The reason you fail at losing weight



  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
  • juliangrant
    Great post my friend - very sensible and needed said, so well done.

    The reason some people fall off of diet and exercise is exactly that - that they often put on weight in the first two or 3 weeks. This can be due to your body retaining water.

    Again, I'm no Doctor, but a trainer once explained to me that when you start exercising after a while of not doing so, your muscles will be sore. Your body reacts to this by protecting these muscles by retaining fluids around them, hence you may actually put on weight.

    After a few weeks of exercise and diet your body lets this go, so it may take 4 or 5 weeks to see initial results. This happened exactly like this for me, so just thought I'd pass it on.

    Make a commitment to change your life through diet and exercise and stick to it friends. It WILL work out!



    Nice one Michael, it's been month that I've been counting calories but I haven't lost any weight at all, your post has made me feel less discouraged about that.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    OP, good job, you have motivated a lot of people. You make some very good points.Too many view this whole "Journey" as somewhere to go, with a definite endpoint. It really isn't about the destination at all. Life is for living, The destination or end point is the grave. Personally, I would like to delay that for awhile longer. One has to make the determination to make it a good quality life. Starving oneself or using gimmicks to achieve a number on a scale is really not healthy. It has to be about living a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and exercising are a big part of that. There are stumbles and obstacles to overcome. There will always be a Superior Dairy S.O.S. waiting on the corner. You may occasionally have one. I will be jealous, but I will have a chocolate chip milkshake occasionally too. Life happens. The trick is to keep moving forward. Good luck to everyone here.

    Sorry, I had to put Journey in quotes, I consider Journey to be a band that was big in the '80s, and not my favorite descriptor of my life.
  • brentsblog
    brentsblog Posts: 60 Member
    Nice post OP

    One thing I would like to see added is that people tend to forget they put the weight on over 3,4 5+ years and they expect to lose it in a matter of weeks or months, which then relates back to you point 'You cannot join one week and expect a 10 lb loss the second week. It just doesn't work that way'

    Once people realise that they put the weight on say over 4 years there expectations on how quick they will lose it drops dramatically and there goals become more realistic and they start to have a clearer picture and not the picture of the advertising rubbish ' Drop 5 kilos in 2 weeks'
  • charneus
    OP, good job, you have motivated a lot of people. You make some very good points.Too many view this whole "Journey" as somewhere to go, with a definite endpoint. It really isn't about the destination at all. Life is for living, The destination or end point is the grave. Personally, I would like to delay that for awhile longer. One has to make the determination to make it a good quality life. Starving oneself or using gimmicks to achieve a number on a scale is really not healthy. It has to be about living a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and exercising are a big part of that. There are stumbles and obstacles to overcome. There will always be a Superior Dairy S.O.S. waiting on the corner. You may occasionally have one. I will be jealous, but I will have a chocolate chip milkshake occasionally too. Life happens. The trick is to keep moving forward. Good luck to everyone here.

    Sorry, I had to put Journey in quotes, I consider Journey to be a band that was big in the '80s, and not my favorite descriptor of my life.

    Just looked at your profile, and holy crap you're close to me! I live in Hanford. Scary, scary, scary!

    Anyway, to comment on your comment, and to add comment to this:
    One thing I would like to see added is that people tend to forget they put the weight on over 3,4 5+ years and they expect to lose it in a matter of weeks or months, which then relates back to you point 'You cannot join one week and expect a 10 lb loss the second week. It just doesn't work that way'

    It's a lifelong event, keeping healthy. It's not something that's going to stay the second you become healthy. It's something that's going to bite you in the *kitten* if you don't keep track of it. Brent (and another commenter mentioned this) is right in saying that you put on the weight over a course of time, whether it took you two months or two years, so you can expect that time to be mirrored in losing it. I'm not saying it's going to take you two years to lose the 80 lbs you put on the past two years, but it needs to be realistic. Thanks for supporting and commenting on this thread!
  • geecee77
    geecee77 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks, feeling motivated again now :)
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    This is the first post I've read in months that actually inspired me to keep going, made me smile and feel hopeful!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you sir~ hope to see more of you around here!:heart:

    PS~ when you become a NP, I want to be your patient!:blushing:
  • Gagsy
    Gagsy Posts: 11
    Yeah I've realised this myself actually. Well, I'm quite lucky actually at the moment as I'm losing weight at a great pace. I know though that it won't last and I've been trying to mentally remind myself not to cave in when it appears that the weight isn't going. I've taken measurements nearly 4 weeks ago now and I've been wanting to redo that for about 2 weeks, but I told myself that every month for measurements is fine enough. I know my tummy has gone down as I'm having to tighten belts even more.

    I guess we just like bumbers. We like to know that nasty fat is falling off and the only way we can SEE that ourselves is when the scales give us a smaller number. Problem is we forget to take account of our bodies and what is currently in them when we weigh ourselves.

