I am ashamed of myself.....

I have gained 6 pounds. I am not going to let it get me down though, I am going to work thru this and get back on it and continue on my weight loss journey. I can't do much exercise right now, I think that I hurt my back in the wreck that we were in. It has really been bothering me lately. What are some exercises that I can do without messing up my back?


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I would ask your dr. about what you should do considering the shape your back is in - I myself have no recommendations. :huh:

    And about gaining weight I'm glad to hear that its not getting you down. You have lost SO MUCH weight already that 6 pounds is nothing. You'll loose it and more I just know you will! :happy:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, I'm sorry your hurt. Can you swim? How about walking? You could always do weight training like bicep curls- I hope you feel better soon. Are you being seen by Dr, for your back? If so they can recomend exercise. Have a great day- :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    You have done so well, so im sure it can be a little frustrating.. Just really watch what you eat and take in fewer cals this will work and stop you gaining?
    Just take it easy and do what you can :smile: As Cindy said.. Swimming? Walking?

    Katherine x
  • angelascott919
    First off, I am so sorry to hear that you were hurt in the accident. You shoud get your back checked out. Those injuries can last a lifetime if not taken care of.

    Second, we all fall off the horse and gain a pound or two. I know this weekend was not good for me, way to many cookouts.

    With your back problem, try walking around your house more keeping track of the amount of time. Also that way if your back starts hurting to bad you can sit down. Just walking in place can be a workout if done long enough.

    Good Luck and Keep up the good work
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I would ask your dr. about what you should do considering the shape your back is in - I myself have no recommendations. :huh:

    And about gaining weight I'm glad to hear that its not getting you down. You have lost SO MUCH weight already that 6 pounds is nothing. You'll loose it and more I just know you will! :happy:

    thanks so much :flowerforyou:
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    First, don't sweat the small stuff, it's only six pounds, could be much worse, you recognize where you are at, and can do something about it. Ask your doctor what type of exercise he'd recommend, that is the safest route to take...Best to you always, Rick
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi, I'm sorry your hurt. Can you swim? How about walking? You could always do weight training like bicep curls- I hope you feel better soon. Are you being seen by Dr, for your back? If so they can recomend exercise. Have a great day- :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:

    thanks, No I can't swim, I love to walk but it is way too hot here in S.C. right now. I am not seeing a doctor for my back right now, I don't have any medical insurance.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    You have done so well, so im sure it can be a little frustrating.. Just really watch what you eat and take in fewer cals this will work and stop you gaining?
    Just take it easy and do what you can :smile: As Cindy said.. Swimming? Walking?

    Katherine x

    thank you :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    First off, I am so sorry to hear that you were hurt in the accident. You shoud get your back checked out. Those injuries can last a lifetime if not taken care of.

    Second, we all fall off the horse and gain a pound or two. I know this weekend was not good for me, way to many cookouts.

    With your back problem, try walking around your house more keeping track of the amount of time. Also that way if your back starts hurting to bad you can sit down. Just walking in place can be a workout if done long enough.

    Good Luck and Keep up the good work

    I have a back strain, that is what the hospital said when we went to E.R. after the accident, but it has been a month and 7 days. I would think that it would have stopped hurting by now. Oh, I am not really stressing about the 6 pounds, I will get them back off and lose even more, I am not going to let this get me down, I have come too far. I will try walking back and forth thru my house. some exercise is better than none.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    First, don't sweat the small stuff, it's only six pounds, could be much worse, you recognize where you are at, and can do something about it. Ask your doctor what type of exercise he'd recommend, that is the safest route to take...Best to you always, Rick

    thank you so much for the kind words. :flowerforyou:
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    I totally know how you feel, well Ive been splurging for the last 2 weeks lately but I havent gain thank goodness, Ive only lost 1lb in two weeks which sucks, For now on Im really going to be more carefull and excercise a little harder, Im not loosing the way I started off, I had plateau, and I kind of got discourage:sad: ....But 6 pounds is nothing you can loose it, You problay gain water weight or something I dont know but you can do it, the main thing is you caught it before it get to out of hand, And you said its to hot to walk, Its hot as hell in Atlanta, Try walking early in the morning before the sun hit ,Thats what I do when Im not working.
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    if you like to walk what about walking in the mall or somewhere where there's plenty of room and AC? and if you can't swim maybe this is a time to learn. do you have a local YWCA or pool where you could take swimming lessons? swimming is great low impact exercise and it's fun. I have degenerative disk issues and one herniated disk that gives me trouble from time to time. when I get in the pool it's like the pain goes away entirely - I love it.
    Either way, DON'T be ashamed...you have done fantastically well and you should be proud of yourself. Don't give that 6 pounds the time of day!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I totally know how you feel, well Ive been splurging for the last 2 weeks lately but I havent gain thank goodness, Ive on lost 1lb in two weeks which sucks, For now on Im really going to be more carefull and excercise a little harder, Im not loosing the way I started off, I had plateau, and I kind of got discourage:sad: ....But 6 pounds is nothing you can loose it, You problay gain water weight or something I dont know but you can do it, the main thing is you caught it before it get to out of hand, And you said its to hot to walk, Its hot as hell in Atlanta, Try walking early in the morning before the sun hit ,Thats what I do when Im not working.

