Eating right but staying the same! help!



  • Annaflower
    Have to agree, your calories seem quite high to achieve weight loss considering your level of activity. Try between 1300-1500. Like you I cannot work out (I can walk) so I find that people like us need to be extra careful with our calories when we can't go and burn a couple thousand calories a week through hard exercise. Also, I see you are new to MFP, so maybe you will start to see a difference once you start tracking your food daily. Feel free to have a look at my diary if you would like some tips. I have been doing MFP for 35 days and lost 13 pounds (6 kg). I have found that going over my sugar will stop the scale from going down for sure.

    Best wishes to you!

    Maybe check with doc before reducing calories that low. My total goal is to shed 120lbs and they had me start at 1600 calories. I just reduced to 1500 a few weeks ago and I started this in July. Never go less than 1200 and that should probably be reserved for the last 20 lbs.

    Yes, as I said, I have A LOT to loose! The calories I am sticking to is what MFP set me and will reduce as I do! Also I have been on MFP for 53 days. I only go on the website for the forum and do all my daily records on my iPad.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    have you thought about swimming as an exercise-good for back and won't hurt your feet! there's also back stregthening exercises such as pilates (i'm a big fan as i also suffer with the back)

    anyway, you've done brilliantly so far with regards to losing weight -just remember it's a marathon not a sprint!
  • Annaflower
    Whew! Lots of advice about your carbs and processed foods. I've got a nugget about the exercise end. You can still exercise and be kind to your feet and back. Light weights (or two large cans of beans) and exercise bands can be used to give arms, shoulders and leg muscles some work while you're adjusting your calorie/food balance. You might also consider an exercise ball to use to strengthen your ab & back muscles (which in turn may eventually be able to help reduce back pains from walking). Anyway, the toning won't give you extra calories to eat, but the toning will add to the development of your muscle and, in theory, boost your metabolism.

    Great advice. Thanks. I hadn't thought about muscle development helping with metabolism.
  • Amzly
    Amzly Posts: 4
    I have been using the iPad app everyday since January and have seen a positive change. But I agree with Anna, fruit increases my daily sugar allowance which I am very careful to watch. I find that it is unrealistic for me to cut out the one thing I love completely, chocolate. I therefore portion an amount which I have every night at 9 o clock, but I do not snack on it throughout the day like I used to.

    Anna (my mum), and I both consume lots of veg, but we intergrate it into our recipes which means it does not show up individually on our diaries. however to eat more fruit would mean I would have to stop eating my nightly portion of chocolate, which I find motivates me throughout the day to eat well (it's sad I know, but it is working!)

    I like the idea of reducing salt intake, although I am always under my limit everyday. Ill suggest that we both give it a try and see if a more positive change happens!
  • Annaflower

    Anna (my mum), and I both consume lots of veg, but we intergrate it into our recipes which means it does not show up individually on our diaries. however to eat more fruit would mean I would have to stop eating my nightly portion of chocolate, which I find motivates me throughout the day to eat well (it's sad I know, but it is working!)

    This! :-)
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Just remember you're doing great!

    If you're anything like me, telling yourself you can't have your bag of wotsits will make you want them more. For me it's my nightly hot chocolate, it's the only reason I stay on track all day! I'm hoping that when my sweet tooth eases off I'll be able to swap it for a low cal version though. Perhaps there is a 'better for you' option?

    I hadn't realised that you were getting your veggies in your meals. That's good.

    Like I said before 13lbs is still really good. You should be proud. Remember, small steps - you don't want to go crazy with the changes and give up in a couple of weeks.
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Sorry you're feeling discouraged, but keep at it! I know it can be frustrating when the scale "sticks" for a couple weeks straight, but that could be because of water retention or other factors.

    53 days = 7.5 weeks or so. At 2 lbs a week, you'd have lost 15 pounds in that time... so, losing 13 isn't very far behind! :-)

    Try to be patient (no matter how hard it is!) and stay strong!
  • 30yearssincebikini
    Hi. I think you are doing well for being sedentary. However, I would suggest going to your doctor and getting an opinion on exercise. There are all sorts of exercises that can be done for people who have back/foot problems. I had terrible lower back pain due to a dislocated disc, but I didn't limit myself and really worked my lower back muscles at the gym. This seems to have taken away nearly all my pain. Exercise can cure a lot of pain.

