Turbo Fire Hiit 15 calories burned=Disappointment !



  • ebonyrose316266
    ebonyrose316266 Posts: 48 Member
    Very interesting...I think I may add some HIIT workouts to my routine.
  • a
  • Timkoetta
    Timkoetta Posts: 70 Member
    The best thing I found after doing HIIT15 was the amazing amount of energy I had for the rest of the day - I just felt so buzzed!
    oh my gosh i agree i just did HIIT 15 for the first time today and realize i do have more energy all day

    Hmmm....maybe I had an off day but when I finished HIIT 15 I almost puked!! I have been completely exhausted, had a headache, and been super hungry all day! I did it after I woke up (I was feeling lazy before I did it) and I hope it has just been one of those days, but it seems like it zapped everything out of me.

    BUT...I LOVED THE WORKOUT. :) I will do it again and hopefully I will have more energy next time.
  • Dryxxa
    Dryxxa Posts: 1 Member
    i love everything about turbofire. ive been doing it pretty slacky for the last month. but im going full force starting yesterday, just did my hiit 15 today! finally getting through without having to take extra breaks. when i started, i couldn't stand cardio, my firs time doing fire 30 i was dying! now i can get through it without many problems. :)
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Bump - Just bought Turbo Fire :) Started the Fire Starter class. It kicked my butt. I was thinking...this is the starter class? LOL!
  • I do turbo fire and I love it... I notice a difference in my body and I sweat like crazy... If you don't like the 200 calories burned in 20 mi utes then push yourself harder, that's what I do but I'll take 200 calories of turbo fire than 200 calories on a tredmill any day !!
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are designed to add muscle! That in turn burns more fat and calories when you do cardio. That is why you look better and burn more calories when you use HIIT workouts. They work great, if you do them how you are supposed to, to build the muscle that eats the fat when you do cardio or aerobic workouts.
  • I've been doing the Turbo Fire workout for a few weeks now (although not as religiously as I would like since life gets in the way) and I love the work outs. I try doing it when I first wake up or if busy I try doing it before I sleep. It definitely puts you through an intense workout but I do feel accomplished and excited when I can get through the work out with just a bit more intensity each time! When I commit to the workouts and eating better I definitely shed the inches off. Even when I haven't I've noticed that my body is shaping up and I do love the energy I get from it. Even though before I do a turbo fire work out I'm not wanting to but once I'm in it I get into it.

    My best friend was the one who got me into Turbo Fire. She lost about 50+lbs with it over a 5 month period and is my inspiration. Like others mentioned you don't necessarily lose the calories during the initial workout; however, you do burn more throughout your day which I do notice that even when I've fallen off the wagon and maybe had a day I didn't eat healthy, that I don't gain it all in one night's meal when I've been really committing to the workout.
  • sparkles827
    sparkles827 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing Trubofire consistantly for just over a week now and it feels awesome! When I first did fire 55 about 5 minutes in I was dying now through doing the program cocnsistantly I have noticed a change in my fitness level. Now I'm able to go almost 25mins before even needing a break. Hiits are where its at!! really gets you perked up for the day! Turbofire is Awesome!
  • I did 90 days of TurboFire and it changed my life! Just be patient and allow the process to happen. The hardest part for me was staying consistent and eating right 80% of the time. I'm so glad I found an accountability group to hold me to my word for the entire process. I had the program before and gave up in the first week. This was the first time I ever finished any program. Now I am in another accountability group (through Facebook) and am doing p90x...it's amazing. I had always had trouble with cardio and now I can complete workouts without a problem.
  • For those of you doing turbofire and tracking your calories on my fitness pal, have you noticed that there is a big difference between the recommended daily calories. I know part of it is because of the fact that you burn calories for hours after you do the HIIt workouts. Turbo fire says the average calories that you burn per workout is 450. I average about 300. Then it bumps up to 500 calories for week 6-12and then 700 for weeks 13-20. I am in week 6 which has more hiit trainings so it's hard to know how many more calories I will be burning after the workouts. I guess I could wear my heart rate monitor and see. I just want to get to the right calorie range so I see results and to not to be too low to go into starvation mode. I feel that the turbo fire may be geared to people who are already fit and pick up the routines quickly. I am still trying to get all of the moves and really push myself as much as I can.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are designed to add muscle! That in turn burns more fat and calories when you do cardio. That is why you look better and burn more calories when you use HIIT workouts. They work great, if you do them how you are supposed to, to build the muscle that eats the fat when you do cardio or aerobic workouts.

    Yah no...unless you are eating at a surplus HIIT is not going to add muscle...

    to the OP I do a HIIT session 2x a week (off days of lifting) , I started this in the new year and it definately boosts your weight loss.

    I had been averaging 1/2lb a week (which was fine) but when I added HIIT in it went to an average of 1.33lbs a week...and it helped me lose that extra holiday weight (1.5lbs) in no time.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I don't do Turbofire, but I am always markedly hungrier the day after an HIIT session due to that metabolic fire being stoked.

    For this reason, if I really pushed it, I usually double or triple the time logged for that workout to make it more realistic. I think this is also why activities like Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, etc are all SUPER high calorie burns. They are all naturally HIIT workouts.
  • anb2087
    anb2087 Posts: 1
    Yes you burn more as the day goes she even says that in the workout and think about it you burned 200 almost in 15 mins thats very good! and i think its really only 10 mins of a workout the rest is warm up at the start and end so really 10 mins you burned almost 200 and you will keep burning more through out the day