Stupid, annoying depression



  • mamasasa
    mamasasa Posts: 90 Member
    I myself have been feeling blue, but unlike you I did eat the Girl Scout cookies (only 2)! I also have to talk myself into exercising, but always feel better when I'm done. Congrats to you for going for the keyboard instead of the cookies. I do know these feelings pass, so be kind to yourself.:flowerforyou:

    I have such amazing MFP friends. I love your honesty and offer you nothing but love and support :happy: :heart:
  • oddy_coddy
    I never thought depression to be real, just some thing people say when they are feeling sad, but then so much time went by that I didn't feel much of anything. I didn't even know what was happening until I couldn't even think. Rather went on auto pilot, stuffing my face and not feeling anything. My head said stop, I knew it wasn't what I wanted to be doing, but I didn't stop rather stuffed the cookies in faster only to have the physical and emotional pain later. How do you explain to anyone who doesn't know of that stuck feeling? Weight loss can be done - but can depression be cured? I can only hope the 2 go hand in hand. It is inspiring to see that there are others having the same troubles and over coming them, pushing through. Thank you for sharing.
  • mamasasa
    mamasasa Posts: 90 Member
    I find acupuncture is amazing for depression. I also take St. Johns Wort, Calms Forte, Bach Rescue Remedy....not all at once of course.
    I also find, if I can convince myself to start exercising (for 5 minutes) the "happy" kicks in and I continue. There seems to be "something" in the air presently, as myself and a lot of my friends are suffering through darkness. If we offer each other love and support, this too shall pass. Being open and honest about our feelings and emotions is key. It is healthy to have a full range of emotions. :heart:
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Thank you for your post!!! You are SOOOO not alone...I've dealt with depression for most of my life. I have some horrid spells...I thought they would stop once I started taking care of myself and exercising so much, but I find myself melting down more often. I figure it's because I'm no longer stuffing my feelings back into my face with 6 pounds of Hershey's.

    Congratulations for reaching for the keyboard instead of the Girl Scout cookies. THAT is a triumph! Feel free to add me if you'd like...that goes for everyone, I don't have many friends on here yet. :)
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I have depression too. Been fighting it since my teens, and have been taking meds for it for the last 15 years. Exercise works. Great diet works, taking care of myself works. But not always. It is the black dog that is always lurking in the background. Folks don't understand, and there is such powerful stigma against this. I know what this is like.
  • AutumnsPassage
    AutumnsPassage Posts: 33 Member
    OMG I love you for posting this. So many people do not understand how severe clinical depression is. But, I do! Depression led me to pack on 50 lbs in 6 months. I still have trouble getting out of bed. I have been on here a week and I get out to walk and then retire back to bed. It's terrible. This is the longest bout of severe depression I have had to deal with. Depression sucks! Maybe we can help each other. I want my body and my life back!

    Sounds like a day in my life, honestly I haven't even gotten out of bed today.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Sorry you're having such a tough time, I'm feeling the dark cloud over my head as well right now. I hear what you're saying and am glad you posted, not only so you don't feel alone but so many others of us don't either.

    Thanks for that:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have depression too. Been fighting it since my teens, and have been taking meds for it for the last 15 years. Exercise works. Great diet works, taking care of myself works. But not always. It is the black dog that is always lurking in the background. Folks don't understand, and there is such powerful stigma against this. I know what this is like.

    Similar to me...except I no longer take medication. I am so glad that so many people are sharing their stories and experiences with depression here...