    As for your feet, there are a lot of exercises that you could do that don't affect your feet. If you join a gym, you can do a lot of the sit down machines that work your abs, waist, hips, arms, etc, without putting any pressure on your feet. If you can afford it, also try to get a personal trainer's opinion.

    I don't mean to sound like a meanie, really, I don't, but it seems as if you are making excuses for not exercising. You can exercise. If I can do it, you can too!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I've noticed that you're eating the same thing for lunch everyday & it's not really a meal, try swapping the snacky Ryvita & cream cheese for a sandwich with lots of salad? Just mix it up a bit :]
    Also 1900+ cals seems too high for someone who is inactive to lose weight fast, try lowering to maybe 1500.
  • livingaloha
    Adding the fruits and veggies, and cutting down the sodium will help. Also increasing water. Have you ever tried any of the workouts that are done sitting down, might help with your back, without adding any pain to your back and feet, I dont know just a suggestion. Also dont be so hard on yourself, you have lost and are doing good, maybe just fine tune the foods a little. We cant compare ourselves to what a 20 yr old can do in the same amount of time, unfortunately some things do change as we get a little older-lol! Everything is so much easier when you are 20 something! Give yourself a break, your scale is moving and you should be proud of yourself. Its all abut the journey....
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It's pretty normal for the scale not to move for a couple of weeks (or worse, up and down), and then all of a sudden, the weight starts dropping off again.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Hi Anna,
    You are pretty much on target for your goal, well done!! it is hard to see the scale only going down slowly, but slow loss is healthier and you have more chance of keeping it off long term :-)

    Ive had a look at your diary and wouldnt cut your calories any further, considering how much you have to lose you are right to sticking to the 2lbs level set by MFP. I noticed you are a good way under your calories most days - try to eat all of your alloted calories, eating too little can also affect your loss as you are creating too high a deficit so your body doesnt want to let go of any fat!! i eat 1650-1750 @ 214lbs and I've lost 31lbs in 4 months, i started on 1900 @ 244lbs. I have actually lost more in the last few weeks with reduced exercise, so it is possible to lose with limited exercise.

    the goal set by MFP for sugar is really low, I upped mine to 60g as I was going over just from some milk and a piece of fruit which is ridiculous! I dont worry about sugar from fruit, just the processed stuff in chocs / cakes etc! I also adjusted my carbs / protein / fat to 40/30/30 as the MFP carb level is really high and protein is realy low.
    I would suggest you track your sodium as this can cause water retention and affect the scale, get your portions of fruit & veg in, choose home cooked meals as much as possible rather than ready prepared, and drink more water.
    Also take measurements, as your body shape will be changing even when there is not much progress on the scale :)

    Im currently unable to exercise much due to a knee injury and with a bit of research have been able to find an alternative workout, its not quite what i was doing before but its better than nothing! its worth having a word with your dr to see what exercise you can do with your feet / back issues. the resistance bands / exercise balls are great and low impact. Are you able to swim?

    my diary is open if it would help you with some ideas!
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I would recommend that you re-calculate your BMR for every 10 pounds lost. Your calorie intake changes when you lose weight and you no longer need to consume as many calories to maintain. I would also suggest as you carry on your path to consume natural, clean foods. It's not easy to change everything so take your time and find what works best for you.

    Now as for exercise, your body needs it to maintain bone density and keep your heart healthy. Try lifting weights when you can or use resistance bands. Also for a great upper body cardio try using a rowing machine. Exercise doesn't have to be 30 minutes, it could be 5 or 10 just as long as you are trying.

    Good luck!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    You have been doing this for 50 days...which is what...7 weeks? And you have lost 13lbs? That IS almost 2lbs per week....
    You are right on track. Keep it up.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Have been following MFP guidelines for over 50 days. I have a LOT of weight to loose! 200lb or so! So far I have lost 13 lb which is ok but not as much as I would have hoped with my goal set to 2lb loss per week.

