Need to loose 100 pounds! Pls Help!

Looking for folks to add as friends that want to watch me loose 70 pounds... again... and then another 30. Hopefully I can steal lots of diet tips and tricks from you and be inspired by your journey no matter what your weight loss goals. And from time to time you will see me post about my long lost loves (light beer and chicken wings) and about how the spin bikes at the gym are a 21st century torture device.

Go Dawgs!



  • rogermedic71
    rogermedic71 Posts: 19 Member
    My story is similar. I had lost 100 pounds in my 20's and have gained it back and then some. I miss chicken wings as well. I couldn't believe how many calories they have. They are evil. I like your sense of humor. Feel free to add me.
  • add away. I am also wanting to hit the 100 challenge
  • Jzslim
    Jzslim Posts: 35 Member
    I am looking to lose another 60 lbs or so,I have lost 20 since jan 2nd.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    i have over 100 to lose.. its gonna be a long road lol
  • Hi, I've only started on this site today. i lost a lot of weight and have put more than half of it abck on again, so I know the feeling, it just hops back on so easily compared to taking it off!

    Still we should both be encouraged that we have made a positive move to get back on track.

    Happy to support another 2nd timer. Good luck, and hope to see you around on the site.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have lost 42 and have about 30 left! You will of course succeed or the rest of us will kick your *kitten*!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
  • DeeNyceRN
    DeeNyceRN Posts: 104 Member
    I also have over 100 lbs to lose. I have lost 16 so far. I would like to be added as your friend. :)
  • I am also working to loose 100 pounds and I also have a love/hate relationship with Chicken Wings. Football games just won't be the same without those delicious, yet disasterous, morsels. Oh well, my health is more important to me than any food. Please add me. I would love to cheer you on along the way.
  • Anyone fell free to add me. I'm looking to lose about 100lbs. I am very healthy for my size, no blood sugar issues, blood pressure or cholesterol, not much else wrong except my size. I want it to stay that way (well except the size part, obviously). But I both my parents are diabetic and I don't want to have that happen as I age and I want to nip this in the bud now. Plus I would like to be happy with every aspect of my life, not just parts of it.
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    I need to lose AS MUCH WEIGHT AS POSSIBLE before my upcoming knee surgery....ideally, 150 lbs but I'd be happy with simply ten pounds a month until I get to a "decent" size. I"m much too frightened and insecure to get on the I'm hoping the weight loss with be showing up as my clothes getting baggy......I've only been doing it for a month today, but already I noticed my winter coat DOES seem a bit bigger!!! I"d be happy to add anyone, as I firmly believe support and fellowship are important! I'd bypass chicken wings gladly for a Big Mac lol!!!
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Feel free to add me...on my way to 101 myself!
  • I have over 100 to lose. And I'm not going anywhere till its gone! I'll add you.
  • renesuny
    renesuny Posts: 9 Member
    I will be glad to have you as a friend. I have not been on here in a while. But I am starting up again.
  • Hi, I have been on here for just over 3 months. I have lost 37 pounds so far. I have around 49 lbs to go. Feel free to add me if you would like support! And if you havent heard of this sight, check it out for great recipes for may find things on there that are similar to your favorite foods that you are staying away from. I love this sight and so does my
  • You and me both Mallcat. I have nothing wrong physically, except that I need to lose close to 200 pounds. I am all for this add. So, seriously, Add-away! --BlackDiamondBarbie
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    feel free to add me. I'm thinking I've got about 100 pounds left to lose to ultimatley be at a healthy weight. I'm trying to get as much off before college football starts up again. Last season really derailed my diet/ exercise!
  • Karsty
    Karsty Posts: 22 Member
    It seems like a lot of us ... all too many I'm afraid ... are in the same boat, so to speak. I weighed a whopping 472 pounds in 2001. Lost 274 and have sadly regain back about 183 of those. I am on the losing trail again and would be glad to add you.

    Hopefully we have all learned some hard lessons. We've all probably heard the phrase before ... and trust me I am getting sick and tired of hearing it, but ... it's going to be about making "A LIFESTYLE CHANGE".

    There will be no short term fixes ... for me this will be a life long struggle and I have to realize that I can NEVER go back to eating the way I once did.

    The battle continues.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    I need to lose 150lbs and nearly half way there. I love the friends I've made on MFP but some of them only
    have a short way to go and I would like friends who have a long journey ahead of themselves, like myself.
    I'm a daily logger and committed 100%, so friend me if you feel the same, just leave a brief message.
    Thanks. Olive.....
  • woodstockmom
    woodstockmom Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Joey -- we have something in common! A love of GA football and some poundage to drop. I started on this journey on January 6 and I'm down 20 pounds today....with another 40 to go. I'm in for the long haul with no short fixes. If you would like to friend me we can get through football season together. Did I mention my daughter is a Redcoat! :))