Short LADIES....under 5'



  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    1. how tall are you? 5'2"
    2. how old are you? 38
    3. how much do you weigh? 114 (was 120 4 weeks ago so I've lost 6 lbs!)
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? I zigzag so anywhere between 1200-1700 and possibly more if its a training day
    5. how many net calories do you eat? Same as above and i try to eat almost all excercise cals give or take giving room for error
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) Deffinitely! 1-1.5 lbs a week (I also do 16/8 fast and still eat all my MFP cals in my 8 hour eating window)
    7. what's your goal weight? 105-110, doesn't matter though as I just want my body fat down and it's going down! YAY! I can see my muscles.

    Your my inspiration(:
    I'm around 122 and want to get down to around 110 as well!!
    Good job for the loss, I'm hoping I can get my weight down to!
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    1. how tall are you? 5'2"
    2. how old are you? 34
    3. how much do you weigh? 202.4
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? 1230
    5. how many net calories do you eat? 1000-1100
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) YES, about 1 1/2 pounds per week
    7. what's your goal weight? 135
  • 1. how tall are you? 5'2"
    2. how old are you? 39
    3. how much do you weigh? 174
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? 1200 +/-
    5. how many net calories do you eat? same
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) 1 lb every two weeks
    7. what's your goal weight? 135
  • 1. how tall are you? 5'1
    2. how old are you? 18
    3. how much do you weigh? 112 (4 lb of water weight)
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? about 1800-2600.
    5. how many net calories do you eat? Slightly less ^^
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) No
    7. what's your goal weight?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    1. how tall are you? 4'11
    2. how old are you? 23
    3. how much do you weigh? ~97-100 pounds
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? usually an average of 2000-2200 a day
    5. how many net calories do you eat? I eat at a 350ish "deficit"
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) ---not losing, despite deficit. if i am it is rather slow.
    7. what's your goal weight? --95-96 pounds (i was 92ish before but I've started lifting more and binged my way out of my comfort zone but that's okay...I don't want to be SKINNY..I want to be fit and sexy!

    From your pic you look perfect as you - it looks like you've get very low body fat.
  • 1. how tall are you? ...................................................................5' 1"
    2. how old are you? ...................................................................39
    3. how much do you weigh? ......................................................108
    4. how many gross calories do you eat?...................................900-1100 3 days/ 4 days of 1400; zig-zagging
    5. how many net calories do you eat?........................................same
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast)......................................very slow...2 lbs a month
    7. what's your goal weight?........................................................100
  • kj_4
    kj_4 Posts: 50 Member
    1. how tall are you? 5`1
    2. how old are you? `47
    3. how much do you weigh? 163 lbs.
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? aim for 1200
    5. how many net calories do you eat? sometimes 1400 to 1500 depending on exercise
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) slowed a bit, but lost 1.5 in one week.
    7. what's your goal weight? 130 - 135 lbs. at the moment - getting closer now. Started at 191 - yikes!!!
  • 1. how ta
  • amycool
    amycool Posts: 57 Member
    Hello! What's this for, is it just research, general interest?

    1. I'm 5'1
    2. I've just turned the big 30, ouch! It sneaked up on me.
    3. 132lbs
    4. 1,500
    5. 1,200 (bit of a guess)
    6. I haven't started to lose yet but I think I was doing too much strength training and not enough cardio so I'm upping the cardio and will see how that goes. However I've got some health problems and they keep getting in the way of my comittment to exercise, I'll be doing great and doing at least 5 days a week for a few weeks and then something will happen and I'll have to have a 2 week break, just the other week my ribcage became inflamed for no reason and I had to stop. Getting back into it on Monday though.
    7. I'd like to lose about 20lbs, then see if I need to lose any more.
  • 1. how tall are you?
    5' nothing

    2. how old are you?

    3. how much do you weigh?
    started at 81kgs (178lbs)
    Last weigh in 76.5kgs (168 lbs)

    4. how many gross calories do you eat?
    1200 - 1400

    5. how many net calories do you eat?
    1100 - 1300

    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast)
    I am still losing about 1- 2kg (2-4ish lbs) over 2 weeks

    7. what's your goal weight?
    current goal is 65kgs (143lbs) but will re-evaluate when I get there
  • 1. how tall are you? 4'11
    2. how old are you? 23
    3. how much do you weigh? ~97-100 pounds
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? usually an average of 2000-2200 a day
    5. how many net calories do you eat? I eat at a 350ish "deficit"
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) ---not losing, despite deficit. if i am it is rather slow.
    7. what's your goal weight? --95-96 pounds (i was 92ish before but I've started lifting more and binged my way out of my comfort zone but that's okay...I don't want to be SKINNY..I want to be fit and sexy!

    From your pic you look perfect as you - it looks like you've get very low body fat.