    I am very inactive. I have back and foot problems which make exercise very difficult and painful. If I take a walk for just half an hour, generally that will lead to increased foot and back pain which leaves me unable to do much else.

    I am sticking to my calorie goal and trying my best to eat within the suggested nutritional guidelines. Each day I have a small amount of chocolate (still within my allowances) as I am in this for the long haul and need to have something as a treat to aim for at the end of the day!

    However, even though I am being very good and absolutely honest with my food diary, I have now been at the same weight for two weeks, only fluctuating up and down a lb here and there. What am I doing wrong!? My clothes don't feel any different and I am getting very frustrated. My daughter (19) is also following the plan and has lost nearly 20 lb over the same time. Argh!


    How much are you eating daily?
    How often do you work out?
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?

    All of this will help us understand what you are doing to attain your goals.
  • Annaflower
    Hi Anna,
    You are pretty much on target for your goal, well done!! it is hard to see the scale only going down slowly, but slow loss is healthier and you have more chance of keeping it off long term :-)

    Ive had a look at your diary and wouldnt cut your calories any further, considering how much you have to lose you are right to sticking to the 2lbs level set by MFP. I noticed you are a good way under your calories most days - try to eat all of your alloted calories, eating too little can also affect your loss as you are creating too high a deficit so your body doesnt want to let go of any fat!! i eat 1650-1750 @ 214lbs and I've lost 31lbs in 4 months, i started on 1900 @ 244lbs. I have actually lost more in the last few weeks with reduced exercise, so it is possible to lose with limited exercise.

    the goal set by MFP for sugar is really low, I upped mine to 60g as I was going over just from some milk and a piece of fruit which is ridiculous! I dont worry about sugar from fruit, just the processed stuff in chocs / cakes etc! I also adjusted my carbs / protein / fat to 40/30/30 as the MFP carb level is really high and protein is realy low.
    I would suggest you track your sodium as this can cause water retention and affect the scale, get your portions of fruit & veg in, choose home cooked meals as much as possible rather than ready prepared, and drink more water.
    Also take measurements, as your body shape will be changing even when there is not much progress on the scale :)

    Im currently unable to exercise much due to a knee injury and with a bit of research have been able to find an alternative workout, its not quite what i was doing before but its better than nothing! its worth having a word with your dr to see what exercise you can do with your leg / back issues. the resistance bands / exercise balls are great and low impact. Are you able to swim?

    my diary is open if it would help you with some ideas!

    Thank you for such a great reply! It's lovely to have someone understand why my calories are set so high. I have taken measurements today for the first time in years! Think I have been a bit reluctant to see just how big I have gotten! I am going to see about joining a local health club where there is a nice pool (not nasty council pool full of judgemental teens and kids!) and also the option to have a personal trainer as part of the membership. What you and the other posts say is right, I need to be more willing to look at alternative exercise that suits my physical abilities and stop making excuses.

    I am so glad I made the OP as I have been so encouraged by all the responses I have had. Thanks everyone x
  • tcsparky

    :smile: Something that might help, pending the exercise be approved by your Dr.

    I know it sounds strange to say, but a 1 hour class can burn about 400 calories.
    You can wear a :heart: rate monitor, and track how many you're burning through your heart rate.

    It's a great way to kick start your way into losing some more lbs, which can probably improve your post-30 min walking pain.

    Keep at it. Everyone's here for learning, and part of the journey is what's learned along the way.

  • 30yearssincebikini
    Hi Anna,
    You are pretty much on target for your goal, well done!! it is hard to see the scale only going down slowly, but slow loss is healthier and you have more chance of keeping it off long term :-)

    Ive had a look at your diary and wouldnt cut your calories any further, considering how much you have to lose you are right to sticking to the 2lbs level set by MFP. I noticed you are a good way under your calories most days - try to eat all of your alloted calories, eating too little can also affect your loss as you are creating too high a deficit so your body doesnt want to let go of any fat!! i eat 1650-1750 @ 214lbs and I've lost 31lbs in 4 months, i started on 1900 @ 244lbs. I have actually lost more in the last few weeks with reduced exercise, so it is possible to lose with limited exercise.

