Why are you / Why were you fat?



  • joyous504
    I gained 80 pounds with each of my pregnancies. My last child was born 4 years ago and it took me that long to lose 70 of it. I am working on the last 10!

  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    im fat for many reasons. the lifestyle my family set. no activities and bad homestyle ccoking. it got worse when my grandmother moved in when i was 7. her way of contributing was feeding us. its a constant struggle trying to keep her out of the kitchen. its ridiculous. and i was always active as a kid, but i never got into sports. that was a huge downfall.i strted getting chunchy when i was 8. (notice the timeline)i slowly kept gaining wight until freshman year i weight 195-200 lbs. i remained there for 2 3 years. then i had a lot of health problems and had to do homeschool. BOREDOM killed me. if i didnt have anything to do i was in the pantry. what else made me fat? i love food. im not one of those people that wont try something and lives on chicken nuggets. i love experiencing different and strange foods. so that means i ate. a lot. i was aware i was making bad choice but that didnt stop me. at 19 years old my highest weight (before the lap band surgery) was 289.6! 289.6! i felt distgusted. i had tried to lose weight before but never succeeded. and i mean REALLY try. so i decided lapband was for me. but now that ive had the surgery i see it was more of a mental tool. i still have pretty much all control over how much and what i eat. but getting the surgery made me FEEL like i had that help. i had the thing that would cause me to succeed. it ovbiously does helt physically as well but for me thats how its been. im 5 weeks post op and im down 27 lbs. i WILL keep going. i have no doubt.i will have hard patches but i cant imagine going back to where i was. this is my new life. i cant wait to look back 2 years down the road and see where i came from. :)
  • karachlo
    karachlo Posts: 9 Member
    I went through a chubby phase as a young child & the pounds just disappeared. I was thin in High School and was able to eat anything and everything. Even up until I had children I didn't need to watch my weight. Once I had my children it went South very quickly! I have simply made the wrong food choices, eating out of boredom, etc.
  • mrscruikshank
    mrscruikshank Posts: 26 Member
    I was 16 when I met my (thankfully now ex) husband. I weighed 120. He was awful and mean. He told me I was fat. I'm an emotional eater. By the time I was 22 we had 3 kids. Then I was a size 14. He continued to be awful and mean. I finally left him when I was 30. When I was 32 I had my 4th child. I was hovering around 190. Over the next 2 years I struggled with financial, relationship and drug problems. In July 09 I heard from my first true love. We were married in July 2011. Life is amazing and he loves me now matter what size I am. That is what makes losing and getting healthy so much easier this time around! I'm doing this for me. Not for some selfish man who wouldn't know love if it kicked him in his @$$ :laugh:

    I'm still an emotional eater. But I don't find myself emotionally eating on a daily basis. I have learned that if I have a bad day at work I can eat a piece of wonderful chocolate. I no longer feel the need to eat the whole bag! Lol...My dear husband is very much a meat and potatoes kind of guy. So I eat a big bowl of salad at the beginning of each dinner. That way I only eat a small portion of steak and mashed potatoes. : ) It's still somewhat early in my journey but having loving and supportive family and friends by my side is monumental!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I was an average kid, a chunky preteen, a thin teenager- through high school and college I was an athlete I ran 5 miles every morning no fail, I played volleyball, I wrestled and I even played a little rugby in college. I could eat whatever I wanted because I was a vegetarian and effectively burned a bajillion calories a day. After college, I got sick and the doc basically said start eating meat or you have to take giant horse pill iron supplements that do crazy things to your body. I continued the unchecked eating behavior with added meat calories, no organized sports and new found love of beer... Add in the development of PCOS and depression and *kitten*-ton of excuses and you can fast forward 10 years and 140lbs. I went from 145-150 to 280-290.

    I knew what I needed to do to get fit- it was just hard and I would make excuse after excuse.... When, just before I turned 30 my doc had the "you're fat, you're going to die early, and I can't prescribe the medicine to ease your condition anymore because you'll undoubtedly throw a clot and die."

    That was my rock bottom and "oh, *kitten*" moment. I started watching my portions, cutting out allergens, moving more, lifting heavy stuff, getting involved in group events and activities and 2.5 years later, I'm down 120lbs with a body fat percentage lower than it was when I was in high school and undoubtedly the best shape of my life.

    Once I wrapped my head around the fact that every "reason" I had not to eat right and exercise was an excuse it took them all away...
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    being italian, bread a pasta at every meal lol

    low self esteem, fat or skinny, what's the difference?

    low metabolism, from years of yo-yo dieting and starvation diets, my metabolism was basically nonexistent.

    bad genes, i don't care what anybody says...some people got it, some people don't....

    too fat and too tired to exercise, even a short walk outside would feel like an intense work out.

    no time. college full time, and 3 jobs. no time to prepare meals, go shopping, exercise, or sit down and figure out a plan.

    no money! eating healthy is definitely more expensive, and sure, you CAN do it for cheaper, but if you have the TIME (see above) to figure it all out.

    take your pick lol
  • rschlappi
    I was always able to maintain a good weight and eat whatever I wanted, until I had my second child. Then my metabolism shifted and my body changed.
    I am currently 195 and eat about 3500 calories a day without gaining weight. But now my problem is that I've become an emotional eater, and my food of choice is candy.

