Worst binge ever?



  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    My worse binge would probably be from 2 packets of oatmeal, 5 slices of whole grain bread topped with pb, a whole bag of multigrain chips with finishing half a container of hummus, just LOADS of it!!! Yikes. Although they were healthy choices, I went waaaay over my macros & cals for the day.. and it started to become a habit thinking that it was okay because it was healthy food.... after reaching my goal weight 2 months ago, i'm having a hard time with maintaining.. i'm always up 2-3 pounds, back down, up, down.. it sucks. But i'm definitely trying my best to overcome this "binging problem" I have!
    In the scope of things, it could have been way worse. Good for you for overcoming :)
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    My binges were about 8000 calories each and were not restricted to specific foods. Healthy or unhealthy didn't matter...it had nothing to do with the food. And everything to do with self-loathing. Gained 200 lbs in 5 years as a result!!!
  • MeowserKitty
    Wheat thins, sigh.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    vegas, multi day binge of free drinks and buffets. not sure how i fit on the plane on the way back
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    If I binge, it's ALWAYS alcohol-induced. This means I double the calories I would have consumed with just the binge, since by going out I've probably consumed a great deal of calories from the alcohol alone. I used to down half a pitcher of margaritas with a friend, then go out for beer, shots, etc. I could probably consume 2000 calories alone in alcohol EASILY. At 110 pounds, my tolerance was through the roof. Honestly, alcohol is how I put on weight in college. Now that I bartend, I'm more aware of the calories in drinks, so I rarely go crazy. Still, after a glass of wine I'm much more vulnerable.
  • richied26
    richied26 Posts: 948 Member
    15 Pints of lager and a pizza friday night...try to run it off this week lol
  • srw840
    worst binge ever was last year- it was my freshman year in college and i had chicken fingers and fries. then i went to chipotle and had a burrito. then i went and had a 1000 calorie brownie/peanut butter frozen custard. then i went to an italian restaurant and had baked spaghetti!
    i dont know how i ate all of that!
  • tjfrisqu
    I seem to be a string of bad days but saturday was the worst. I went to a party on four hours sleep (on night shift) and drank way to many beers and then proceeded to eat everything I could find. Like you I put it behind me and am looking ahead. I'm proud of the progress I've made and refuse to let a few stumbles end the journey.
  • MaddoxsMommy
    MaddoxsMommy Posts: 51 Member
    I honestly don't remember because I've had so many bad ones.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    My binges are alcohol fulled too and usually on the weekend. One drink turns to three or more. Lately I've been binging once a week and really need to kick it before it turns into a habit!

    The most recent was on a Sunday afternoon. Massive prawn pasta with wine for lunch (rarely eat it so was SO FULL) followed by ciders in the sun, then a packet of crisps about 30 minutes later (large bag and I was still so full from lunch!) Came home and had more crisps, cheese and sundried tomatoes on crackers and then a protein chocolate bar. Oh and more drinks.... oh and ordered chinese for dinner. Almost forgot that one. YIKES. My boyfriend can't believe how much I can fit into me. I'm only 5 foot 2 and 121 Ibs!

    Might have to cancel the ciders/wine on sunny Sunday afternoons.... hard.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    My worse binge would probably be from 2 packets of oatmeal, 5 slices of whole grain bread topped with pb, a whole bag of multigrain chips with finishing half a container of hummus, just LOADS of it!!! Yikes. Although they were healthy choices, I went waaaay over my macros & cals for the day.. and it started to become a habit thinking that it was okay because it was healthy food.... after reaching my goal weight 2 months ago, i'm having a hard time with maintaining.. i'm always up 2-3 pounds, back down, up, down.. it sucks. But i'm definitely trying my best to overcome this "binging problem" I have!