    My brother recently got excited because he was showing as having lost 5 pounds in 3 days and I was trying to say in the kindest way that he likely hadn't lost that much and that he should only weigh himself once a week, less is possible but no more. Its hard for some people to resist I guess.
  • Nikkislim32
    Nikkislim32 Posts: 66 Member
    This is exactly what I needed to read today. I have had many failed attempts at losing weight because I didn't get the results I wanted in the time I expected. Big mistake! One thing I've learned is that patience and determination will take me far in this process. Let tell fat to get lost. Lol!!
  • RockChick1984
    I so needed to see/read something like this today... bit on a downer with myself and frustrated with the scales... so thanks for this :smile:
  • charneus
    I so needed to see/read something like this today... bit on a downer with myself and frustrated with the scales... so thanks for this :smile:

    Glad to have been of some help. I know it can be frustrating at times, which is why I posted this. Keep your chin up, and take each day in stride! :)
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    And the journey continues......Thanks
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor (yet). Anything I may state in here is merely suggestion, and should be discussed with your personal doctor.

    With that disclaimer out of the way, let's talk about why you are failing at losing weight.

    I bring this up because I've seen posts on here saying, "I'm doing this and that, but I'm not losing weight!" and such similar things. The first reason you're failing at losing weight is because you're expecting immediate results. You cannot join one week and expect a 10 lb loss the second week. It just doesn't work that way. You're not on "The Biggest Loser", you're simply following a guideline to assist you in losing weight.

    It's why diets tend to fail. It seems people tend to expect some sort of miracle when it comes to dieting. In part, the diet's to blame, with claims of, "Lose 30 lbs in 30 days!" and other such nonsense. No one reads the fine print where it says, "Your results may be different due to weight loss variations." In other words, they're saying, "We're going to show you the best case scenario because we want you to buy our product, but truth is, you'll probably lose 10 lbs in 30 days. But our lawyers tell us to put this here so you can't claim false advertising."

    So yeah, you're being misled into thinking you're going to lose all this weight in an almost instant rate, and with that belief, you're going to fail, and fail miserably. Take a look at the success stories around here. Not a single one of them is going to say, "I reached my goal weight in just 30 days! AWESOME!" unless they were only losing 10 lbs. Instead, you'll see, "32 months and I lost 301 lbs" (an actual post that inspires me!) or "18 months, 100 lbs lost!". Those are realistic time frames, and that's what you should expect.

    Another reason you're failing at losing weight is the belief that weight matters. Truth is, it doesn't. All the hype about weight is just that - hype. Yes, you should be at a healthy weight range for your height. What truly matters is how physically fit you are. Weight tends to be cosmetic. Look at football players. You have guys weighing in at 300 lbs that can play 3 hours of football without dying. Why? Because they are physically fit. When you exercise, you're not so much as losing weight as you are toning your muscles. You're turning fat into muscle, which is an awesome thing. The more strength you have, the more you can endure. Endurance is what allows you to run 10 miles instead of 1/10th of a mile. Your heart is a muscle, too, and by doing cardiovascular activities, you're strengthening it to regulate your blood more easily. So, just because you aren't losing weight doesn't mean you aren't getting healthy.

    For those reasons, people should concentrate less on weight loss and more on measurements. The weight loss will come naturally, but the measurements will be the determining factor. So measure your waist, your hips, your bust, neck, etc. And don't do it every few days, expecting to see a change. Do it once every two weeks, or even better, once a month. Understand that minimal weight loss doesn't mean you're not accomplishing anything. Make sure you log everything you do, exercise-wise. Look back and see, "The first day, I was only able to walk/jog for a quarter mile before I got too tired. Today, I'm able to jog two miles without stopping." That there is a huge accomplishment, even if you've only dropped 5 lbs in 2 months.

    One last thing to realize, and I'm guilty of this myself: don't under eat just to stay below your calorie level. You achieve nothing aside from the urge to go on a binge when you're eating only a quarter of what you should eat. Try for at least half your calorie goal, keeping in mind the burn from exercising. And remember, you're part of the MyFitnessPal family now, and you have tons of support from people going through the exact same thing you are.

    I support you 100% in your efforts to lose weight, and together, we will beat this excess fat!

    Just an FYI-you cannot turn fat into muscle, its not possible, just thought you should know!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    bump to read later
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Thank you for making this statement. I recently got a friend request from someone who was discouraged because they were "only loosing a couple of pounds a week" Since I lost my weight loosing a couple of pounds a week, I told them basically the same thing. Get real or fail. (you were nicer:ohwell: )
  • ShaneWinston58
    Thank you so much for your post. I have been on MFP for 100 days, and I have only lost 17 lbs. Mostly, it is due to the fact that I let holidays, birthdays, family gatherings, etc. get the best of me. I don't hold back during these activities, and it has totally blown the efforts and gains that I have made. Thanks again for your is very inspiring.
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    You are awesome!!!
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    Great post, well said! :)
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    AWESOME POST! Very down-to-earth and real-life appropriate.
    Thanks for posting!
    :) J
  • bexblonde
    Brilliant - I LOVE this post. Thanks for writing it!