


  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    I have SUCH a sweet tooth that the only way I cope is to abstain completely.
    I had a mini caramel shortcake the other day as a treat for staying off the sweets for a month and didn't enjoy it because I've not had sweets for a while...waste of 81 calories lol :)
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    Hi, my name is Babs and I'm a Chocoholic! I struggle with sweet treats daily. Feel free to add me too! Just totally caved to a Three Muskateers Bar (and it didn't even taste that good). Wish I'd have seen your post BEFORE I passed the vending area, maybe I would have resisted! Networking with friends that have similar weaknesses can open up some great ideas for getting past the cravings! I've made a promise to myself, NO MORE VENDING MACHINE JUNK for a week. Baby steps.
  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, I too, am a big sweets eater. However, I have found that I crave what I eat. Also when I want something sweet, I have a cup of tea with sweet & low or some sweetner like that. Try to stay out of party situations and if you must go don't drink. I find my reasoning gets messed up after 2 drinks and I always eat more. Good Luck. Remember, calories in must go out. Blessings.
  • chrren
    chrren Posts: 71 Member
    Hey! I crave sweets 24/7.. Chocolate, licorice, sour sweets, you name it. I look forward to the only day of the week where I can eat (a very small amount of) sweets! I look forward to the day again, the minute I finish it. It takes such huge self disiplin, haha :P

    I know how you feel, so feel free to add me!
  • I looooooove sweet things.... once I think about it I can't get it out of my head and I struggle to find anything to fill the gap. Feel free to add me.... the same goes for anyone else in the group.
  • I have a major sweet tooth, the kind that I actually spend $20 at 7-eleven to stop the craving. I find that not have any sweets is what I need to do. Once I have the taste of sugar, there is no stopping me.
  • Pedalpush
    Pedalpush Posts: 246 Member
    You are definitely not alone Beth. Coffee is my catalyst. I love to eat cookies, cake, chocolate with my morning coffee. For me, it's never to early for sweets. Nestle Pure Life flavored water helps me in the afternoons. I'd have to quit coffee to quit my morning sugar habit and I don't see that happening. Better to get the calories early in the day...
  • Oh boy!!!! If there's one thing I could change. Growing up Norwegian, you're taught that sugar accompanies all the normal highs and lows of life. I wish my folks had taught me to go for a run, instead of having a cookie when I was sad. It's a CONSTANT battle and I can't wait for the day when a run is always the 1st choice.

    Also grown up Norwegian, but.. I don't recognize the sugar part. I didn't get heavy on the sugar until moving out. The lows in life was handled with talking, the highs were usually celebrated with fatty foods more than sugary... (Calorie wise, I think I'd preferred the sugar :p) However, I DO have a sweet tooth, and it's a weird day if I don't have a little bit of chcolate or something else sweet.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have a sweet tooth for sure. Chocolate and peanut butter seem to love my body!!!!!
  • shapoe
    shapoe Posts: 4 Member
    I saw a dark chocolate trifle recipe on Dr Oz the other day that is 150 calories for 1 cup. You should look it up. I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to make it very soon.
  • I love sweets! Lately I've been hooked on Quaker Chewy granola bars the low fat ones are only 90 calories. The oatmeal rasin tastes like a cookie.
  • joiselene
    joiselene Posts: 15 Member
    I love any kind of dessert! MFP has helped me stay in control after seeing most calories are not worth it. I've started baking my own healthy muffins which have just enough sweetness but not too much! I've also been eating more naturally sweet foods like medjool dates which are like nature's candy (they also come coated in coconut or nuts) and raisins and eating less refined sugars like turbinado.
  • i love sweets. i used to have at least one piece of something with chocolate a day. i sometimes would go weeks eating at least one ice cream sandwich a day :( now i have one once in a while and brand: skinny cow. it is delicious.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I love sweets. Chocolates, Ice cream, and thick moist cakes and cupcakes smothered in cream cheese. I have a thing for Red Velvet anything:love: . I have been able to stay away from the ice cream (that puts the pounds on me faster than the speed of light, and I can,or could have, eaten nearly a half gallon at a time watching TV.) and have limited severly the cakes. Chocolates I exercise for and I am saving the Red Velvet for when I reach 60 days straight of logging in and logging under my calories. Then I am going to eat an entire Pepperidge Farm Red Velvet cake and probably a couple of assorted cupcakes
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    I am a sweet lover as well, but particularly anything with chocolate involved. I have learned through logging on MFP that I can indulge if I make sure to keep my calories under the daily goal. Doing things this way seems to keep my sweet attacks under control. Feel free to add me.
  • The only thing saving me on this diet (lifestyle change) is sugar free sweets...feel free to add me. I can use the support too :)
  • Bjmanson56
    Bjmanson56 Posts: 1 Member
    CHOCOLATE!!!! Anything as long as it's chocolate. That's my biggest problem. I can pass up a lot of sweets, but if there is chocolate involved it's way more difficult. I like Fiber One bars as a substitute.
  • mismax
    mismax Posts: 16
    If it's chocolate, I crave it - white, milk, dark, with nuts, without get the idea:) With the help of MFP I now have a method. I reserve the number of caloriesI need for my day's chocolate. Or I do a few extra minutes of any cardio I'm doing that day and save those calories for my chocolate. Chocolate lovers UNITE!!

    PS. My weakness is anything branded Hershey's
  • chocolate is my best friend
  • dbosh
    dbosh Posts: 40 Member
    The sweet tooth is the bain of my existance. My arch enemy. We have been locked in a battle for years. Feel free to add me, the more the merrier in this death match.