    ^^^ THIS! I've been maintaining for about 6 months now. It's hard work... and constant. In a few months, I'm going to start slowly withdrawing my support on MFP. Not log every. Scary.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm trying to understand the why--my most recent one was around nye and I ate ~6000 calories...not sure why I did that--I really believe "binging" as we identify it is normal in occasion. Like the quantity of food MOST people eat at thanksgiving would be a "binge" to the typical calorie counter but MOST people would never call it that because the non-dieter doesn't think of food in that way. Or attending a buffet and eating sooo much you feel like you'll explode--still, people do it and dobt think about it. At least I never used to (and I was always thin).

    There are people who have real problems with this but there are others who just do what "normal" people do from time to time abd label it a binge because they're hyper aware of the number of calories they're eating.

    That's just my perspective. Now the recurring habit of it is different--that's when it becomes a REAL problem.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I don't binge but do weekly spikes to aid in fat loss. Most ever recorded was north of 8,000. I have had several over 7,000. I have found my sweet spot to be between 4500-5,000. Great workouts the following day.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I spent saturday eating bowl after bowl full of weetabix and porridge cereal with banana and skimmed milk (there are worse things to binge on but it's still a lot of calories/sugar!).

    I went OVER by about 2000kCal that day. so ate about 4500kCal. I just though, sod it, I've been massively under all week and so who cares....?! I was going to work out hard this week anyways and eat really light and clean plus am skint so have to eat what's in meaning I'll eat lighter/better. I saw it as, use up all the bingeworthy stuff, feel so full i feel sick that it will put me off feeling like that again... like when you were little and overate sweets of cake at a party!

    True to my word I've been very good so far this week.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I do it once a week... its all good!!
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    Valentines day... steak, half of a tray of oreos, ambrosia, five guys (a burger and fries) yum?

    after I binge, I just make sure to get back on track the next day. My binges actually help me because I end up feeling gross and then remember why I don't eat that CRAP!!! lol

    so now I have a weekly habit of buying tried mango and papaya and eating a bag or so of it, and then I don't want sweets for the rest of the day =)
  • 110ftw
    I cant specify just one but ever since I have become health conscious I find that the urges to binge or pig out have become very strong.
    In fact, up until the end of January I hadn't binged in over 6 months but one afternoon all my goals and discipline went out the window and I had a whole day of bad eating :(
    I cried and felt very out of control and couldn't understand what had happened and how I had gone from such a good attitude about my eating and exercise to total disarray and confusion. Anyway, I tried so hard to let it go and move on, but since that binge I have been struggling to get back on track. In a way I feel like I opened the door to my bad habits and I am still trying to get back on track. The whole month of February I have had a few good days then a few bad days and I have gained back the entire 5 kilos I had previously worked off :(
    Any way, the very reason I joined this site was to hopefully kick those binges or bad moments, to refocus and get back in the zone. I feel very vulnerable and fragile at the moment and I am very afraid I wont be able to get back on track, not to mention the guilt and regret I feel for putting back the weight on.

    I hope to God tomorrow is a good day, one that I can build upon because I need to believe in myself again. Weight loss for me is entirely dependant on my psychological and mental state.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Let's see, all of last Spring, lol. . . this is when I just started my weight loss in Feb of last year so in like April/May I was still fighting to learn how to not just eat food because I saw it. I dealt by accepting I did it, and moved on, and did better the next day
  • MarieAnneN
    I have a weekness for all salty stuff.
    Once in a while, don't ask me why but I am just unstoppable.
    Crackers, ham, croutons, chips, ... all goes!
    If only I could lobotomize that part of my brain to prevent this feeling of urge to eat, I would be more than happy!
  • Wampiress
    I usually binge under influence od ALCOHOL. I drink about 1 liter of wine - and then the best idea is to eat something...in the pub healthy salad with chicken, but I am still hungry, I came home, eat cottage cheese with marmelade, chicken ham...still quite ok...but I still dont have enough. Lets see what else...100g of dryed and very very sweet pieces pineapple, 125g dark chocolate, 200g peanuts (I have an alergy! I am stupid!)...3500 kcal:-) next day I felt wost in my life. I was sooo sick of myself! Another example: McDonalds Big tasy (700 kcal), big fries, mcnugets, mcflurry and of course 1l of wine before this....I binge only after drinking alcohol...