Frustrated :(

Getting so frustrated with this whole thing. My weight is not moving hardly at all. I workout 3-5 times a week and eat pretty well I think. Sometimes I slip but not enough to really hurt me that much. I just don't know. I try to stay within my calories and I don't think I do too bad when I do go over considering my workouts. It's like eating my exercise calories. So WTF! Sorry just a vent. I may need to change something up. UGH! :(


  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    I feel that same way. :-( I don't know what else to do...
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Me either. It's very aggrevating.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    DO you have a "cheat" or a "spike" day? I wasn't losing ANY weight, and then I turned saturdays into my "spike" day, where I eat as many calories as I can. it throws your body off, and speeds up you metabolism. I've lost close to 9 lbs since I started do that.
  • Tcakes85
    Have you had your thyroid checked? Hypothyroidism will keep you from losing weight, very common in women. Runs in my family. At any rate, don't give up. I'm giving you that advice as well as to myself. :wink:
  • tracyjaynie
    tracyjaynie Posts: 28 Member
    I am with you ... It seems that no matter what I do my weight stays with in the same 3 pounds. I really am feeling like I am spinning my wheels and getting no where.
    Any ideas on what to change to make a change?
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    how long have you been trying? I've found that even though my weight isn't falling very quickly, my body is changing and I'm fitting clothes better because of all the new working out (but the changes have just started happening after 2 months of sustainable changes). I also found this week that I needed to eat a few more calories to keep my metabolism at a happy rate. I'm really thinking in terms of lifestyle versus just diet-to-lose-weight... but I think it takes quite a bit of time. I didn't get fat overnight and I certainly won't get fit overnight. Be patient and keep doing your best. It'll happen for you! :flowerforyou:
  • yvettecarmichael
    I totally get you started January 2nd lost about a pound a week that whole month since then have exercized 45 minutes a day 6 days a week and never gone over 1200 and have not moved the scale at all makes me want to cry. I am going to try the Saturday spike deal if I gain may have to shoot someone. Yvette
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Looked at your diary and noticed a lot of processed foods and you sodium is often high. I would suggest trying to eat more fresh foods, especially fruits and veggies. Try to reduce processed and and fast foods. What you eat does matter not just the calories.
  • PattyMallo
    I'm glad that I'm not the only one feeling that way! I work out 5 days a week, doing a lot of cardio. I have been good about tracking calories ...... but with exercising, I sometimes don't consume all the calories I've burned during my workout. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm half tempted to try a binge day to quick start my metabolism.
  • JBrown9538
    JBrown9538 Posts: 39 Member
    Time to bump up those workouts. Try sticking to 5-6 days per week with lots of cardio.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I went back in your diary nearly two's my advice.

    Log in consistently, every day!
    Watch that sodium, more often that not you are exceeding your daily goal.
    Eat up to your BMR, your body needs fuel and will be able to better metabolize.
  • frugalmomsrock
    You should be eating more!! You should be NETTING what mfp tells you to. If you exercise 500 calories away, you get to--and SHOULD--eat those! mfp already has it so that you'll lose weight even eating exercise calories back! Enjoy them! Eat sensibly, but get those calories put back into your body.

    I know it sounds strange, and I didn't believe it myself, but the proof was in the pudding. Literally. ;)
  • Mommareed4
    I am in the same boat..I was eating 1200 cals a day and was loosing weight great, but then I was told it was probably all muscle since I wasn't eating enough (didnt eat back exercise cals unless I was hungry)..So I upped it to 1500 Now almost 2 months into it I have gained 5 pounds :( Exercise wise Mon, wed, fri and sat I do 90 mins on the elliptical then do strength after, and tues&thurs I do kick boxing.
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Hang in there! My Boot Camp Instructor said something to me that has really stuck with me. He said "don't ever forget that your body wants you to fail. It will do everything in it's power to make sure that you do. If you fight hard and long enough your body will realize that you mean business!" How long have you been watching your calories and exercising? I started my fitness routine back up again in January of 2011. I had 15 pounds of very stubborn pregnancy weight to lose after having my second baby in August 2010. I was very diligent about logging what I ate and exercising about 4-5 times a week. The scale would not budge and one week I even GAINED 3 pounds!!!! I was so mad and was like, "what's the point?" Not to discourage you, but it took me a good 4 months of just keeping at it before I saw any real results. My body was like "woa! I guess she means business!" I have since lost 30 pounds and feel better than ever. I think the key is to find an exercise you really enjoy that you won't get burned out on. Finding my boot camp instructor changed my life. He is super motivating and this is the first exercise I didn't get tired of after a month. Just keep on keepin' on! You can do it!
  • 2barquack
    2barquack Posts: 8 Member
    That sucks...i know how you feel.
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    Eat more veggies and less processed food. Also, eat more of your work out calories back. You could also be at a plateau. I'm just coming out of a 2 week plateau now; didn't change anything about my diet or work out routine, I figured it had to end sometime. Just don't give up!
  • Daveo1572
    The spike day is a great suggestion. Pick one of your off days and splurge.

    Second, if you aren't already, make sure you are drinking tons of water. Shoot for a gallon a day. Make sure you drink a 16 oz glass of water as soon as you wake up. That will rehydrate you after sleeping & kick start your metabolism.

    Third - change up your routine. Instead of doing 45 minutes on the same cardio machine, break it up, Do 15 minute increments on 3 different machines. Try cardio exercises you don;t normally do. Keep your body guessing & that will help knock you off the plateau.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I know what you mean been there done that . The only change I made was I started eating every 2 to 3 hours that has kept my metabolism up plus I increased my fluid intake. I am not a water person but what I do is drink a power ade zero and follow it with 2 waters..
  • merithj
    merithj Posts: 11 Member
    How many pounds per week are you set up to lose? If its high, you might not be eating enough calories and your body may be in a bit of a starvation mode.
    Make sure you eat all of your workout calories.
    Try setting your weight loss to 1lb per week.
    Let yourself have whatever you want one day a week, in moderation of course.
    If you're not doing any weightlifting, start by using light to medium weights to tone your muscles. Muscle burns more calories, as I'm sure you know.
    Try eating more protein and good fats, and fewer carbs. I don't mean Adkins it up, I just mean find a better balance.
    Are you getting enough sleep?
    Try eating fewer processed and artificially flavored food & drinks. Go for fresh fruits, veggies, meats, cheeses, etc.
    Change up your workouts if you have been doing them a while. Your body may be used to them.

    I would recommend trying one of the options above at a time. Or maybe two. You want to know what works when it does. :-) Good luck!
  • marquesajen
    I'd suggest eating more whole foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. You're consuming a lot of sodium and preservatives. Also looks like you're under your calories on many days recently. Also, if you're not logging your workouts then the site isn't adjusting for the calories you've burned. Try logging them and then eat back some exercise calories to see if that helps. Good luck!