30 day shred, starting July 1st! day 1-10

timeforchange Posts: 85
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all,
I have recently been introduced to Jillian Michaels' "30 day shred" (available on youtube :P) and was thinking that since tomorrow is the beginning of a new month it would be the perfect time to get a group together to work through it!
If your interested in starting the 30 day shred, start here by posting your current measurements!
Let's do this together!!!!


  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I'd like to join. I've done it a couple of times in the last 2 weeks, but not consistently. I'm moving tomorrow, so my current measurements will have to wait until I get my tape measure unpacked.
  • I should explain more :)
    From what I understand, it's a 3 level, 30 day program ( or as long as you want it to be ) and each workout is just 20 minutes a day. You need light weights ( i'm going to use waterbottles) and a mat if ur working out on hard surfaces. She focuses on circuit training - cardio, strengthening and abs!
    It looks perfect! especially for those of us that need to squeeze in a quick yet super effective workout.
    I hope you guys will join me!
    Here are my stats!
    weight : 195 lbs
    waist: 99 cm
    hips: 109 cm
    arms: 39 cm
    thighs: 68 cm
  • Good Luck
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    Ooh ooh ooh! I wanna do it, haha.

    My measurements are:
    Weight: 186
    Waist: 39 inches
    Hips:40 inches

    I don't have my arm or thigh measurements right now, but will get them when I can get home next. :)
  • elva82
    elva82 Posts: 6
    It is an awesome program, I saw results within the first two weeks.
    Ive been doing it for about two months now
    I alternate it with Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I started thi in another group a few weeks ago but i can't find tghe time to do it, too many kids in the way!!

    I will try and start this again tomrrow.
    I don't have my measurements, actually have never taken them.

    BTW it is actually 26 mins. in length

    Good Luck!!
  • I want to do it!
  • I have tried the video several times but for some reason her voice just grates on my nerves.
    Maybe I'll give it a shot with the sound turned off, anyway I'm game !

    Here are my stats (deep intake of breath !)

    Weight: 165.4
    Waist: 32.5
    Abdomen: 36.5
  • Awesome! I'm so glad you guys are up for this! So we start tomorrow! Post what you thought about your first workout! Talk to you sooooooon!!!
  • rhymeswithfox
    rhymeswithfox Posts: 63 Member
    I'm going to join! I don't have a tape measure so I'll just be taking a before and after picture and take my weight every morning. My current weight is around 146-145. I'm excited!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    this sounds fun. should I just search for her on youtube?

    I'm 156pounds
    breast line-35
  • arceope
    arceope Posts: 6
    I'm in too. It sounds good.

    weight: 165
    chest: 42
    waist: 36.5
    hips: 40
    thighs: 36
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    So I found her videos... wow is all I can say... I'm in for a real treat tomorrow.... I can't wait though
  • rhymeswithfox
    rhymeswithfox Posts: 63 Member
    So I've decided to work out every morning before breakfast. Also (don't know if this is cheating) but I will be going to the gym a few days a week after work so my exercise is scattered and varied. Anyways, my opinion on the workout!

    Very tiring! I was sweating waaaay more than when I go at the gym. I feel the workout in my legs, stomach, and arms. You definitely get in cardio and strength training. I used five pound weights so that made it even harder (most seem to use 3 pounds, but I don't own those). Plus, I had to use my five second breaks to try to gulp down as much water as possible- it was an extreme workout! Anyways, I definitely think this is an amazing workout session and I think it will be even more effective with my treadmill runs at the gym in the afternoon and a good diet! Good luck everyone!

    Also, how many calories do you think this session burns? I'm more tired out than when using the treadmill and I burn about 270 there with similar results on the elliptical. Plus this works more areas. I'm going to say maybe 300? To high? To low?

    EDIT: Somewhere I saw someone say about 225- So I'll write that for now.
  • hey group!
    So I just did day 1 of level 1 and WOW! When I originally just "watched" the video to see what it was like, I was not expecting THIS!!! I'm so sweaty! It's definitely intense and I think it's a keeper!!!! I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow, that's forsure!
    I was wondering if anyone in the group has a heart rate monitor to find out how many calories we are burning? I haven't gotten one yet!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    I want to join as well.

    will work out when i get home from work.

    the latest messurements I have are:

    I am 5'3"

    Waist 31.75 on 05/22/09
    Hips 34.5 on 05/22/09
    Chest 34.0 on 05/22/09
    Tri. Body Fat % 19.0 on 05/22/09
    Thigh Body Fat % 28.0 on 05/22/09
    Suprailium Body Fat % 25.0 on 05/22/09

    I will be taking new messurement soon (within a couple of weeks)
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I'm joinging in too but i start tommorrow as i have only just read this thread.
    i don't have many measurements but the man ones only seem to be weight and neck but hey
    height 5ft 9
    weight 172lbs
    neck 15inches
    waist 33 inches
    hips 35-6 inches i breath heavy lol
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    I want to do it too! I don't have a tape measure but I will get one tomorrow.
    I haven't found this on you tube yet but I am going to look now. I saw one other person that is going to the gym at the same time. I will too, any others?

    Still curious about the calories burned...
    Current weight 173
    Goal weight 125
  • Just checking in to see how everyone else did today on day 1?!
    It's been about 10 hrs since I did the workout and my arms are already sore :P
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Well...I just got done. This is the first time that I have ever done any of her videos. Holy crap is all that I have to say... I'm soaked... I feel it every where... this is going to be hard to keep up with... I'm going to try my best though... :tongue:
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