What do you give up for Lent?



  • I am giving up stuff, as part of de-cluttering, I want to get rid of 1 un-needed, or un-used, or un-loved object per day.

    I love this idea!
  • I am giving up eating a snack in bed at night. Water is ok but no food!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    I am giving up alcohol and buying snack food at work at night. I work part time at a couple different Walgreens (stocking Hallmark cards) and I am always grabbing a candy bar or something.
  • Soda :smile:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I am giving up nail biting. Thought it was about time at 36 years old... :)
  • Uggg! Coffee and Fried foods. You'd be surprised how many things are fried!
  • I have decided to give up soda and alcohol. With so many people in the world that don't have clean drinking water, I want to appreciate every drop I have. It's a sacrifice that ALSO keeps me aware of others in the world.
  • TierZ
    TierZ Posts: 2
    thats a good idea about putting a quarter in a jar! Ive also giving up swearing, and adding random acts of charity :)
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    I give up ALL sweets :)
  • I usually give up sodas and fried foods but since I rarely have those items now, I deactivated my Facebook acct.

    I should do this...but then i would loose the weight loss group i am part of :/
  • I am giving up stuff, as part of de-cluttering, I want to get rid of 1 un-needed, or un-used, or un-loved object per day.

    Perfect - think I'll join you in this endeavor.

    I am not a Catholic, but you do not have to be to observe Lent for the purpose of preparing yourself to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Each time you crave the food you gave up or take an action you committed to is the perfect time to reflect on the purpose.
  • Religion and all its misogynist and child-abusing trappings......not just for Lent......for the rest of my life.

    This is an odd message board to look at when you you know Lent is a Christian observance and you seemingly don't like the religion....and not having a go as I consider myself a lapsed Catholic but I think Lent is one of the positive things about Catholicism/Christianity and I don't think it should be restricted.

    Anyway....@Theyoungretiree...this is an amazing idea...and I fully intend to copy it and share it with my friends....all credit to you though :)
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    well I can't say smoking since I have stopped 6 years ago, i don't drink much so i guess that is out.....so what I really crave a lot candy...........that is what I will give up.
  • TierZ
    TierZ Posts: 2
    I have bitten my nails for the first 30 years of my life and so this Lent I am going to give up biting them. Just before Lent is over and when my nails have grown out, I'm going to treat myself to having a professional manicure. I've only had one manicure in my life and that was the day before my wedding day!!

    wow!! me too, i cant remember a day when i didnt bite my nails and i cant imagine anyones nails looking worse than mine do.
    im going to try and do this too
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    I'm giving up 3 things:

    1. Being late for work... I have a fairly flexible job so can come in a bit later and stay later in the afternoon. For Lent I'd like to try not to take advantage of that and get to work "on time" so that I can leave "on time" as well. Because I have two young children at home I have very much appreciated this flexibility, but would love to figure out a better morning routine so that we can get out the door a bit earlier and as a result have more time together in the evening.

    2. Eating out for convenience... There are often times I end up buying lunch at work because I didn't take the time to pack it or we stop and pick up dinner on the way home because it is late and I don't want to/or my girls will completely melt down if I do take the time to make something once we are home. Sticking to the first idea should help me with the second. More time in the evenings to make dinner and pack my lunch :)

    3. Sleeping through my workouts... also related to first idea. I PLAN to workout every morning... however, at least once a week, sometimes twice, I turn my alarm off and go back to sleep until the girls wake me up. I justify doing this with things like... I didn't sleep well, the girls woke me up several times in the night, I can work out this evening, etc. etc. But... this is also what leads to me being late for work as waiting until the girls wake me up usually puts me at 7:00 am and it is absloutely impossible for me to get myself and the two of them dressed and fed and out the door in an hour. Impossible! I've tried it. Several times. I continue to tell myself I can do it, but really, I can't.... and then, I'm late for work AND I haven't worked out not to mention that I am now going to try to squeeze a workout in sometime in the evening, which is all the more difficult because I will be getting home later because I went to work later...

    And so the cycle goes... which is what I hope to use this time during Lent to undo... and in the end I will gain a better morning schedule, a healthier lifestyle, and more time with my family!
  • KippyBee
    KippyBee Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not a believer in Lent per se, but 40 days of discipline is a good challenge and enough time to create new habits so, I'm going to give up the "white stuff": wht bread, wht rice, sugar, wht pasta, wht potatoes. I'm pretty good already with the pasta, bread, potatoes and rice aspect, but giving up sweets and junk will be the real clencher. I've done it before, so that means I can do it again right? :smile:
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm giving up diet soda. I'm SO addicted to it, which I always thought was ok since it has no calories. But I've read a few different studies that say diet soda increases sugar cravings - I have enough of those with out inviting more. So I'm going to do my very best to not even have any on Sunday (Sundays do not fall within the 40 days of Lent).

    I'm also going to try to go to some weekday Masses - something I used to do in the past but feel out of the habit.
  • unhealthy eating habit? seems like a normal reply
    maybe splurging, thats it i won't splurge, gorge myself on doritos, crisps and biscuits like normals
    I'll try replacing that with fruit... i'll let you lot know if that works :)
  • naseak
    naseak Posts: 98 Member
    I'm not Catholic but as a Christian I like what Lent stands for. Giving up something that we enjoy to remind us what Christ gave up for us. I am giving up Tim Hortons ice caps (I have a slight addiction) I like the idesa of giving to charity so I'm going to give the money I would have spent to a charity. I think if I put the change in a jar evey time I would have bought one it might be a bit scary how much I spend over 40 days.
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm not religious but a co-worker is giving up sweets for Lent so I figured I'd join in to support her along the way :smile: