Colonics? worth it or not?



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't know anything about colonics but enemas can be great for cleaning out blockages and yeast in the colon. This actually helps reduce cravings.

    Essential oils, coffee, probiotics, and supplements like msm can be added and have a better chance at being absorbed than being swallowed. The only pressure with enemas is gravity so it's very safe.

    This helps fight infections and even preventing cancer as well by detoxifying the liver, restoring intestinal flora, and speeding up healing.

    Where did you get this info?!?!

    A website that sells colonic supplies. So reliable.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I don't want to brag, but my BMs are perfect.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    don't be ridiculous
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    My recommendation, eat an assload of fiber. Pretty sure you'll get the same results. Pun intended.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I appreciate your honesty. I'll be honest, too. Before I started eating right I was lucky to go more than twice a week. I figure I got maybe 9 gms of fiber per day into my diet back then. I have learned a lot since then and have found fiber to be the answer.

    Now I eat as much fiber as I can get in fruit and mostly veggies as I can and could not be happier about going. And I am talking about award winners! Think of it like cleaning out a drain. Should you just keep pouring grease and junk down your sink and then every few months call roto rooter? No. Stop pouring grease and junk down the drain and you won't have the problem anymore.

    The problem isn't that you are slow, but problem is you are making yourself slow by the diet you are choosing to eat. I have worked my way up to eating generally 50 - 80 gms of fiber a day. I have never felt so good before. It is possible to do with real food. Make sure everything you eat has fiber. If it is chemicals, sugar, salt, and oils, don't eat it. You are doing it to yourself if you do.

    I went from 205 to 137 and size 16 to size 4. Guess what? I still have tummy "poof". But it is a lot smaller. It is still excess fat that I have to work off of my body. That will be my next feat. There is no magic cure. But the choices in daily living that you make will really pay off.

    Good luck to you.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I don't know anything about colonics but enemas can be great for cleaning out blockages and yeast in the colon. This actually helps reduce cravings.

    Essential oils, coffee, probiotics, and supplements like msm can be added and have a better chance at being absorbed than being swallowed. The only pressure with enemas is gravity so it's very safe.

    This helps fight infections and even preventing cancer as well by detoxifying the liver, restoring intestinal flora, and speeding up healing.

    Where did you get this info?!?!

    A website that sells colonic supplies. So reliable.
    It's a very informative website about enema equipment and recipes.
    I actually learned about coffee enemas first from the Gerson Therapy and how they help support liver detoxification.

    The reason I use enemas is because I have candida overgrowth. I don't think it's necessary for healthy people.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Ive done it twice. Its gross, unconfortable. The second time I did it I felt pretty sick after. I dont recommend it
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member

    Where did you get this info?!?!

    A website that sells colonic supplies. So reliable.
    It's a very informative website about enema equipment and recipes.
    I actually learned about coffee enemas first from the Gerson Therapy and how they help support liver detoxification.

    The reason I use enemas is because I have candida overgrowth. I don't think it's necessary for healthy people.

    The liver is so far upstream, that an enema in the colon to detox the liver is the equivalent of spitting in the southern Gulf of Mexico and expect to see a ripple in the Artic ocean. If this works for you then continue the practice. But I don't think its a good idea to use a sales pitch from a web site that sells this garbage, as a healthy fact. The facts you stated are wrong. And candida is better cleaned up by diet, than anything that shoots water up less than 6 inches, can do!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Also reminds me of recommending to women that they douche. Very old school. You always risk the possibility of sending something else upstream. I remember over 30 years in nursing the old nurses used to coffee enemas, but I never saw one given. I never knew or asked the reason. Is caffeine an astringent such as to reduce swelling of an afflicted area? Tea bags under your eyes, etc? Caffeine in cosmetics to reduce puffiness somehow? I wouldn't recommend either. I know if you "depend" upon something like that then you will start to need it to have any kind of movement. I still say go at it from the top down. Fiber all the way from food, and not chemicals. Chemicals don't nourish your body but food will.
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    I have had 2 colonics in my life time and had no side effects from either of them, but they did not seem to do anything special for me either ( the reason why I went back for the 2nd one was to see if I had missed something from the first ha ha) I did not lose weight. I did not feel ill. All it really did was stop me going to the toilet for 4 days as there was nothing in there to travel through.

    I would go for the suggestion of pelvic and then abdominal exercise and up the fibre in take.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    The liver is so far upstream, that an enema in the colon to detox the liver is the equivalent of spitting in the southern Gulf of Mexico and expect to see a ripple in the Artic ocean. If this works for you then continue the practice. But I don't think its a good idea to use a sales pitch from a web site that sells this garbage, as a healthy fact. The facts you stated are wrong. And candida is better cleaned up by diet, than anything that shoots water up less than 6 inches, can do!

    They are not that far apart. The intestines absorb the caffeine which stimulates the liver. 6 inches? The colon is usually about 60 inches. Why don't you do some research.

    Better yet read books on the Gerson Therapy like "Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases" by Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop.

    Normal colonics that just use water do nothing but remove feces. You need to add essential oils, coffee etc. for therapeutic value.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    The liver is so far upstream, that an enema in the colon to detox the liver is the equivalent of spitting in the southern Gulf of Mexico and expect to see a ripple in the Artic ocean. If this works for you then continue the practice. But I don't think its a good idea to use a sales pitch from a web site that sells this garbage, as a healthy fact. The facts you stated are wrong. And candida is better cleaned up by diet, than anything that shoots water up less than 6 inches, can do!

    They are not that far apart. The intestines absorb the caffeine which stimulates the liver. 6 inches? The colon is usually about 60 inches. Why don't you do some research.

    Better yet read books on the Gerson Therapy like "Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases" by Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop.

    Normal colonics that just use water do nothing but remove feces. You need to add essential oils, coffee etc. for therapeutic value.

    Please stop regurgitating pseudoscientific nonsense.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Please stop regurgitating pseudoscientific nonsense.

    It's not nonsense, there are plenty of studies that support enemas that I posted earlier. I personally have done them and improved my health from them. If you're healthy they are not necessary but for the sick they can make them healthy and be life changing.
    This article would be by a surgeon, not that there is anything wrong with surgeons but some of them believe that if anything is wrong they will just cut it out. Sometimes it is beneficial and life saving but other times it can cause all sorts of problems.
    Most of the article he scrutinizes a lot of the misinformation out there on enemas such as how many bowel movements you should have or whether your feces should float, while these are things to take into consideration they're not the greatest reason to do enemas.

    I would consider your article pseudoscience. He is theorizing most of his claims against enemas with little proof to back it up. There is a reason why colon cancer is one of the top killers.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    drink loads and loads of orange juice and eat loads of mints.. that will get you "running" smoothly :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Please stop regurgitating pseudoscientific nonsense.

    It's not nonsense, there are plenty of studies that support enemas that I posted earlier. I personally have done them and improved my health from them. If you're healthy they are not necessary but for the sick they can make them healthy and be life changing.
    This article would be by a surgeon, not that there is anything wrong with surgeons but some of them believe that if anything is wrong they will just cut it out.

    I would consider your article pseudoscience. He is theorizing most of his claims against enemas with little proof to back it up. There is a reason why colon cancer is one of the top killers.

    I know you take your info from an unreliable sales pitch, and debunk medical info from medical professional, but this was taken from John Hopkins web site. JH is probably one of the leading medical institutions in the world.

    " Colonics -- The risks.
    While removing hardened feces from your colon may sound like a reasonable way to improve your health, the risks of colonics should give you pause— particularly if you are over age 65 or have a bowel disease such as diverticulitis, Crohn’s diseas, or ulcerative colitis, all of which increase your chances of experiencing a complication from the procedure.
    In general, the dangers of undergoing colonics can be placed into four categories:

    !] during a colonic the bowel wall can be perforated by the tip of the rubber tubing or by the use of too much water pressure and can lead to a potentially life-threatening infection

    2} you can have an allergic reaction to the nozzle at the tip of the rubber tubing (in particular, if you are allergic to latex) or to one of the cleansing substances added to the water

    3} you can develop an imbalance in electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, since colonics rinse away minerals that are normally absorbed into the bloodstream from the large intestine. {Which can become potentially fatal to anyone with diagnosed or undiagnosed heart problems,- my words, not those of JH}

    4} you can be infected with bacteria and viruses if the equipment is not properly sterilized between treatments. (Most colon hydrotherapists use disposable, sterile tubing, so this is less of a risk than in the past.)

    The bottom line on colonics. Today, experts in the medical community—including doctors at Johns Hopkins—look on colonics as a questionable procedure, and advise against its practice because of concerns about the potential for side effects of colonics. While we are not opposed to alternative and complementary health practices that have been proven to be safe and effective, we do not advise colonics because it goes against a basic medical principle: First, do no harm.

    Posted in Digestive Health on December 28, 2006 "

    Another article
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    It's not nonsense, there are plenty of studies that support enemas that I posted earlier. I personally have done them and improved my health from them. If you're healthy they are not necessary but for the sick they can make them healthy and be life changing.
    This article would be by a surgeon, not that there is anything wrong with surgeons but some of them believe that if anything is wrong they will just cut it out. Sometimes it is beneficial and life saving but other times it can cause all sorts of problems.
    Most of the article he scrutinizes a lot of the misinformation out there on enemas such as how many bowel movements you should have or whether your feces should float, while these are things to take into consideration they're not the greatest reason to do enemas.

    I would consider your article pseudoscience. He is theorizing most of his claims against enemas with little proof to back it up. There is a reason why colon cancer is one of the top killers.

    Yes, he is a surgeon -- as in, the guy who has to go in and fix perforated colons that result from colonics. Surgeons don't just cut things out, they also sew them back together after some idiot has stuck a hose up their behind.

    I agree that he doesn't back up his statements about the dangers of enemas, but much of his criticism is still valid. And he certainly has better credentials than an enema salesman.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Yes, he is a surgeon -- as in, the guy who has to go in and fix perforated colons that result from colonics. Surgeons don't just cut things out, they also sew them back together after some idiot has stuck a hose up their behind.

    If you use the right equipment like I do(silicone colon tube) and take the proper precautions there is no chance of a perforated colon. There is equipment out there that would make a perforated colon possible and would suggest people interested in enemas get the proper training.

    I agree with people that say colonics are a waste of time because all they are doing is using water. These series of enemas is what I would recommend people use if they are sickly.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Yes, he is a surgeon -- as in, the guy who has to go in and fix perforated colons that result from colonics. Surgeons don't just cut things out, they also sew them back together after some idiot has stuck a hose up their behind.

    If you use the right equipment like I do(silicone colon tube) and take the proper precautions there is no chance of a perforated colon. There is equipment out there that would make a perforated colon possible and would suggest people interested in enemas get the proper training.

    I agree with people that say colonics are a waste of time because all they are doing is using water. These series of enemas is what I would recommend people use if they are sickly.

    Stop it.

    There is NO scientific evidence to support this practice. It's nothing but pseudoscience and woo.
    Recommending this type of treatment is irresponsible.
    The appeal to detoxification resonates with many people for some reason, although there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims that we need detoxification, that commercial agriculture is especially poisonous compared to organic food, or that coffee enemas do anything more than cause electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. Furthermore, none of the proponents of detoxification by enema identify any specific toxins removed by the process. You'd think at least one advocate would analyze at least one specimen and identify at least one toxin found.

    There have been no well-controlled studies published in the available medical literature that show the Gerson therapy is effective in treating cancer.

    In a recent review of the medical literature, researchers from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center identified 7 human studies of Gerson therapy that have been published or presented at medical conferences. None of them were randomized controlled studies."


    Use of the Gerson therapy can lead to a number of significant problems. Serious illness and death have occurred from some of the components of the treatment, such as the coffee enemas, which remove potassium from the body and can lead to electrolyte imbalances. Continued home use of enemas may cause the colon's normal function to weaken, worsening constipation problems and colitis. Some metabolic diets used in combination with enemas cause dehydration.

    Serious infections may result from poorly administered liver extracts. Thyroid supplements may cause severe bleeding in patients who have cancer that has spread to the liver.

    Gerson therapy may be especially hazardous to women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Relying on this treatment alone and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer, may have serious health consequences.
  • dreamy885
    I don't know anything about colonics, but you could try taking Probiotics to help regulate you and build up your immune system.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    1] during a colonic the bowel wall can be perforated by the tip of the rubber tubing or by the use of too much water pressure and can lead to a potentially life-threatening infection
    There is no chance of perforating the colon with the proper equipment and technique. The only pressure from an enema is gravity.
    2} you can have an allergic reaction to the nozzle at the tip of the rubber tubing (in particular, if you are allergic to latex) or to one of the cleansing substances added to the water
    Don't use latex, use silicone. Make sure you're not allergic to any of the substances with a skin test.
    3} you can develop an imbalance in electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, since colonics rinse away minerals that are normally absorbed into the bloodstream from the large intestine. {Which can become potentially fatal to anyone with diagnosed or undiagnosed heart problems,- my words, not those of JH}
    add salt to the enema mix and make sure you eat potassium rich foods.
    4} you can be infected with bacteria and viruses if the equipment is not properly sterilized between treatments. (Most colon hydrotherapists use disposable, sterile tubing, so this is less of a risk than in the past.)
    Use grapefruit seed extract for sterilization. Lavender and peppermint essential oils are also antibacterial and antimicrobial.
    The bottom line on colonics. Today, experts in the medical community—including doctors at Johns Hopkins—look on colonics as a questionable procedure, and advise against its practice because of concerns about the potential for side effects of colonics. While we are not opposed to alternative and complementary health practices that have been proven to be safe and effective, we do not advise colonics because it goes against a basic medical principle: First, do no harm.
    Enemas aren't for everyone. They take a certain level of knowledge and training. I believe they are one of greatest ways of getting and staying healthy.

    It's all in her book:

    I buy my organic essential oils from here:
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