    I would love to walk early in the morning, I just can't make myself get up early. I live about an hour and a half from Atlanta, and yeah it is hot there too!!!!!!!! I will try to make myself get up early and go walking.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    if you like to walk what about walking in the mall or somewhere where there's plenty of room and AC? and if you can't swim maybe this is a time to learn. do you have a local YWCA or pool where you could take swimming lessons? swimming is great low impact exercise and it's fun. I have degenerative disk issues and one herniated disk that gives me trouble from time to time. when I get in the pool it's like the pain goes away entirely - I love it.
    Either way, DON'T be ashamed...you have done fantastically well and you should be proud of yourself. Don't give that 6 pounds the time of day!

    there is a mall here about 40 miles away, I live a teeny tiny town, and that is the only place that there is a mall. I would love to learn to swim but I am a stay at home mom and don't have the money to take swimming lessons. I felt ashamed when I wrote the post but I am not now. I got it off before and I will get it off again and some more.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Congrats on your success! You've done so very well & you know that being here at MFP & being accountable is your way to your continued success. I'm very sorry to hear about your setback & your injury. It takes the body some time to heal, so don't rush things or push beyond your limits.

    I like the suggestion of mall walking!

    I also think this is a perfect oppurtunity to really, really focus on your eating. I too am dealing with an injury & I was so used to being able to burn off my food flub ups by having a couple of good workouts. But, that's changed. I now, have to watch very carefully what I eat & I've had to make some adjustmetns to make my food calories go even further. It is an adjustment but it is working.

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou: You can do it!!:flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    there is a mall here about 40 miles away, I live a teeny tiny town, and that is the only place that there is a mall. I would love to learn to swim but I am a stay at home mom and don't have the money to take swimming lessons. I felt ashamed when I wrote the post but I am not now. I got it off before and I will get it off again and some more.

    OOPS!! Just read about your mall 40 miles away!! Sounds like a great oppurtunity to make a day of it!! Plan a morning, take the kids & a stroller, if necessary, pack snacks & water & games for the kids & get going!! I'm sure you could get in a great workout! For us Moms, 1/2 the workout is just packing up the kids!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    there is a mall here about 40 miles away, I live a teeny tiny town, and that is the only place that there is a mall. I would love to learn to swim but I am a stay at home mom and don't have the money to take swimming lessons. I felt ashamed when I wrote the post but I am not now. I got it off before and I will get it off again and some more.

    OOPS!! Just read about your mall 40 miles away!! Sounds like a great oppurtunity to make a day of it!! Plan a morning, take the kids & a stroller, if necessary, pack snacks & water & games for the kids & get going!! I'm sure you could get in a great workout! For us Moms, 1/2 the workout is just packing up the kids!

    yeah, it is a workout packing up my kids, Anna is 4 years old and Jacob will be 2 on July 14th. some days it is a struggle to get my exercise in, but I try to do it. I need to go to the mall one day and walk thru it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    First - don't be ashamed be proud that you are acknowledging what you need to do.

    Most definitely ask your doctor - you do not want to do more damage to your back....maybe walking in a pool might be a place to start - less stressful of your joints

    Keep working hard! YOu've come way to far to turn back now!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    Hey there!!

    Just wanted to let you know my opinion.

    I have been a massage therapist for 5 years, often dealing with clients who don't have medical insurance so seek alternative treatment for pain and injuries.

    I would recommend a couple of things.....

    1: make sure you are drinking a lot of water. Hydration is key in the healing process, muscle tissuse repair and disc health.

    2: You can up your intake of Vitamin C. It is also essential for tissue repair and healing.

    3: Use the internet to look up "back strain rehabilitation exercises" There are many great sites out there devoted to rehab movements and tips. Many of these you can do at home with virtually nothing.

    As long as you don't have sharp pain (indicating nerve damage) or numbness and tingling in the legs you can treat yourself. Most drs only deal with back strain by prescribing pain meds anyway and rest.

    A couple more things....

    New school thought on back pain is to move...through walking, stretching, etc.

    Rest and ice is the best for your occasional flare ups. Ibuprofen can be taken as well.

    Have patience, back pain can last a long time (6 months of more) but educating yourself is the best way to heal and manage your pain.

    Best of luck, take care!!:love::heart:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    First - don't be ashamed be proud that you are acknowledging what you need to do.

    Most definitely ask your doctor - you do not want to do more damage to your back....maybe walking in a pool might be a place to start - less stressful of your joints

    Keep working hard! YOu've come way to far to turn back now!

    thanks so much for this, I am not giving up or going to let this defeat me. I am not going to turn back now, I have come too far to go back now!!!1