

  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I just moved home for 5 weeks for summer break. That means living with my mom and bro, both eat so terrible! My bro is 17 and is 6'2 and weighs like 140. Why didn't I get those genes?? There are sooo many temptations here and I've been pretty strong so far. Went shipping today and got a lot of healthy foods. How can I resist when they bring home a huge pizza from my gave local joint? Wish me luck girls...I'm gonna need it...
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    You can do it Courtney! Stick with it!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Courteny, sounds like you have a real challenge in front of you but you can do it!

    Yolie, that sounds wonderful to be able to go up to Mt Ranier and hike in the snow! that is so awesome!

    Miss Messey, it looks like you are chugging right along!

    Nat, I hope you find out about your gallstones soon. They are so common in people who have done a lot of dieting and I know they are really painfull.

    I guess I had go and pack Vicki's suitcase for her! My sister arrives tomorrow, so it is really getting close!
    Tammy, it is so great that you love to hike! It is such good exercise and sooo good for you!

    Jbunzo. getting your groove back is hard. I think it is a one day or one hour at a time situation. For me one of the best motivators is being on the boards and reading what everyone else is doing and experiencing!

    Meag, it is so hard to have company and stay on track! I think for me it becomes an excuse to go off my plan! Just like the article I posted! Do the best you can and make good choices!

    GETFIT, good for you that you were able to get right back on! your days off resemble the curves plan. You pumped up your metabolism by eating more and chances you will drop even more or something like that! tee hee! Right!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I celebrated my birthday and the 4th of July over the weekend and didn't track calories and ate a lot of food. I had a good time and I'll be back on track Monday.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    ILIKETOMOVE, What fun you must have had! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!:drinker:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I just moved home for 5 weeks for summer break. That means living with my mom and bro, both eat so terrible! My bro is 17 and is 6'2 and weighs like 140. Why didn't I get those genes?? There are sooo many temptations here and I've been pretty strong so far. Went shipping today and got a lot of healthy foods. How can I resist when they bring home a huge pizza from my gave local joint? Wish me luck girls...I'm gonna need it...

    That has been my downfall until now as well. I finally got my family on board with a healthier lifestyle so it has helped tremendously. Now we have no junk food in the house at all and if they decide they want a treat the rule is they have to go out where I can't see them and cannot bring anything home. It is working out great and they haven't gone out for fast food anyway for over a week.

    Keep at it and be strong. You can do it! Good Luck!

  • natswin
    natswin Posts: 6
    Hmm, so I'm a bit duh when it comes to places like this at times.

    Is there a specific June starters weighing in thread? Is it a weekly one? I have dial up and this site takes a while to load, lol.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    YES, there is a weigh in thread . Weigh in is tomorrow!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    This is the last day I will post until later this week. Off to Mexico tomorrow! OLAY!:flowerforyou:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    NAT, congrats on your 3 pound loss, you are doing a great job!

    Miss Messey, Great loss, soon you will be in onedurland!

    Mrs Praza, wow! you are really doing well!I see you are in onderland and running away from fat!

    Glandis, Congrats to you and keep up the good work!

    Magglett, that is a great loss! You gals are really cooking!

    Renee, Good job! AND you are almost in onderland! yippe!

    MOM, take anything you can get! nothing wrong with a pound! I will be away for almost 2 weeks and am going to try to just make really good choices!

    Tammy , 6 you are the loser of the week! OMG that is wonderful and you are closing in on onderland very fast! Keep up the good work! Are you following a plan other than counting calories? why don't you tell us all about it on the chat thread!

    Yolie, good for you! 2 pounds is a lot when you are already so little

    ILIKE2MOVE IT, Congratulations on your loss also YOU are so close to your goal! you go girl!

    Sheren, join my group! We will need to change our direction! hmm no scale for me next week!

    Stormyweather, Don't feel bad! You can join my team for this week! lol!

    Busy mom, you did a great job! don't be down on yourself! You are truckin right along!

    evinsgirl, that is so good! 160's are so close and sounds wonderful to me!

    Candy Jo, good to see you, we have missed you! please keep on posting!

    Johnny's girl, congratulstions on moving into onderland!

    Jen Marie, good for you! you guys are all cooking! I want to cook to!

    Jeann,on't be down on yourself!
    there a lot of people on this thread who are here to help you and we have the on going July chat thread so that you can get as much support as you need! Hang in

    Beckey, yea for you is right! You goooo girl!

    fSlimminag mom, great weight loss! Congratulations!

    Gisil, welcome aboard and this is a great group of gals!

    Sassycat, you are fine and next week is another goal ! Hang in there!

    ABaby lilac, one pound looks good! One day one pound at a time! Right!

    Alicia, take that pound and run with it think of this, RUNNING AWAY FROM FAT!

    Staci, good job, you have the scale moving in the right direction!

