Giving up anything for Lent that will help you lose weight?



  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I'm giving up the scale. I've become way too focused on it, and weighing myself daily hasn't gotten me anywhere. I tried to weigh myself on a weekly basis, but having the scale in sight just makes me jump on it every day. I want to break the habit completely, since it's really not about the numbers anyway. I'll determine my progress through my measurements and the way my clothes fit.
  • I've decided to give up my £1million a year salary to someone more deserving (plus I never had it in the first place - but it would be nice to be able to say that wouldn't it)...

    On a far more practical note though, I'm a non-practicing Catholic and this year I have chosen to give up Bread and Beer - two stables in my life that I struggle to do without. I ate bread every day and it's traditionally my "hunger craver" as well and bread was also one of the first temptations for Christ (for those that are religious), and I don't think that I could go to the middle ages when meat, eggs and dairy products were generally forbidden..

    And to add to this, I will also endeavour to put some time aside each day to contemplate life, to learn to be a better person, to take a few spare minutes to say thanks for what I have and who I am and to generally use this time of reflection to understand more and to make positive changes to my life that may also help others.
  • kateparedes
    kateparedes Posts: 17 Member
    I'm givng up rice. I eat it everyday as its the staple here, so it's the hardest thing to say "no" to. 40 days shouldn't be so hard!
  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    I will be giving up using my cell phone while driving completely. I've already stopped using it while I have my son in the car, but I need to stop doing it all together, even when he's not there! Because even if I'm more cautious with him in there with me, it doesn't mean much if I'm not careful to keep myself out of danger all the time! I'll be no good to him dead. I've also decided to stop cursing, my potty mouth is getting pretty bad and I don't want him picking up on any bad habits (yes, I know he's not even 4 months yet and cannot talk but if I don't stop now, how will I be able to stop when he starts repeating everything I say??)

    I've also decided on top of giving things up, I will also be adding something in it's place, in the form of exercise. I try to do a little walking every day, and I've given up using the elevator at work completely, but today after work, my fiance and I are finally going to stop talking about it and we are joining the gym! I can't wait to get back to taking Zumba classes, and our new gym has an indoor pool which will be a great exercise!! I'm very much looking forward to this!:happy:
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    juice there totally loaded with sugar

    Actually you're right about the sugar but I need a change from water and coffee sometimes. A friend of mine told me to cut the juice in half and add seltzer water (sodium free kind) and that gives you less calories and sugar but also gives you a bubble fix. I used to cut my juice with plain water but the bubblies are soo much better.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    Beer... *sniffle*

    ETA: any and all fried foods :brokenheart:
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't traditionally celebrate Lent, but I think this year I am going to use it to challenge myself in a couple of areas:

    1. NO SWEETS!

    These are the two things I struggle with the most. Especially that second one, as I am single and sometimes eating a meal out is faster, more convenient, and less work. :tongue:
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    I just decided that I'm giving up processed sweets, cookies, & cakes! It's really going to suck because I do a ton of baking!!!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    juice there totally loaded with sugar

    Actually you're right about the sugar but I need a change from water and coffee sometimes. A friend of mine told me to cut the juice in half and add seltzer water (sodium free kind) and that gives you less calories and sugar but also gives you a bubble fix. I used to cut my juice with plain water but the bubblies are soo much better.

    MMM< I love doing that with juice.............another good bubbly drink is Gatorade or Power Ade, mixed half/half with seltzer or sparkling water. VERY low in calories, and you get that bubbly kick. I don't do any sugar-free items, so am always looking for a low-cal beverage that gives me a "pop" fix!!!
  • week 1 - giving up the B.L.T.'s (Bites Licks and Tastes) Adding 2 days of dance to my exercise
    week 2 - giving up the chocolate Adding 3 walks a week with my husband
    week 3 - giving up red meat adding 5 pounds of weight to the machines and 5 extra min's on the treadmill
  • I am going to give up wheat pasta and stick with the rice pasta.. not only is it gluten free.. but better.. cuts back on carbs as well!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I normally give up watching football for Lent.

    However, this year I am in a leadership position at my Church (Non-Catholic. Lent is a part of the Liturgical Calender in most major denominations) that requies a little more of me so I think I'll take it seriously. I gave up Diet Mountain Dew, we're appraoching 24hrs since my last one and I haven't started tweaking yet. I hope PepsiCo doesn't go out of business because of this decision. It's going to be really tough.

    I was playing with my Bible App over lunch and they were offering all kinds of Lenten studies. I think I will also committ to reading a Bible verse before I run, and chew on said Bible verse while I run.
  • sparklefly74
    sparklefly74 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm giving up candy and chips. I bought a bag of chips the other day for my son's lunches, portioned the majority of them out, and the next day I proceeded to eat the majority of them anyway.
  • I'm giving up fried food. Lord, give me strength.
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    My husband told me I need to re-word this. I will give up all processed sweets, and cakes & cookies that are loaded with sugar. I will try making cookies out of fruits, nuts, coconut, honey, etc (real stuff) and only have that stuff. Does this count?
    I just decided that I'm giving up processed sweets, cookies, & cakes! It's really going to suck because I do a ton of baking!!!
  • I'm giving up pre- made frozen food. No more lean cuisines, lean pockets, ect.

    good! they are horrible for you! keep it up after lent please :happy:
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I had to give up wheat, barley and rye last year due to intolerance so I now just try to better myself by stepping up my game. since I have had kids my house has fallen into disrepair. So, this Lent I am going to dedicate one full non stop hour to house work daily. So maybe after 40 hours for the 40 days of Lent I will have a clean house and get a good habit started.
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm giving up meat for Lent. I'm Baptist, not catholic, but I think it's a good practice. Last year I gave up sodas and also kick started my new lifestyle and MFP journey. I'm still soda free 355 days later! I don't plan on giving up meat completely after Lent but if I can cut back on some of the more fatty meats it will help!
  • Walnuts are one of the best nuts for you, with tons of omega 3 and protein! Omega 3 is a good fat that actually helps to lose weight, so my advice would be to keep the walnuts :)
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I gave up alcohol, chips, bread and I will be running or walking at least 4 miles everyday during Lent. I think the alcohol is the hardest part.....