    So I need to work on those issues to get back to my goal weight of about 170. I am not very tall but I have a large frame (as determined by my doctor, that's not just me saying I'm big boned lol). At 195 I wear a size 12, so I think under 170 I will look skeletal.
  • jenniegeo
    jenniegeo Posts: 10 Member
    It's alcohol for me. I eat right and I don't crave food but I turn to alcohol to relieve my stress and now it's become a habit. I get off work and come home and crack open a beer or pour a glass of wine everyday!!! I do go a few days here and there without drinking and I'm fine. I actually sleep better. It's hard to find motivation because all you see is "don't eat the bad food". I need to hear "don't drink that bad alcohol" lol!
  • jenniegeo
    jenniegeo Posts: 10 Member
    Me too!! I don't crave food and I eat well but I turned to alcohol to relieve stress and now it's become an everyday habit, ugh!
  • jenniegeo
    jenniegeo Posts: 10 Member

    Me too!! I don't crave food and I eat well but I turned to alcohol to relieve stress and now it's become an everyday habit, ugh!
  • jenniegeo
    jenniegeo Posts: 10 Member
    Beer is part of it, and the other part was when I quit smoking last January (of 2011). I gained 20 pounds in 6 months.

    Beer was all of it for me and no exercise.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm fat because i love to eat, normally too much of the wrong foods.
  • Songbirdy
    Songbirdy Posts: 41 Member
    Because I ate too much of the wrong stuff.

    I did that because my life was crazy and there was little I could control but I could walk into the kitchen and cook food and goodies that everyone loved. And that comforted me.

    Now that I'm more aware of the crazy in my life and that some huge parts of it are at a point that can no longer hurt me I have the time, energy and awareness to deal with it all.

    I'm working very hard to never, ever get to the point that I was before.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    I am an emotional eatter...and i love food! To much intake not enought output...not a big fan of exercise, but i'm changing that:)
  • starrynigh8
    starrynigh8 Posts: 31 Member
    I have not always been overweight. I didn't start moving towards an 'overweight' category until I quit playing sports in high school. College came around and I made bad food choices....like fast food. I have always eaten fast food, but I wasn't burning off any of the fast food I was taking in. I am a hardcore emotional eater. I eat when I am sad. I eat when I am happy. I overeat when I am stressed and depressed at the same time. I want to eat when I am mad. It's a never ending cycle. I think my weight gain got worse when I started dating my husband. You hear stories about skinny people looking in the mirror and seeing a fat person.....Well, for years, as a fat person, I looked in the mirror and saw a healthy not-so-fat person. I would feel good about myself before going out with friends...thinking I looked super cute in my new outfit or whatever...then I would see pictures from that night and think, "OMG, that's not what I thought I looked like at all." It was as if my mirror were lying to me. My husband has loved me at whatever size I have been at (he's not into skinny chicks) so I think I also lost the motivation to look good for him because I knew he'd love me no matter what.
    So basically: bad food choices, emotional eater, denial when looking in the mirror, and lack of motivation.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss!

    For me, most of all my family members are heavier. I grew up thinking it was okay to be unhealthy and that it was just in my genes. Also, already marginally heavy I got pregnant and used the excuse for eating for two. Once I gave birth I still refused to take accountability for my own health and body. I became brutally honest with myself and realized that one is going to lose the weight for me.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    too much food, not enough moving.

    and genetics. my dad's side of the family has a messed up endocrine system and i'm apparently the only child out of 5 who's inherited it. thanks, dad.
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    I never considered myself "thin". I was atheletic - curvy.
    I enjoy food (the wrong food) too much.
    I played sports year round in H.S. then once graduated (1996) I kept gaining.
    In a group of friends there was someone always "bigger", so I never felt bad and thought to myself I would
    not let myself get that way. Well here we are - 2 kids later. I weigh more now that when I was pregnant both times.
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    I was overweight for as long as i can remember.
    I never really liked the way i look, and was constantly picked on and bullied at school. Not physically, but the words hurt as much as any punch or kick!
    When i turned 21 i'd had enough, and in just under a year i managed to lose around 6stone (84lb).
    I wasn't skinny, i still had curves. But i was happy and comfortable with my body.

    After a while i met my amazing man, settled down and had 2 kids in less than 2 years. During the first pregnancy i "ate for 2" and piled on the weight, and before i had chance to lose it i was pregnant again.

    Since then i've hated my body all over again.

    I'm determined to one day fit back in all the clothes i wore when i was happy with my body :)
  • mkirschmann
    mkirschmann Posts: 6 Member
    Baby weight. I gained 50lbs. I thought pregnancy was a free for all. I wish someone would've told me to put the fork down. :(

    This! I busted my *kitten* to lose weight that I had gained before getting pregnant and I was in pretty awesome shape and then I was pregnant during the winter. It was horrible. I ate way to many gyros and did little to no exercise.