What finally made you get serious about losing weight?



  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    When the scale finally tipped over 300 pounds I decided that it was finally enough. I've been overweight (and honestly just obese) for the vast majority of my life but I found that 300 pounds was just unacceptable. It also helped me that my husband needed to lose some weight in order to keep his job (he's in the military) so he was eating healthier with me. I'm not going to lie, it's a lot easier to lose weight when your significant other is willing to help out by eating right and exercising as well. It also helps when you're in charge of buying the groceries because then you have the right to not buy things that you don't want to be in your house if they're a temptation for you. These days, if my husband wants to eat chips and cookies he pretty much sneaks them at work because I refuse to buy them.
  • what's a 30 day shred
  • onewhodiets
    onewhodiets Posts: 67 Member
    The doctor reported a blood test result to me that indicated I was heading towards being a diabetic. I know a lot about that disease and I want to avoid it, if I possibly can. I want to enjoy being active and healthy, especially when I can retire and do as I please, in about seven years. I wasn't motivated so much by looks, because I'd come to accept by flab, but I certainly am enjoying my changing appearance. Apparently, by just losing ten pounds I would decrease my chances of developing diabetes by 50 percent. I am now no longer obese and if I lose about twenty more pounds, I will be within a acceptable weight range. I never thought I could do it before, but MFP has been invaluable.
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    My wake up call when my husband of thirty years (he's 60) had a heart attack. Thank God we went to emergency room when the pain in his jaw, arm and chest seemed suspicious. We were in the ER his heart went into defibrilation and they had to shock him 11 times. He had 100% blockage and they were able to fix him up with a stent. Doctor said if he had not been in the ER when that happened he would have died. OMG! Well, number one thing the dr. said is to quit smoking. No 2 is lower your cholesterol. No 3 is exercise. I had quit smoking 2 years ago and added even more pounds to my already overweight self. He has quit since the heart attack (January 14) . I made myself an appoitment at the heart clinic for a check up and my tests results made the dr want to do an angiogram on me. Thankfully, my worst blockage is 50% but I have a 40 and some 30's. So since January 14, I have lost almost 20 lbs and he has too. He wasn't quite as overweight as me but we were both out of shape. I have been using the George Foreman grill to cook chicken, turkey, talapia. Its fast and easy and tasty. We got bikes and I am enjoying riding and adding calories to my day. I can't walk very far because my knees and ankle hurt. But we decided we had to change if we wanted to be healthy and live to enjoy retirement in the near future.
  • O: I am too young to give up on myself!
  • once I started huffing and puffing when i took the stairs, i knew it was time to do some work and loose weight
  • midgrabens
    midgrabens Posts: 1 Member
    i feel gross. I have gone through this now 3 or 4 times. Story is usually something having to do with having gotten busy, stopped running, had to study more, eating more. At this point i don't recognize myself in the mirror. Enough. Time to start over AGAIN. At 38 not running a week will put me behind... now its been the better part of 2 years. But I've done it before and I will do it again. 3 years ago i ran a half marathon. I don't know if i'll do another marathon, but I will be fitting into these jeans again and be able to see myself in the mirror and see ME... not this strange pear shaped person i vaguely recognize. This is day one. I can't fail... it has to be my new focus.
  • I want to have a healthy family! I have been married for a year and would love to start a family, but with my size now if I got pregnant there would be way to many risks. So in order to start a family I must shed my spare tire and get my self to a healthy place to begin my life!
  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    O: I am too young to give up on myself!

    Congratulations on your lbs lost!
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    I'll be 30 in less than two months and I have struggled with these extra 40+ pounds for the past 3 years! I have been very unhappy ever since I gained the weight, and instead of taking charge, I ate more unhealthy foods and portions. For a while I wasn't motivated to go shopping or to take pictures (two things that I love dearly).

    It finally hit me that I couldn't continue like that; I was alive, but not "living". In the past I would start a workout/diet program for two weeks and would find every excuse to quit it! I must say now, I'm almost two months in and if I miss a scheduled workout, I feel like something is missing, and find ways to make it up. I'm at the beginning of this journey, but what I've gained so far is amazing. Staying committed to something that is going to make such a huge and rewarding difference gives me so much joy...and this time around, I have already visualized myself at my goal weight...that keeps me going.
  • If it weren't enough that I was on blood pressure & cholesterol meds, my epiphany occurred when the doctor called me into her office to discuss my latest lab work (that I was required to have in order to get refills on the above meds). She hands the paperwork to me and said, "Welcome to the wonderful world of Diabetes". I nearly fainted.

