What do you give up for Lent?



  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    I'm giving up speaking negatively about other people/ gossiping ....alot of times I feel we dont even realize we're doing it

    I'm gonna try to go to church every sunday

    and also no eating between meals

    I like the quarter in a jar each time I mess up thing
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    What is the purpose of Lent?
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Religion and all its misogynist and child-abusing trappings......not just for Lent......for the rest of my life.
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Im not Catholic, but was thinking of participating. Giving up cheese :/
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Alcohol. :|
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    What is the purpose of Lent?

    Celebrate the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert refusing the temptations of the devil. In the 21st century, we can't refuse basically anything, so if anything Lent is a time to abstain from a few things and be grateful for the things you take advantage of every day.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    What is the purpose of Lent?

    Lent is the Christian observance of the liturgical year from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.

    The traditional purpose of Lent is the penitential preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial. During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxury as a form of penitence
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I am struggling between french fries and chocolate candy. I know I can't give up chocolate altogether but I LOVE Reese's chocolate eggs & giving that up this year will be tough. I am also committing to continue my healthy lifestyle change :)
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Thanks, as A christian I do practice fasting, but knew nothing of lent.
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    Bread! So hard but I can do it.
  • dlambert11
    dlambert11 Posts: 33 Member
    I am giving up the use of my debit card (for anything other than online purchases) and donating the change I get with every purchase to charity. The change I get from meals out will go to the foodbank and the money from other spending will go to a charity non-specific. When something comes to a flat dollar amount (and for every online purchase) I put a dollar in the jar.

    I also give up some of my free time everyday and read the daily readings.

    This year I VOW to stick with abstaining from meat. My husband has been deployed the last two Lent's and keeping track of days is harder than you'd think- I would always catch myself right after cooking or eating sausage at breakfast!

    Wow! I love the change to charity idea!! I am planning to do something similar with the daily readings. I am devoting 15-30 min each day to read my Bible, pray and just have some quiet time. Disconnect from everything else! Not sure about the meat thing. Maybe next year for that!! I hope it goes well! Would love to add you as a friend!
  • desserts. not sugar altogether, but desserts, candy, etc.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Ugh... I am going to aim for giving up pop - again. This is a hard one, because when it comes to going out for a drink, adding rum to a diet pepsi is my favorite now, since I've been watching calories. But - the point is for it to be hard. Plus a trip to Hawaii and a drive from Colorado... oh, what am I doing trying to take this on?! Good thing... I'll be getting in my water!

    Oh - and I like to try and DO something, not just give up something... so I have a journal from Women of Faith that I'm going to begin - with short thoughts each day and limited space to write. I'd like to believe I will get to Mass or Rosary at least once a week... but we'll see. Rosary is built into my schedule at work... so I guess I'll try that one - Rosary each week.

    Can't believe it's Fat Tuesday today...
  • I should give up fast food, but I'm not religious. So therefore, I will keep eating it! Kidding, I have it under control. ;)
  • labgirl73
    labgirl73 Posts: 4 Member
    Eating out at all. No quick trips to the gas station, no drive throughs, no sit down restaurants. Nothing. Just what I make at home!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am going to give up sweets and cookies and candy .
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    I usually give up sodas and fried foods but since I rarely have those items now, I deactivated my Facebook acct.

    good idea.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
  • The boyfriend and I are giving up fast food and are eating vegetarian one day a week (in addition to our no meat on Fridays). I'm pretty excited, actually :).