Hole crap guys....



  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    It's easy to do a 1000 calorie meal. That's one chipotle/qdoba burrito, one hamburger from a lot of places, three pieces of pizza? And I don't even know how much starbucks, what one drink and a food item? So many possibilities for that 1000 calories that you'd never guess. Don't worry about it. :)
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Oh yeah?

    Last week I ate an entire LARGE Pizza Pizza. Pepperoni & Cheese. And TWO cans of regular cola.

    Didn't log that... didn't even WANT to know.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    You know what, I totally had a day like that today....2000 calories by noon!!! (steak n shake for lunch...eek! ) My total for the day was 3000, which is more than double what I normally have. Yes, I feel guilty, and yes, I am kicking myself in the butt, however tomorrow is a new day and it shouldn't affect me.

    1000 calories isnt that bad. You will be fine :) Just get back on track tomorrow. We all have bad days now and then and slip.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I'm so grateful for these posts where people share about mistakes. I almost did it tonight after work, but considered how bad I would feel after, the regret, and kept reminding myself of the chain I read last night about "worst binges ever" and all the guilt associated with it and I talked myself off the ledge.

    Ok, it wasnt a ledge, but I drove straight home and didnt hit McDonalds and order that double quarter pounder with cheese burger I was fantasizing about for the past hour. It wasnt so much the calories but the hit on my sodium level I couldnt risk!! I'm still having a burger for dinner but baking the patty in the oven so I can control what goes in my mouth.

    Thanks for sharing everyone and keep up the good work, forget the bad!!
  • I am going to agree with the others. 1,000 calories in one sitting really isn't that much of a binge and it's REALLY easy to do. You get three slices of cake, pizza, or a cupcakes or something high in calories and BAM you're already at 1,000 calories. I went to a friend's house for a Valentines Day party last week and I had three cupcakes. I knew that they were high in calories but when I realized they were roughly 330 calories each, before the frosting... yeah... So I went well over 1,000 calories and it was only three cupcakes!

    1,000 calories is about the same amount of calories in the typical restaurant meal, in fact it's less.

    I think you are being too hard on yourself. Relax and just breathe.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    OK, everyone addressed the food issue.

    I want to address the BIGGER issue.

    YOU'RE NOT DISGUSTING. So, please, stop that thinking right now. That can lead to a pretty vicious little cycle.

    Ok, you ate. You recognized. Now go do something about it. And, no calling yourself disgusting is not an option. Go walk, swim, run, skip, play with a dog. But move for a while. You'll feel better.

    Thank you. Having an excess of calories won't cause you to fail, beating yourself up over it will! It happened, try and recognize the triggers and move on.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    As a former 18 year old girl who thought she was fat when she most certainly wasn't, I am going to say that it upsets me to hear you say that you are disgusting. Take my advice and spend some time getting to know yourself and love yourself. Forgive yourself - you had a binge (no matter what the calories, if you feel you binged, then you binged). Ship happens. Life happens. Learn from it and move on.

    Here are strangers telling you you are not disgusting. Time for you to love yourself enough to tell yourself that.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    1) You aren't disgusting. Like they said.

    2) If you consider it a binge, think about what triggered it, and if you can forestall it in the future. There are a few specific events that trigger emotional eating for me, and I either plan something NON-eating with friends for that day or I plan to have something around where I can eat eat eat without going too far off course for the day.

    p.s. The last binge I had I ate 2000 calories in half an hour. I still lost weight that week. It's your overall habits and not one day's habits.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    Just had a mega portion of chocolate worth 800 calories after dinner. Feeling guilty but will go to the gym tomorrow.
  • Heidihomelinda
    Heidihomelinda Posts: 24 Member
    I did that last weekend when my sister came to visit - burger, fries, onion rings! I felt bad and I STILL logged it in as a reminder how fast it all adds up....shake it off and you will be fine :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Unless you have a b/p history I wouldn't worry.
  • ShawnaWeg
    ShawnaWeg Posts: 3 Member
    Your only human... you will be fine just get back on track !!!
  • msracefan
    msracefan Posts: 55 Member
    It's a bump in the road...probably won't be the last either! Don't beat yourself up, nobody is perfect! Tomorrow is a brand new day!
  • Thank you, to all you guys that gave words of encouragement. It really does help. And sorry I spelled "holy" wrong in the title. ... :)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    If you are a healthy weight for your height as you say in your profile then I really do not think you need to worry at all about eating 1,000 calories.

    I will be honest and say I found the tumbler link you have posted quite disturbing. It made me wonder if you are suffering from an ed and trying to recover. If so there are many people on here recovering from ed's who are using the site to stay at a healthy weight so I am sure you will find support.

    I wish you success in staying at a healthy weight.:flowerforyou:
  • I can eat 1,000 calories worth of Oreos in a sitting - immediately after a 800 calorie dinner - and still manage to lose weight.

    Relax. Breathe. Do better tomorrow.
    LOL, so can I. That's why I run. "Will run for food"

    ON another note, 1000 isn't bad. As long as your active :) It's okay, really :)
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    Sh happens sometimes. A few weeks ago that happened to me and it took a week to recover from it in terms of weight loss and more so emotionally. Felt so guilty that worked out like crazy to recover from that. I am so glad I am back on the track. Probably I won't do it again until my goal weight is reached. Take a deep breath, calm down and think tomorrow is a beautiful day and you will do better. Good luck.
  • Thank you! :)
    ...except to nice lady that called me disturbing. That was slightly less than helpful...
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I did that last weekend when my sister came to visit - burger, fries, onion rings! I felt bad and I STILL logged it in as a reminder how fast it all adds up....shake it off and you will be fine :)
    Can we define "binge"? This is frankly insulting. Eating a hamburger is completely unrelated to binging.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Maybe for a tiny person 1000 is a lot. My calorie allottement for a day requires almost 1000 per meal if I'm eating three a day. I bike 5 days a week and run 3 times a week and each of those means another ~400 calories which I try to eat back. and I don't even bother to log lifting, I just eat even more on lifting days. It's nice being tall