    That was March 20, 2010. Since then, I've lost 120 lbs.by my OWN will, desire & determination. Not by following any of the fashionably latest or fad diet; I simply put the trust in myself to use my own common sense & make smart choices. I followed the logic of 'too much of anything can be a bad thing', and I googled up information about calories, fats (good & bad), carbs (simple & complex) & about the amazing benefits of fiber to the average person's diet. I then chose foods from those lists that were beneficial but that I also liked. I taught myself to love water & drink a gallon daily. And, most importantly...I got off of my butt. The first mile I walked almost killed me- I now mix running in with my walking & do an average of 7 miles at least 4 days a week. I've still have a ways to go, but I'm enjoying every day that I make smart choices & can honestly say that I trust myself for the first time in my entire life. I am so happy that I no longer am battling the blood pressure, high cholesterol OR the diabetes. I am proud of myself & I'm loving my life. :)

    Your gorgeous!!!
    Wow! Thank you so much! You are beautiful too!
    To EVERYONE...YOU ALL ROCK!!! Your gutwrenching honesty is so appreciated..your stories move me & motivate me. Keep fighting the fight...you are winning!
  • Stinkybug
    Stinkybug Posts: 61 Member
    I finally got serious about loosing weight and getting healthy when the health problems started to add up. Diabetes, High blood pressure, Sleep apnea, Snoring, Aches and pains in my joints and so on. I have now lost 82 lbs and all but the Diabetes has gone away. I am so much healthier and happier now. I still have just under 30 lbs to loose, but I am getting there and it is worth every bit of effort.
  • tessa022707
    tessa022707 Posts: 44 Member
    I turned fifty in September. I was fat and fifty. Really fat and really fifty. How the $@!?* did that happen? Then I realized I had postponed going to the doctor because I was embarrassed by my weight and did not want to hear her say Obese. What an idiot- fifty fat and fearful! So something clicked on December first. I am down 18 pounds, have 43 to go and a doctors appointment in 2 weeks! I will be fifty one and fabulous!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I woke up fom a minor surgery and my heart stopped for 8 sec. After several tests, they found that I had a heart defect. I now have a pacemaker. Before the surgery, I was running a few miles a couple times a week but not watching what I eat. It was a huge wake up call for me at 33 with 2 lil kids. I realized that I needed to get serious about diet and exercise if I wanna live to see my great grand babies. My plan is to live to 90 like my great grand parents, who I know very well. :) they r my inspiration!

    Good luck!
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    a birthday party that i went to in December. A friend of mine looked at me and said, " i know you don't I?" i hadn't seen her in a while. i had put on a lot of pounds since the last time i saw her. she didn't recognize me. booooooo.
  • I personally put on 20 pounds during December of this past year. And my joints (hips) started hurting terribly bad when ever I made a move. So I decided it was time to take my life back. I am on High Blood Pressure, cholestoral, asthma, and acid reflux medicines. And I would love to lose enough weight to stop the joint pain in my hips and to kick all these medication to the curb.

    I am still in the process of losing what I gained in Dec, but it is moving in the right direction. :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I just felt like complete crap and unattractive. I wanted to do something about it, and was starting to get desperate. I found MFP one day and gave it a shot. Best decision I ever made.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I never got "serious" about it. I didn't think I could lose weight, so I was only trying half-assedly at first, and only doing it because I wanted to run the Warrior Dash and jump over fire. :drinker:

    But eating better and exercising is making me able to live a better and more fun-filled life. Weight loss was a just a wonderful side effect.
  • I had a child at the age of 35 and it has been my excuse for the last 8 years! I am tired of making excuses. I was also hurt when my 8 year old son told me that my belly was fat. That really did it for me. I encourage my son to be the best that he can be in every area of his life. And then I realized I am not setting a good example for him. I want to show him what happens when you work hard. I want to practice what I preach!
  • cmillv
    cmillv Posts: 18 Member
    O: I am too young to give up on myself!

    I love this! :)
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