    the goal set by MFP for sugar is really low, I upped mine to 60g as I was going over just from some milk and a piece of fruit which is ridiculous! I dont worry about sugar from fruit, just the processed stuff in chocs / cakes etc! I also adjusted my carbs / protein / fat to 40/30/30 as the MFP carb level is really high and protein is realy low.
    I would suggest you track your sodium as this can cause water retention and affect the scale, get your portions of fruit & veg in, choose home cooked meals as much as possible rather than ready prepared, and drink more water.
    Also take measurements, as your body shape will be changing even when there is not much progress on the scale :)

    Im currently unable to exercise much due to a knee injury and with a bit of research have been able to find an alternative workout, its not quite what i was doing before but its better than nothing! its worth having a word with your dr to see what exercise you can do with your leg / back issues. the resistance bands / exercise balls are great and low impact. Are you able to swim?

    my diary is open if it would help you with some ideas!

    Thank you for such a great reply! It's lovely to have someone understand why my calories are set so high. I have taken measurements today for the first time in years! Think I have been a bit reluctant to see just how big I have gotten! I am going to see about joining a local health club where there is a nice pool (not nasty council pool full of judgemental teens and kids!) and also the option to have a personal trainer as part of the membership. What you and the other posts say is right, I need to be more willing to look at alternative exercise that suits my physical abilities and stop making excuses.

    I am so glad I made the OP as I have been so encouraged by all the responses I have had. Thanks everyone x

    I am thrilled that you are taking that step! When you exercise, it makes you feel sooo much better! And make sure to take your measurements on your waist (with the tape going over your belly button) and your hips and arms and thighs. And take photo's of you in shorts and a sports bra, or some other form fitting outfit. Then, in a month, do it again. Even though you may only lose another four or six pounds in a month, ( you may stall because muscle is heavier than fat, but don't be discouraged) you can then see with the measurements and photo's that you are making progress. I am happy for you, and you are doing a great job!
  • spottedlee
    I know it sounds strange to say, but a 1 hour class can burn about 400 calories.
    I agree,, that's why I take those class because I have chronic pain too. also water jogging (or walk) is very high in calories burn. Call your local pool, see when is LAP SWIM,, you don't have to swim but you can use this session for water jogging/walking.

    Also, can your doctor prescribe something for pain management? I am on it and it helps alot.

    I saw where you typed "pool full of judgemental teens and kids" lap swim session don't have those,, it's pretty much all adults and some few serious teens in training.
  • pasofinofan
    First of all, you are doing a GREAT job. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!

    I understand the difficulty of learning to exercise with physical limitations. I had two vertebrae in my neck fused in October and the doctor just cleared me to start exercising again. I promptly joined the gym to take some yoga classes (which I LOVE) and decided to do some strength training since I had the membership. In a week, I managed to mess up my weak knees and upset the herniated discs in my lower back. At the goading of one of my friends, I decided to treat myself to a month of sessions with a personal trainer. She has dealt with lower back and knee issues herself and has worked with multiple "broken" clients! I am REALLY enjoying this. She works me HARD, but has selected and modified exercises to avoid stressing my neck, back, and knees while building the strength in all of the supporting structures so the issues become less bothersome. She also coaches me very closely on my form so that I learn how to carry my body as I move and exercise in a manner that prevents aggravation and injury.

    You might be able to work with a physical therapist or a personal trainer to develop an exercise routing that will build your muscle mass (which is the basis for your metabolism - your body burns energy to maintain muscle fibers) and improve the current levels of pain in your feet and back. Our bodies were designed to move...sometimes, as in my case, we need help learning how to move correctly!

    My only other advice, if you feel tired and sluggish a good deal of the time, would be to ask your physician to do a thyroid test. I have a hypothyroid. If not properly managed, hypothyroidism can result in weight gain, difficulty losing weight, excessive tiredness, rough & scaly skin, and hair loss. You might also discuss with your doctor a referral to a nutritionist. They often have more specialized knowledge than doctors concerning matters of diet and food intake.