Last Nights Biggest Loser



  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I think Team Aqua totally earned their way back on the show. The producers gave them the option. This has been done before in the season with Sunshine and her father. It is too bad Adrian did not tone his personality down a little and his team embrace him for the results he showed he could put out losing 50 lbs. (combined with his sister) in a month without the show! And if I remember correctly he was the only one to make it all the way across the monkey bars!! Bob should clean the gym with Conda and all the others for throwing this, resulting in losing the weigh in and sending a team member home. I am disappointed with the whole lot of them contestants, trainers Allison, and the producers for letting this season continue the way it has. Oh, and another thing that really bothers me is the way every time they told Adrian and Daphne that all they heard from them were excuses, and then they would turn around and make excuses for their behavior, not to mention the whiney excuses when Daphne switched up the team rosters. I think Allison likes to stir the pot a bit too. I get that this is a competition but I really feel that real effort should be rewarded, and the negative attitudes and behavioral issues should be reprimanded such as a one pound disadvantage for each offense, Conda would have been sent packing a long time ago. It is too bad the trainers and the producers did not step in to put a stop to the bickering and childlike behavior on everyone's part. Makes me think it is a ploy for ratings. For me it is a toss up as to which season I hate the most this one or the one with Hebba and Vickie. This is about the only show I watch and I am trying to find inspiration and relief from busy, hectic schedule. If I wanted to watch back biting drama I would turn on the soaps. Rant over.:blushing:

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  • sectornine
    sectornine Posts: 24 Member
    This show use to be inspiring. Sure, it is totally unrealistic in the amount of weight loss for the average person, but still inspiring. This season hasn't been inspiring at all. It has turned into every other reality show. Contestants cast who insure controversy, manufactured "touching" moments between trainers/contestants, and product placement.
  • ivansmomma
    I am not happy at all with the Biggest Loser this season and agree with all of you that the backstabbing, drama, arguments, etc. are not good at all. However, maybe this is just what BL is looking for - notice how we are all talking about it and saying how much we can't stand Conda, etc. Think maybe the producers wanted a season like this to win more people over who watch other reality shows with the same mentality???? Either way, I will watch the end of this season, and if all the drama starts again next season, they have lost one faithful watcher.
  • Alicat59
    Alicat59 Posts: 13 Member
    This was the first season watching BL for me and I'm definitely disappointed in the way it's been going. I can't stand Conda. She reminds me of every mean girl I've ever met in my life. Luckily I've also been watching previous seasons online, so I know this isn't the norm for the show. I hope they can all get back on track and remember to appreciate the chance they have to lose some serious weight.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 813 Member
    It's high time to start writing to the show's sponsors and letting them know how unhappy you are with the show and their choice to sponsor a program that is celebrating backstabbing and negativity, and no longer really making any effort to really promote healthy living. Companies listen to their customers, and networks follow the money. If the show's sponsors take their advertising dollars elsewhere, the producers will clean up their act.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 813 Member
    So, Mark walked off the show, although he says it wasn't about the money... don't know who else yet, but he says on his Twitter page that Chism is still there.
  • emilycroom
    I'm glad to see that it isn't just me that can't stand Conda! I have been hoping since day 1 that she would get voted off. I have been an avid Biggest Loser fan for several seasons now but this season is just too much drama. It really takes away from the show and what they are trying to achieve.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm actually catching up on week 8 on hulu as we speak. I felt sorry and proud of Daphne last episode but now I CANT wait til she's gone. Can't stand her.
  • montana480
    BRING JILLIAN BACK.... SHE WOULD NOT TOLERATE THE CHILDISH BEHAVIOR !!!! Bob and Dolvett need a does of back bone...Conda needs to go!
  • chasingpavements24
    chasingpavements24 Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't watched in a LOOONG time (since Suzy/Matt's season), and this episode just pissed me off. It's always bugged me that they make it seem that eating so little and exercising so much is in any way the healthy way to lose weight and don't even get me started on the product placement. At the end of the day, I still enjoyed watching people push themselves, undergoing breakthroughs, and rooting each other on. Now, it's just become a clique with the "IN" group bullying the outsiders. Like, if it was supposed to be anonymous, regardless of how stupid the decision was, why was it so important for everyone to get Daphne to admit the truth?
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I hope if the rumors are true that the production tell them" Bye , don't let the door hit you on the way out" , they are ungrateful brats .

    The show was successful before them and will continue to be successful after them , the diva mean girl attitude is not appropriate.

    Throw them out and bring back new contestants who are really interested in losing weight , yes the big prize is nice and a big motivation but the goal is to lose weight.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I would be so embarrassed if I were Conda. My mother raised me much better than that. I would die of shame if my family, extended family, and close friends saw me behave that way on tv. Not to mention millions of people across the country. She's digging a pretty deep hole, she better get ready to hide in it when reality hits.