    Thank you!! Not really trying to lose--I had a scale blip and I did 4 weeks at a small deficit to correct it. I dont really want to go lower though--to me it should be about the mirror NOT the scale. I am bigger than I was 1.5 years ago but honestly I think I look better now with more nuscle. If I lost 6 pounds to get back to that weight I'd surely be unhealthy or it would be nuscle loss. Not good.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    1. how tall are you - 5'1
    2. how old are you - 44
    3. how much do you weigh - 130
    4. how many gross calories do you eat - between 1300 and 1500
    5. how many net calories do you eat - averaging about 1100
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) - i just started program about 3 weeks ago
    7. what's your goal weight - between 110 and 115
  • 1. how tall are you? - I'm 5'2 even
    2. how old are you? 22
    3. how much do you weigh? 158.9 this morning
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? average between 1200 - 1400
    5. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) I just started tracking my weight with MFP 3 weeks ago. So far it has been nice being able to read what I eat to make sure I'm staying on my goals.
    7. what's your goal weight? 140
  • 1. how tall are you? 4 '11
    2. how old are you? 41
    3. how much do you weigh? currently 154
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? 1200 but some days i go under
    5. how many net calories do you eat? if i exercise i never eat those calories so i keep it at 1200
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) Just started again so far lost 5lbs, so about 1 1/2lbs per week
    7. what's your goal weight? 125-130
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    1. 5'1"
    2. 32 (9-28-79)
    3. 131.3
    4. around 1500 (it varies day to day)
    5. 1310 (or so)
    6. it week nothing, the next 2lbs... it's taken me since last June to lose a little over 11 lbs
    7. 120-125, but I'm more concerned with how I look & feel and my body fat% (I'd like to see it at about 25%)
  • 1. 5'2
    2. 14
    3. 132 lbs
    4. 1200 calorie limit each day
    5. i usually aim for 400 calories leftover each day
    6. yep, maybe a pound a week haha not sure just broke out of a platue of being 136 for a month
    7. 115-120 i want to look good in jeans and shorts!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    1. how tall are you? 5' 1 1/4"
    2. how old are you? 40 (with a 13, 10 & 8 yr old...all c sections)
    3. how much do you weigh? 125-126
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? my cals are set on 1220 but on workout days, I eat back at least half of my extra cals earned
    5. how many net calories do you eat? I try to have 150-400 left on a big workout day, often go over on the weekends and don't even track on Sundays (my rest day)
    6. are you still losing? no, not really. I gain and lose the same lb or so over and over. I'm really focusing on toning and weight lifting and my shape now rather than my weight
    7. what's your goal weight? Would like to get down to 122-124 eventually but not stressing about it for now, working on gaining muscle
  • 1. how tall are you? 5 ft 1

    2. how old are you? 22 I have a 2 yr old and a 3 1/2 year old =)

    3. how much do you weigh? 140 (started at 160)

    4. how many gross calories do you eat? Between 1000-1600

    5. how many net calories do you eat? avg around 500

    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) I am losing still, not super fast but about a pound a week. For the month of January I lost 5 lbs.

    7. what's your goal weight? I would like to be around 110-115. I was 105 when I was younger but now I have boobs and hips thanks to my babies, and I think 105 would be too skinny, but we will see when I gwt to 115 =)
  • 1. how tall are you? 4'10.5
    2. how old are you? 43
    3. how much do you weigh? 134
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? usually an average of 1200-1300 a day
    5. how many net calories do you eat? 1000
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) ---Yes, I tend to lose easily as long as I concentrate on diet
    7. what's your goal weight? --108 since I am medium build and considered mesomorph.

  • Lady_Senie
    Lady_Senie Posts: 100 Member
    1. how tall are you? 5' 1.5"
    2. how old are you? 32 with a almost 3 yr old
    3. how much do you weigh? 210 lbs
    4. how many gross calories do you eat? 800 (I'm doing Dr. Bernstein though, so don't go by me)
    5. how many net calories do you eat? I don't know what that means
    6. are you still losing? (if so, how fast) On this medically supervised program, I'm losing about 4 lbs a week, not accounting for my period hormonal flux that tends to set me back a pound or two that one week.
    7. what's your goal weight? 127

    I'm probably not the person to be emulating here, as I'm doing a highly intense strength training regime since January 1st on top of this REALLY strict ketosis diet for the last 2 weeks. It's hard, but it's working wonders for me. And I freely admit that I have a heck of a lot more weight to lose than you do, so my program is naturally gonna be a heck of a lot different than yours, hon.

    But as an elite member of the untall, I simply HAD to weigh in on this thread (no pun intended)

    Just as a sidenote though, if you're looking to lose another couple of pounds, then it's all good, but in my humble opinion, you already look 'fit and sexy'. Don't underestimate yourself, you're beautiful!