Why are you / Why were you fat?



  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I haven't been my "ideal" weight since the second grade. In 9th grade my mother pinched some fat on my tummy and told me I needed to go on a diet, but she never did tell me what or how to go about that (She is obese). That was when I first noticed I was heavier than most other girls my age. Later, My Father would see me eating ice cream and would say, "Fat, fat, fat! The boys aren't going to look at you!" And he didn't offer any advice about the issue either. I ate whatever I wanted, when I wanted and no one told me different. It wasn't until college that I learned about calories, exercise and portion control.

    Since then it's been a battle I can be a fit 140-150 and then lose track and go up to a sloppy 175 and back down again. THIS TIME I'm on the down swing for good ;) Thank you MFP!
  • bug802
    I was normal weight child, but from pre-teen till now (24) I have been up and down in weight non stop. At my skinniest it was because I was stressed, and at my biggest because I ate what ever I wanted. But when I was super skinnier, or super chubby I never thought about my health or what I was doing to my body. I am finally making life changes, and putting myself/health first. quieting smoking, watching/tracking what I am eating, no soda and exercise almost every day. I knew I would feel so much better, with more energy. but I had no idea how powerful it feels to be in control of my life, my body, and my health!

    Good luck every one!
  • SnowWhite824
    too complicated and personal to write here. would share through email maybe. Wish it was easy to sort out though.

    Thats fine not to put it out here - I really just wanted people to be able to realize it for themselves, because I don't think that one can truely be physically healthy unless they are mentally healthy as well. No need to air your dirty laundry in public, just admit it to yourself, so the healing process can begin. Damn, I sound like a shrink!!!!
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    I've always been a bit "bigger" but not fat until now. I thought I was fat but looking back I think it was more a lack of toning. I was a good weight until I moved to the big city in my 3rd year of University. During that year I was intolerant to the cafeteria food and actually lost weight (thoroughly unpleasant). Then I discovered eating out and it became something I loved to do. Add to that birth control and an antidepressant and less exercise and one heck of a challenging degree. Here I am! I think it was the eating out/portion control that did me in. Working on it but still everyone wants to go out and celebrate everything! Bah that was longer than intended. Actually pretty enlightening to just put it out...stop eating out and eat less...duh. My brain makes it so much more complicated.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I would have to say that I got to the weight that I did because of continuous love of junk food and cheese. I also tend to be a binge eater, which is difficult to stop. No joking, there was like almost a year where I ate fast food every day. Sometimes I would go to one FF place and then go to another to get something to add to my meal.
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    for me its boredom ven eva i get bored i just eat so frm today m neva gonna binge. just focus on eating healthy
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    i lost 3.5 kg but put them back since last month. hate binging
  • gaberieger
    Too much work for the most part. It's easy to eat pizza and chips, salads and veggies, and drink coke, whiskey, and beer while sitting behind a computer monitor--- doing my day job... then coming home and doing the same thing for my "future" job... plus typing school papers, etc. Who has time to exercise? Seriously- there is stuff that needs to be done. So when I am done with it at midnight, 2am- I go to sleep, then wake up at 6 or 7am and start the day over again. It's a bit hard to get a cardio run or weight session in when there's sh1t to do. And working on a computer, especially at the day job is at times boring, which leads to eating and maxing out past your BMR almost daily.

    Boils down to priorities, really. So alas, here I are. Working to undo the damage I've done over the last 3-5 years.
  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    Because I was lazy and I love food.lol
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I have never been small. Except for when I was born as a preemie.

    I haven't really dieted other than a week or two of reduced calories maybe 4 times in my life, so I am not a yoyo-er either.

    I probably have a slower metabolism. I am generally considered one of the lighter eaters in my social circle. (I am also hypothyroid). This probably has the most impact. My level of activity also is really dependent on my work, I currently work at home, which cuts out a huge portion of daily activity for me. No water cooler. No walking to lunch. No walking to a coffee break. It is pretty hard for me to be so confined.

    When I was younger, I was definitely more of a junk food junkie (inherited from my day for sure) but I was also pretty active. I rode my bike all the time, played outside and used my power pad when I played video games. But I mostly stopped drinking soda around age 12. I didn't drink that many of my calories after I cut sodas (about 1 cup a day all through high school and college. I watered down juice, koolaid and gatorade.). Junk Food consumption really decreased starting in college. I've been eating at least 75% clean since 2004.

    For me I HAVE to focus on calories in, portion control and exercise intensity. Moderate exercise does absolutely nothing for my weight at all. A couple years ago I switched jobs, and added around 3-4 miles of walking to my day. I gained 15 pounds after a year.

    The only times I ever lost weight (it was probably 15 pounds in college and about 4 years ago) I either: did lots of intervals, or lots of hill walking. This time I am definitely focused on losing weight for good, and continuing the rest of adulthood smaller, so I am focusing on lower calories, strength training and intervals at high intensity.
  • nominal
    nominal Posts: 6 Member
    I love cake
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I ate too many calories.
  • CrazyHedgehog
    CrazyHedgehog Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not very good at anything..... but damn, can I cook!
    from chocolate croissants, cakes, roast meals,
    I am pretty good at eating too!
  • leanmachinedream
    Baby weight. I gained 50lbs. I thought pregnancy was a free for all. I wish someone would've told me to put the fork down. :(
  • DeborahStanley
    DeborahStanley Posts: 90 Member
    Poor eating habits as a child, back & sight problems limited sport options & now I love to bake & I love to eat what I bake ..... Been fat, been slim, really need to find a balance.
  • BlooQKazoo
    I really love chocolate, cheese, and bread. No psychological problems here.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I love to cook
    I love to eat.
    I love to drink wine when I eat.

    I started packing on the pounds after graduating college and transitioning to the life of a desk worker.
  • charmingtrouble
    charmingtrouble Posts: 54 Member
    I've been overweight since junior high at least, at 14 yrs, 5 ft tall, I weighed in at 125 one day in PE...that junior high offered fresh baked cookies, hot cocoa, and donuts to buy during breakfast and boy did I buy haha. More junk food offered in highschool, especially with vending machines and now 6 years later, 20 yrs, 5'1 and 150 I have better access to cheap fast food in college. My favorite food is also mashed potatoes and gravy <3 I'm not very good with stress, so family and school problems lead to me seek comfort in food.

    stepped on a scale at a friend's house, googled my bmi one day and bought a scale, sports bra, and running pants a week later!

    I found the mobile app and website on my ipod touch this morning and LOVE IT. It's so much fun punching in numbers

    as much as I love the cup size at this weight, I hate the gut size that came with it
  • jjmaag
    jjmaag Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the military and spent a year overseas at a very middle of no where base, i've been back in America for about 3 weeks and have successfully gained at least 8 lbs. At this rate i'll be fat soon, already fatter than i'd like to be. Thank god for me, I have no choice but to stay in shape, hoping this little blunder is over, ate healthy food at work today instead of going out to Burger King even though I was VERY tempted. :)