What is your morning breakfast routine?



  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    On work days:
    alarm goes off
    sit up so I'm awake but snuggle hubby some
    go to the bathroom
    strip and weigh myself
    have a cup of tea I start drinking
    start nibbling on a pure protein bar
    browse the net
    notice the time
    drown the rest of my tea
    put my protein bar in the pocket of my scrubs to nibble on the rest of the morning
    walk out the door

    non work days:
    wake up
    snuggle my husband off the bed
    make an omelet that is three eggs, two cheese slices, 9 slices of meat
    drink tea and water all morning long
  • DoublePost, sorry.
  • wake up at 6.45, toilet, prepare my porridge in the microwave, eat it,iron my uniform while waiting for my coffee to be ready, drink my coffee while getting dressed,and go :) unluckily i work just downstairs so I can not exercise walking to work
  • On my work days, monday-thursday
    Wake up at six and shower right away, I take ages in there that's why I have to wake up so early lol:/
    Get dressed and do my make up, while my mummy's packing my lunch lol. Go downstairs, grab my coat, put on my shoes and it used to be nothing for breakfast except a sugar free redbull but I have usually a cadbury flake bar now lol.. I need sugar!

    On fridays, I'm at my college class
    Wake up at twenty to seven, wake up my little brother and pack his lunchbox while he's getting ready. I do his breakfast on fridays, so make his breakfast, call him downstairs, then I go straight upstairs and shower at half seven.
    Get dressed and do my make up, while my mum's putting all my stuff in my handbag for me. I take my little sister to school on a friday, so we eat breakfast together at ten past eight usually, I really like the belvita breakfast biscuit bars:) and I can't eat a bar of chocolate in front of her because it doesn't set the right example but it gives me the sugar I need. Then drop her off and get the bus to college as soon as I've dropped her off.

    My weekends are alot more unorganised
    I wake up usually around eight to ten, my body doesn't understand the word lie in! Lol:( Shower and get dressed then do coursework. I do this for most of the day until around six or seven in the evenings then I go out. I used to eat little fruit snacks on my weekends but I'm trying to eat meals too.

    On my weekdays I work out either in my lunchbreak or after work/college. On my weekends I don't work out. On my work out days, I work out for only sixty minutes lol.

    I agree the belvita breakfast bars are fantastic! Especially the new yogurt crunch ones they came out with :) The oat ones keep me going for ages!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't have a routine. Ever. At some point between 9.30 am and 12 pm I will have some porridge, and at some time during the day I will drink 4 cups of tea and hopefully remember to take at least 2 of the 14 or so supplements I keep in the cupboard, but that's as close to a routine as I ever get.
  • Awesome posts everyone! Thanks so much :)

    I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person who absolutely hates having to rush around in the mornings and exercise after I've just (barely) crawled out of bed!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Weekdays I get up at 4:30 am. Drink a large glass of water. Get dressed for gym, drink a cup of coffee and eat something small like a couple of dried apricots. Out the door and at gym by 5 am (I am lucky its only a 1/4 mile away). At gym until 6:15 or 6:30 then head home get ready for work and out the door by 7:15 or 7:30. Commute to work and start.

    Breakfast is usually one of the following:

    English muffin toasted with egg, cheese, and peppers or oatmeal with fruit or peanutbutter or a protein shake that I can drink on the way into work. I usually eat my breakfast within 30 minutes of returning home from the gym.
  • I don't do early morning food, ever. I get up and drink some fresh hot coffee (then switch to hot lemon water or hot green tea when I get to work). If I eat anything before lunch, it would be a grapefruit or peanutbutter on whole wheat toast or something like that. Nothing big. I walk on my lunch hour with weather permitting and then do 30 or 45 minutes of exercise in the early evening, about six o'clock. I do a variety of things, biking, AbCoaster Plus, glider, stairstepper, weights, BodyBar, BodyFlex, etc. Try to mix it up but I do the biking and AbCoster every single day.
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    I enjoyed this post, reading everyones routines and breakfast ideas.

    Heres mine.

    Up, to the bathroom then weigh myself (most mornings)
    breakfast is a whole wheat bagel with all natural peanut butter + 2 egg whites. Coffee and water This comes to about 350 calories. Sometimes I will have 1/2 the bagel and add an egg to the egg whites. Then, I do a few things around the house and once my stomach settles I go for a run, or do whatever my exercise will be for the day.
  • Jaqfrog
    Jaqfrog Posts: 11 Member
    get to work, mug of tea or coffee, Nutrigrain elevenses choc chip bar.
    I really have never done mornings very well, no way I can get up in time to have toast or cereal before going to work!
  • Start the day with 2 cups of coffee with no sugar and skim milk
    Leave for the ymca with a special k strawberry bar and a banana
    treadmill.. burning anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories depending on my projected food intake for the day.
    About 10 mins of free weight training and strength machines for legs arms and back
    Back home for one and half cup of cold cereal skim milk.