    WELL, GALS I will check in with you later in the week! Have a great one!
  • jeanns
    jeanns Posts: 58
    Sandi, you are so sweet! Have a great, safe time in Mexico! :drinker:
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks Sandi!
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks Sandi :happy:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    What a great group of people you guys are! Fabulous!

    So I've lost weight and inches. I took before and 'now' pics- can't tell a darn bit of difference. It really sent me for a loop- I thought at least I'd look different *somewhere*. Alas- nope. Nothing.

    Hubbs says he can tell but why can't I? :sad: I still look like a big sack of fat. Dang!

    Ok, just had to vent- thanks!
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    What a great group of people you guys are! Fabulous!

    So I've lost weight and inches. I took before and 'now' pics- can't tell a darn bit of difference. It really sent me for a loop- I thought at least I'd look different *somewhere*. Alas- nope. Nothing.

    Hubbs says he can tell but why can't I? :sad: I still look like a big sack of fat. Dang!

    Ok, just had to vent- thanks!

    I swear this post was written about me!:laugh:
  • jess_h_2
    jess_h_2 Posts: 49
    Ugh!! This past week has been so bad for me.. . we've been on vacation and I pretty much threw trying to shed pounds to the side... and now i'm kicking myself in the rear for it. Plus, as if that wasn't bad enough my period is past due ( i know i know tmi.. sorry about that) so I'm all bloated and feel like i'm 10 pounds heavier than ever.

    Ok, enough whining on my part. Pity party over. Time to get back to work and regain progress. :blushing:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Tammy , 6 you are the loser of the week! OMG that is wonderful and you are closing in on onderland very fast! Keep up the good work! Are you following a plan other than counting calories? why don't you tell us all about it on the chat thread!

    Alright, you asked for it...lol... :laugh:

    I went from 0 to 60 in 10 seconds...lol. What I mean by that is I used to eat lots and lots of junk food. Take out pretty much everyday, not much water intake, definitely no exercise, and lots of snacking on chocolate and sugary foods. I was leading a very very sedentary lifestyle and am often tired due to hypothyroidism, anemia, and depression. I get lots of colds, respiratory infections, pnuemonia, and other ailments and had been mostly sick from Jan-June with one cold, strep throat, or infection after another.

    I was considering surgery but decided I wanted to do it on my own so I was in the contemplative maybe even preplanning stage of change.

    On June 25 Maggie told me about this site so I joined right away and decided right then and there I had to change my lifestyle completely. And even more important I had to get my family on board or it wouldn't work.

    I had a one-sided talk with my family and explained what I wanted to do. What I mean by that is, I have asked and begged my family before to eat better and not have junk in the house in the past, it never worked and it isn't their fault I failed but it made it much harder for me to make the right choices. Anyway, I do all the grocery shopping and told them I was not buying junk anymore and none was allowed in the house. I told them if they wanted something they had to go out to eat and not bring any home and there was no more ordering in of pizza and chinese food etc... They agreed to this since I wasn't really telling them what they had to eat but that it wasn't allowed in the house and what having it in the house was sabotaging my efforts.

    So the next day I completely changed my eating habits. No junk at all, no fast food, nothing fried, no more pop or tea, no chocolate. I eat a lot more raw fruit, even get some raw vegetables in there (which is hard because I really don't like vegetables), I eat whole grains and lean meats. And surprisingly I don't miss the junk. When I do have cravings it is only for a few seconds and then I think of all you and I think of how I am doing this to be a better role model for my kids and the cravings passes.

    I do keep track of my calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium, and fibre but with they way I eat now it is very easy to stay within my limits. I also make sure I have my 8 cups of water everyday. I pretty much only drink water, skim milk, V fusion juice, and Crystal Light.

    I have started exercising by hiking (I can't do much else yet) which is quite a feat since I work a desk job where I am at a computer for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

    I have started taking Greens+ to help because of the lack of vegetables in my diet.

    I feel energized and excited and I think the positive energy is helping too.

    Some of this initial weight loss is water no doubt but I am positive and motivated anyway because even if the weight loss slows down, I am feeling better than I have in a long time and have more energy.

    So that about sums it up!

    Take care,
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Wow, pretty quiet here... was it something I said? :laugh:
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    I am stuck at 130.5. I hate that TOM! :grumble:
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Ugh!! This past week has been so bad for me.. . we've been on vacation and I pretty much threw trying to shed pounds to the side... and now i'm kicking myself in the rear for it. Plus, as if that wasn't bad enough my period is past due ( i know i know tmi.. sorry about that) so I'm all bloated and feel like i'm 10 pounds heavier than ever.

    Ok, enough whining on my part. Pity party over. Time to get back to work and regain progress. :blushing:

    Enquiring minds want to know (well, just me i guess) if Aunt Flo came yet? :blushing: