- isolated from the rest of your body. Some things can get past that barrier, but a lot of things can't.

    If I were to dump aspartame directly onto neurons, then yes, it would kill them (a lot of things kill them). But the brain never "sees" the aspartame that you drink/eat.

    And unfortunately, no. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, incurable disorder. There are medications that can help alleviate the symptoms, but they will not stop the progression of the disease.

    I also can't tell you if she's been misdiagnosed... I'm not an MD. I'm a PhD. But that doesn't make me any less an expert on what causes brain cells to die.

    But seriously, please don't blame the patient. Nothing upsets me more. AGE is the single greatest risk factor for the disease, and nobody can stop aging. Educate yourself... and love her while you've got her. Don't blame her for this illness. She did nothing to bring it upon herself.

    If you'd like to learn more about Alzheimer's disease, I suggest: and The link to the mayo clinic above is also excellent.
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    This is why you should just stick to water. There is no confusion about weather it's good or bad for you. Soda has lots of sugar=bad. Diet soda has artificial sugars =Bad? Good? Who knows. I have heard more bad than good and personally i prefer REAL foods. The earth provided everything we need you don't need to eat some science project.

    For people who say we need artificial because were running out of food or whatever. No, we just need to learn to eat less. Also it would help if people like kate + 8 or the octamom didn't exist. 1-2 kids is all anyone needs.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Condolences to IndyInk, on a loss that is not a death but for intents and purposes is, and with due respect to LPQ22, human dietary needs are so off the wall nowadays

    Soda--don't drink it, it's bad - drink diet soda
    Diet soda, Don't drink it, it poisonous
    Butter is bad, too much fat eat margarine Margarine is good
    No margarine is bad, too many chemicals eat butter
    water is good,
    No water is bad, too many chemicals added, especially the evil mind controlling flouride.
    Salt is good, salt is bad
    Etc, Etc, Ad infinitum

    Sheesh, does anyone else feel like throwing up their hands and giving up sometimes?
    It's just my humble opinion, but sometimes it seems like we can't eat, drink or even breath because EVERYTHING causes some sort of illness or incurable disease.

    Of course if I am off-base feel free to call me on it. I'm not too stubborn to learn or value other peoples opinions.