Anyone taking diet pills?

:bigsmile: Hey all you lovely peeps, quick question.....with excercising and watching what you eat does any of you take diet pills? i was thinking of doing this but not sure whether it was a good idea........:bigsmile:


  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    bump i wanna know too
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    None for me. But I am taking some Ginkoba.
  • :flowerforyou: lol im new to diet pills, so have not heard of Ginkoba, can you please tell me what that is?......( sorry feeling a bit stoopid now )
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Tried them once... will never take them again.

    They are not healthy for the average person. They can damage your organs. Most are full of fillers, caffeine and man made chemicals.

    Terrible things to take in my opinion.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    :noway: You won't get a lot of support about diet pills around these parts. But if you really want to know how they'll affect you, you can try them myself. BUT before you decide to take them- try doing this the right way- eating clean, watching your caloric intake, and exercising. Try the old fashioned healthy way for a month. If you don't see results by then- try exploring it again.

    But my bet is you'll have the same experience as many other ppl on here- when you lose weight the right way you feel so much better about your success and you have much better chances of keeping it off.

    Just my humble opinion. Best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • thanks girls, guess ill stick to my normal fitness routine, and diet and see how it goes....i was a bit too eager in loosing weight quite soon! guess i need to be patient :) thanks again xx
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Yeah, patience can be tough sometimes. :)

    The reason I've never taken any diet pills is the fear I have of the unknown. I have seen several "This is the greatest pill ever!" claims, only to find out later that the pill causes heart attacks, death, etc.

    I'd rather be fat than dead.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    No, diet pills scare me too much. As hard as it is to be patient I won't risk my health. I do however take some supplements. I take One a Day Active Metabolism (when I remember) and I also take Fish oil and CLA supplements. The fish oil because I don't eat veyr much fish so my body definitely needs it and the CLA because I've read that it can (along with diet and exercise not as a magic pill) help burn fat (especially in the stomach area) and build lean muscle.
  • i agree Julie! id rather be fat than dead! ive tried codliver oil before Stacy but the taste was too yukky i stopped it :( should of continued tho.....
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    i agree Julie! id rather be fat than dead! ive tried codliver oil before Stacy but the taste was too yukky i stopped it :( should of continued tho.....

    Did you take it in a pill form? The ones I got are orange scented so they don't smell or taste fishy at all. I couldn't handle that!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I'm just here for the popcorn. ::passes the bucket::
  • yes it was a transparent pill and instead of swollowing i chewed it!! :sad: such a bad idea!!!!!!!!
  • LOL thanks i LOVE popcorn had to change the all butter to a salt only now.....
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    thanks girls, guess ill stick to my normal fitness routine, and diet and see how it goes....i was a bit too eager in loosing weight quite soon! guess i need to be patient :) thanks again xx

    Best idea everrr.
  • I used to take diet pills and the side effects are not worth the weight loss, which is only temporary. As soon as I stopped taking them the weight came right back. I agree with the eariler statements, the old fashioned way is the best way to feel good and keep the weight off :-). Good luck!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I am personally not a fan of diet pills. As someone else said, I'd rather stick to doing it naturally and feel proud of the results than to be afraid of having it all come back once I stop taking them. Plus, I get migraine headaches, and there are a lot of my triggers in them- ie too much caffeine. Try spicing up your workout by trying something new---zumba, crossfit, boxing, etc...that way you won't get tired of the same routine. Also, give yourself a goal outside of your weight loss--Like something you have always wanted to do or just haven't done before. I signed up for my first 5k and am doing the couch to 5k. Just having that goal and the date for the race has kept me motivated.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I have in my weight loss journey, and they really did help a lot. I don't really call them diet pills though, because you have to take them with exercise AND diet.

    Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra, Capsules, 60-Count
  • I am not taking any now. I have tried the alli pills before. A friend of mine went on alli and went from a size 13 to a size 0 and it seemed like she did it in such a quick period of time i thought that it would be worth a shot. I was on them for two weeks and lost 6 lbs and never had any problems. But i decided that you can't be on pills forever and if i was going to do this then i wanted to it the right way and without any magic pills. A good thing about alli is that you really do have to watch what you eat and because there are side effects that can be pretty awful most of the time you are so afraid of the side effects that you are really careful with what you eat. But I know that I can do this on my own and that is what I am going to do. It might take longer and I know there will be ups and downs and frustrations but in the end I think it will be more worth it. You have to figure out what is best for you and what is going to make you happy.
  • 5kfunrun
    5kfunrun Posts: 8 Member
    DON'T TAKE THEM!!! Diet pills basically dehydrate you. The way they help you "lose weight" is to actually suck all the water right out of your body. You need water to survive.

    If you want to cleanse your system, try drinking organic green tea in the mornings (warm). It will help your body rid yourself of toxins and will contribute to weight loss.

    Don't look for a quick fix, look for a life style change, and treat your body well! :)
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I know I might get mulled for admitting this but I recently started taking Hydroxycut CLA. I take 2 caps every morning with my multivitamin. I am not saying everyone should or even that I should. I reached a plataue and tried everything from drinking more water, changing exercise patterns, etc etc etc. So I figured I would try these for 30 days and see what happened. Normally, I never take anything but my multivitamin and maybe some fish oil. I think to each thier own.

    P.S= so far I haven't seen any change in taking the pills besides a little more energy.