Replacing 2 meals a day with fresh juice



  • You'd probably be better off ditching the juice and eating some eggs. All a juicer does is extract the juice and sugar and leave all the fiber behind.

    yup :(
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I love how you say "jump back up to 1200" like it's enough.

    You silly women and the idiotic things you do to lose weight.
    That's condescending and unnecessary. Not all women are "silly" and we don't all go about losing weight the same way. Also, women are generally smaller than men and 1200 calories is sufficient for some people. But it's probably a good idea to cast your judgment on an entire group of people and act like you know what's going to work best for all of us. Good thing there are men out there to lead us silly women back on the right path. I don't know where I'd be without people like you.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Any input would be great.

    So here is my input. Invest the money and see a weight loss doctor or nutritionist.

    Let them go over your blood work and let them tell you the best way to SAFELY get to 145.

    I really wish you the best.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member

    Pay me $4000 and I'll try my best to lose muscle. I can build it back later.

    But she only said she could win, not that she would. I could win $26 million dollars with one lottery ticket too.

    Just like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.

    You can't win if you do play either.... and now you are $$ poorer.

    There is nothing magic about liquid including juice. If you keep your calories to 800 a day a few days a week and 1200 the rest of the week, yeah, you are going to lose a boatload of weight. But there are healthier things to use your 800 calories for than juice, even juice made from vegetables. Plus, if you are this sort of extreme diet, you need way more protein than the average person, not less.

    So I agree with the poster who said eat a egg instead.

    Then again, I also agree with the posters who say the whole thing is idiotic. It's also why I don't do weight loss challenges in general. Because the goal shouldn't be a weight on the scale but to get healthier and these challenges only look at the scale.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Sounds brutal to me. I would be starving. With that said... I'm under the poverty line and trying to raise a child so for 4 grand, HELL YEAH.. I'd do almost anything short term for that kind of cash.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    My god some people on here seem to be so uneducated about diet and nutrition. You know just because you read something on the internet doesnt make it true.

    Juicing is a perfectly healthy way to lose weight and keep it off if you follow the diet plan correctly. Obviously if you have nothing but juice for a week then eat a burger king you are gonig to put the weight straight back on.

    I done a 7 day juice diet and i slowly incorporated soups and salads back into my diet....Take a look at my profile pic. Do you see a beached whale on the sunbed? No, because juicing works, and you do get fibre and you can make your calorie allowance.

    I beleive this post was so she could get comments and hear other opinions, not have other opinions forced on her!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I love how you say "jump back up to 1200" like it's enough.

    You silly women and the idiotic things you do to lose weight.

    It must be nice to be so wealthy that you think being hungry for a short while to win $4000 is idiotic.
    Losing weight for money IS idiotic.

    Actually, losing weight for money is a proven and helpful tool. Many insurance companies are beginning to offer discounts for people who lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Most people like money. Doing something that ultimately benefits your health, such as losing weight, to get it is far from idiotic.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I love how you say "jump back up to 1200" like it's enough.

    You silly women and the idiotic things you do to lose weight.

    1200 calories is my daily goal according to this web site! Are you telling me that it is wrong?

    It may not be wrong, however, the number this website gives you already includes a deficit, how large depends on what you selected as a weight loss goal. I suspect since you are in the contest, you chose the highest option, which is 2lbs a week, which is likely around 1000 calorie deficit.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    After a workout your body has about a 30 minute window to get good protein to its muscles. A lot of people take a protein shake to get it there the fastest. Whole foods take time to digest so that means the protein might not make it to your muscles in 30 minutes. Protein shakes are great because they are already broken down and get to your muscles the fastest. Think of a spounge that has been sitting out in the sun all day. When u throw some water on it the spounge soaks it up. This is what happens when you give your muscles protein after a workout, your muscles soak up the protein!

    I asked a registered dietician about this protein within an hour. Her response was, unless you are of elite athlete status, {professional/Olympic level} that protein immediately after workout is not necessary. As long as you get an increase amt throughout the day of workout, its fine.

    That registered dietician does not understand how muscle repair works obviously.

    Protein provides the amino acids necessary to rebuild muscle tissue that is damaged during intense, prolonged exercise. It can also increase the absorption of water from the intestines and improve muscle hydration. The amino acids in protein can also stimulate the immune system, making you more resistant to colds and other infections.

    But the whole 30 minute window is not correct. All of the fitness and nutrition experts I know of say unless you are doing another intense workout the same day, there is no reason to get the extra protein in within 30 minutes.
  • I enjoy juicing in the spring and summer when produce is cheap and fresh. It give a great boost of energy. I make it with half veggies and half fruit for about a total calorie amount of 200 calories a glass. Did you see the film Fat, Sick, and nearly dead. It certainly made a difference for the men in the film. I don't know if that is typical however.