    Sundays is my day for no YMCA and eggs and bacon with toast
    Am very new to this sight but enjoying it greatly
  • One cup of coffee with skim milk
    English muffin with 1 medium fried egg
    1000mg of omega fish oil supplement
    YMCA One hour treadmill on 15 degree elevation burning 1100 calories
    Four cybrex strength machines 3 sets of 12 reps arms,abs, legs
    around 10 AM
    Home to a cup of chai black tea adding a small sliced open chilly pepper, mixture of sesame seeds and flax seeds 1/4 tsp
    Special K fruit granola bar (90 cals)
    Plum or banana
    Every third day I will replace the egg and muffin with 2 cups of whole wheat based cereal. IE Cherrios
    This will total less than 400 calories high protien, low sugar,carbs and fat
  • This thread has really encouraged me to drink WATER in the morning...(going to the work cooler for a chug NOW)
  • kaybelmore
    kaybelmore Posts: 124
    Most Weekdays.

    *Wake up 6:30 AM
    *Stretch 10-20mins
    *Drink 12-16oz water
    *Get to the gym by 7 for 30-45mins + cool down doing one of the following cross training workouts: Elliptical, swimming laps, running, or TRX
    *dressed and some makeup
    *Protein shake:
    *0.5 raw egg white (pasteurized)
    *1 scoop garden of life raw vegan protein powder
    *1 medium banana (i like them on the greener side)
    *1 cup frozen fruit (i like the welches antioxidant blend best)
    *1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
    *1tbs fresh chopped ginger
    *make a low cal coffee drink
    *Off to work (40 min commute)
    * 1 tiny scoop matcha green tea powder (from japan!)
  • hi3cho
    hi3cho Posts: 26 Member
    At 8:00AM (330 Cals)
    1/2 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
    Optimum Nutrition Protein Shake
    24 OZ Water

    At 10:30AM (330 Cals)
    Whole Wheat English Muffin
    Natural Peanut Butter
    Sugar Free Strawberry Jelly
    24 OZ Water
  • renu74
    renu74 Posts: 90 Member
    Its interesting to see how everyone's morning goes by. Here is mine:)

    05:15- Alarm goes off(snooze button is a blessing in disguise ;-))
    05:30- Wake up, shower and dress up.
    05:50- Goodbye hugs to kids and hubbie, while they are sleeping:)
    05:55- Start making lunches for kiddo's
    06:05- Coffee is ready( can't live without it)
    06:15: Steel cut oatmeal with 1tsp brown sugar/blue berries
    OR Cottage cheese
    Today I had whole wheat english muffin with cottage cheese with some pepper(yumm...!!, I liked it)

    06:30: Off to work.
    07:00- Go to MFP.com on my work computer and then start the rest of the work:)

    I usually dring1.2L of water before lunch at work. I usually eat a few snacks before lunch, which I don't(actually can't take till 12:45pm).

    I work out every afternoon or evening. I weigh myself every week only.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I usually eat breakfast around 7 am. I take a gummy multivitamin, chewable vitamin c, and my celexa. I usually eat either multigrain cheerios w/ skim milk, or egg whites w/ turkey sausage crumbles and rf cheese, bagel thin w/ light cream cheese, or something else light.

    Then around 9-10 am, I eat a piece of fruit. Usually an orange or banana.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    The alarm goes off and I snooze, and snooze some more till 6 am. Stretch then get out of bed, go to the bathroom, put contacts in, brush my teeth. Go get a glass of water, drink it while I get ready. I'm to work about 7 am and I eat a nutrigrain bar or have a grapefruit while I'm doing computer work. By 830 or 9 I then have half a cup of whole grain old fashion oatmeal with a half a cup of either blueberries or strawberries.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    On days I have to leave the house at 0810:
    645 - alarm goes off: get up, shower, do hair & make-up and get dressed
    715-730 - go downstairs, make tea and breakfast
    breakfast usually is oatmeal with whatever fruit I feel like having/yoghurt with fruit and oats with nuts/one slice of toast with cheese + one slice of toast with jam or honey
    730 - have a nice relaxed breakfast
    750 - brush teeth, pack bag, get ready to leave
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    Up at 5.50 am, let out the dogs...make coffee and wake up 15 yr son.
    fix his breakfast while i drink my coffee and check email.
    get dressed (workout clothes).
    6,25 wake up 10 yr daughter and fix her breakfast.
    6.35 drive son to school for track practice....home by 6.40.
    feed dogs, get daughters clothes ironed. wash dishes.
    7.25 walk daughter to school.
    back home to make beds, eat breakfast.....muesli, or fruit & yogurt or fiber bar usually.
    30 day shred, 25 minutes on treadmill...then shower and dress for the day.

    I am planning on adding a glucosomine supplement since i have sore knee's and i dont want them to get any worse.