    You guys all rock :heart:
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    Its great to be open and talk about it...Mine started as post natal when i had my first son 8 yrs ago..then turned into depression as well as an anxiety disorder....i have to control it with meds but exercise does help...I have felt down again for months..last week i had a sons behaviour added to the last 2 yrs my uncle and pop passed within 8mths of each other....I whacked on 20plus kilos...rejoined MFP a few weeks ago..the best thing ive i put a status on my FB page...The sun is shining positive i was meant to have that breakdown to release all my back exercising,smiling,eating well...its a horrible thing...please feel free to add me..anyone can...:smile:
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    Thank you all for giving me a few minutes to not feel alone in my struggle and to not feel so ashamed about my little dark secret of desperation. I would love for any/all of you to add me!
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    I feel the same way almost every night. It gets so bad that I physically feel sick. I've noticed that little things trigger it. Ex. facebook, my bf leaving, being alone in my room. You are so not alone. I think this happens to so many women. I blame our crazy hormones. I hope that this can help you: when I start feeling sad I do anything and everything that will distract my mind. Usually I turn to reading or playing games on my phone. Sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't. Sometimes I wish that there was some fool proof pill that can you can pop and make all the worries go away! Just know that there are many supportive people on this site that you can turn to at any time of the day to help make you feel better. You're doing wonderful already by not eating those ever so tempting cookies! :) (wish I had that kind of willpower :P)
  • RockKelly
    RockKelly Posts: 62 Member
    It must be one of those days...I just posted that I could feel my anxiety coming on pretty strong tonight.
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    Ugh, yeah, depression...

    My friend and I were having a conversation about that Catch-22. You know you should get out and do something, go work out, call a friend, whatever it is that makes you feel better, but you CAN'T because you're depressed and have no motivation. She said that's what she's going to write her thesis about, and try to find an answer to how to get motivated when you're depressed. I said if she could people would shower her feet with gold, and she would be canonized.

    So good job for you, reaching for the keyboard instead of the cookies!
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    just reading the posts here makes me feel less alone. i agree with that catch-22... if you could find it in yourself to love yourself enough to take care and get moving... you wouldn't have fallen into the pit of depression in the first place! so frustrating. one day at a time.
  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    Shannon, I think it will be so helpful that you posted this. Good for you! I've dealt with depression, too and a few years ago when I started exercising, I was able to go off meds and haven't needed them since! It truly was the key for me! You are right to be open and get lots of support on MFP. You are truly the exercise queen and now I know why! Take care :)
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Great post. My father recently outed himself on fb, he was ashamed and I am proud because there is nothing to be ashamed about...its a chemical imbalance in our brain...there is no fault, or doesn't have to be a reason, depression is just malfunctioning of a body part just like any other disease. My mothers a mental health nurse and she encouraged him to talk openly about this and educate people.
    Being open won't make it go away but hopefully you'll take away the shame and guilt that you might have felt along with it in the past. good luck!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Excellent post! Each time you replace a destructive behavior with a constructive behavior, you become stronger. Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself up when you're not having a strong moment. Just don't allow it to spiral. You can check with your doc and see if it's ok to take ginko biloba if that's something you'd be interested in. I started taking it a week ago and it really clears my head and gives me energy. I take 120 mg daily, sold over the counter. This is not medical advise, just sharing what works for me.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Having lived it with both myself and several family members I know your pain and struggle to keep on going and get anything done.
    Even a 10 to 15 minute walk can make a huge difference in mood and energy levels. So if you can do anything make sure you get your walk in. It can be in short intervals at first but as you energy increases you will find that the longer walks are a great way to let go of some of your stress and anxiety. They become you meditation space.

    With the weather improving and spring approaching sometimes just sitting outside in the sun and listening to the birds helps to lift the mood.

    I find in the winter I need to be diligent with using a dawn simulator and a light box. Most people have heard of using these for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) what most people call the winter blues but the literature indicated that it helps with depression as well. I know it works for me!
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    Having been unhappy most of my life, about 2 years ago I really fell into a pit. I went from non-smoker to 20 a day, had weeks at a time off work unable to do anything, self-harmed and started having anxiety attacks. All during this, and after, I binged and binged, until I finally decided to cut down and get healthy.

    Even watching my calories and losing 30lbs didn't make me feel that much better. Jogging 5k three times a week didn't either. It wasn't until I went cold turkey on the refined, processed junk food (anything with an ingredients list) that I really started to feel better. The background sadness that I'd carried with me for so long lifted, and I spent entire days, then weeks, then months, feeling OK. Balanced, stable, normal. It was a complete revelation. I don't manage my depression anymore, I just don't have it.

    When I work out my body feels good, but my emotions are ruled by my diet. Garbage in, garbage out. My 2 cents.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    light box might help some of you. luckily i live in az so i dont need one but when it rains for a few days i can def tell a difference. i love what you said about diabetes.