    I will say as others have said that 800 may not be a good idea. I say do 1200. You probably will lost more weight doing 1200 than 800 anyway.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Everyone is so judgemental here! Get off it hell I'd eat nothing but a fruit a day for 4 grand!! ha but seriously juicing isnt the worst thing you could do it sounds like you know you need more which is why you are cycling if its working for you go for it! Good Luck!!
    Calling people judgemental is judgemental. Bless your heart. :flowerforyou:

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    But the whole 30 minute window is not correct. All of the fitness and nutrition experts I know of say unless you are doing another intense workout the same day, there is no reason to get the extra protein in within 30 minutes.
    Well I do 2 intense workouts in a day several days a week. Plus, it's not just if you do 2 in one day. It's also if you do a really long one on one day and want to do another one less than 24 hours after the first one finishes.

    So, if you ride your bike for 4-6 hours on Saturday finishing after lunch and then go running first thing Sunday morning, having a protein snack with BCAA within 30 minutes of finishing the bike ride will really help you recover faster so you can have a better run the next day.

    And you don't have to be an elite level athletes to be training like that. I'm a Middle-to-Back of the Pack finisher in triathlons and it benefits me. It's about the intensity of the workout and the spacing more so than how good you are.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I would definitely suggest sticking with vegetable juices if you're going to do it. Spiking your blood sugar with fruit juice twice a day can't be good for you, and why not just eat the fruits/veggies instead of juicing them? I think you'd achieve the same results by eating balanced meals that stay within the calorie goals. $4000 is a great prize but it's not worth health risks or potentially damaging yourself so just be careful and stop if you start to feel poorly or notice any major changes.
  • Just wanted to say that speaking as someone who has actually tried and still does 2 juice veggie meals/day and one full on whatever I feel like dinner ( usually lean meats and steamed veggies or soups, but sometimes pasta or curries. ) I'm not having any problems so far. I've only been on this for a month but I don't have any hunger problems. I do tend to have a small handful of nuts after my lunch juice especially if I know I'm going to be more active and I just don't get hungry. I don't have any digestion problems and I feel fine even after exercise. So as much as people want to believe that taking 2 solid meals out of your day will leave you feeling hungry, tired, miserable etc they have probably just have never tried it for themselves. Reading and research for as much as it gains you knowledge it is not truly gained knowledge until you come to understand it for yourself with good old fashioned trial and error. Use your best judgment. It's all anyone has on anything they want to try. Many people speak from just what people tell them or what they read on the interwebs. That's great for them but it's hardly good advice to take. That would be my guess. If you do go on a juice diet ( not fast. you put in all the nutrition you need and track it in some way ) you will probably never want to stop. I'd say it's worth it, but every body is different. Maybe I'm just lucky (=
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    I weight 175...looking to get down to 145

    I was able to lose that amount of weight in 3 months by doing couch to 5k and minimal weight training (15 min/day 4-5x week) and I was probably eating 1500-2500 calories per day (not counting at that time, but an estimate based on what I ate), so it is possible to do this in a healthy way without starving!
  • Disapprove? No way! This is a great way to cleanse your body and lose weight at the same time. People are often leery of juicing because it's not a 'meal' as we're used to, but taking out the fiber just makes the nutrients more bioavailable for use! Then, instead of wasting energy on digesting food, your body is using that energy to repair and detox-- you may have felt some detox symptoms-- headache, tiredness, things like that, which is normal. I'd say continue until you feel ready to stop. I've known people to do NOTHING but juice (mind you, a few gallons a day) for a couple months. Their bodies were amazing afterwards. Check out Dara Dubinet on youtube-- she's also into tonics and is the coolest chick. You could do a tonic before bed. :) Let us know how it goes!
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    I am a huge fan of juicing and Fat, Sick, and Nearly dead! In the last 6 months I have done (3) 10 day juice fasts. They are fantastic! The first 2-3 detox days are rough, but then I felt fantastic, lots of energy and didn't feel that hungry. I lost 6-7 pounds each time that did not come back, because once the fast was over it was easy to eat super healthy because my body was detoxed of crap. And if you follow the 80% veggie/20% fruit juice rule you won't be getting too much sugar.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    PSMF is the fastest way to lose weight if you are trying to win the money. Obviously, it's not healthy but if you are at a BMI of 30 then you won't experience any complications until your body fat is dramatically reduced.
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I don't suppose it's any different to Jason Vale's Juice Master type diet really, except you're having a meal in the evening.

    And it all depends what you're putting through the juicer.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    Fresh juice is an excellent source of a variety of vitimans and antioxidants. Just be careful as it creates an insulin spike. Try adding a small piece of protein and fat. Suggestion would be 4-6 almonds or walnuts (1x per day). Only have the juice right after you workout. This will help the carbs and protein and fats go to the right area to recoup your muscles and burn the fat.
    Good luck with the contest and let me know if you have any other questions!

    I was going to say this.

    Also, would you not go a bit mad only having juice? my body would need some sort of carb substitute. I made oat bran muffins like a bread substitute. 140gms of oat bran, 310 mls of skimmed milk and two eggs makes twelve and they have only 70 cals each, they are nutritionally sound, and high fibre, low fat, high protein. They fill you up. I would do a combination of your liquidised fruit with oat bran muffins as well, and calorie counting. Create your own low cal meal replacements.