starting C25K tomorrow! =)



  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    I am going to try this out as well. I think I will start at the gym today!
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    C25K is amazing!! It works great, I started it during the summer and started running 3-4 miles consistently a few times a week when I was all done... now I'm training for a half marathon and am up to running 6-7 miles. So, yes, it definitely helped build endurance! And I've lost around 30 lbs since starting to run (and, I'm sure a ton of inches as well).
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I started the program in September with no running experience what so ever and was in the obese category at the time. I am now almost to the normal range and am going for a 14 mile run later. I would say C25K was the starting point for something very big for me.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    I feel like a herd of elephants when i run down the road :0P
    But will ignore this silly notion and just stick with it :0)

    I felt like that at first, too. It gets easier!
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    I run on a treadmill, so I started walking at 3.0 mph(20 min/mile), and running at 5.0(12min/mile). Those numbers are in mfp.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I just finished it!! I can't say whether it specifically caused me to lose, as I did it in conjunction with Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred, but I did lose weight on the two combined. I love the program. I can't believe that only a few weeks ago I was having trouble with the 3, 5, and 8 min runs. Friday night was my last night and I ran 5.18 KM in 30 mins! I used to HATE running and now I can excitedly call myself a runner. Stick with it and you will definitely not regret it :)
    Feel free to friend me / ask any questions!
  • <
    HATED Running. I used to think...if I'm running...someone better be chasing me! I am a C25K graduate and am now on week five of the six weeks for B210K (Bridge to 10K). Still don't consider myself a runner...but I'm well on my way. Yes, the scale has moved in the right direction and am my clothes are fitting much better! Running my first 5K on March 11th!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Is the free app c25k on the iphone, by zen labs? Theres like a thousand of these apps.
  • I used the C25K program and LOVED it. It helped to build my endurance, and strength. I have since downloaded the Couch to 10K app to set me on my way to a 10K and half marathon goals later this year. I was never a runner and found the program and app to be so user friendly for any fitness level. I love that I can crank my tunes and let the app do the timing so I don't have to keep checking my clock, just run with the wind!!!
  • Is the free app c25k on the iphone, by zen labs? Theres like a thousand of these apps.

    I used "5K" titled Run 5k by Felt Tip Inc. and it is just for 0-5 km.

    The second one I have is "10K Runner: Couch to 5k to 10K" by Heavy Duty Apps.

    I would recommend this one as it is set up to progress past the 10k if that is something you might be interested in doing.

    Both programs you can use your ipod playlists to set your pace and keep your motivation!
  • I am on my second round of C25K. This time i am working on speed. My advice would be to followthe program as designed because it works.
  • Hey there! I have used the C25K program and LOVED it!! I genuinely went from the couch to a 5K in exactly 9 weeks. I ran my first 5K in July of 2010! It was hot and awful, but I made it through! Just follow the program to a "T" and you will have NO problems. Remember even if you want to stop running keep are only cheating yourself if you stop and I promise you, you will not regret pushing through pain/exhaustion to make it through the leg. I was lucky enough to have friends who run. They were my inspiration to keep pushing and I can't be more grateful for their help and encouragement. I only made one mistake in the program and that was not maintaining my core muscles. I would recommend that anyone who is doing this program ensures they work on their core muscles on the days you are not running. Unfortunately, I have not ran since last year due to injury (plantar fasciitis and hip injury) this is a direct result of not strength training. I am looking forward to running in April with my girls. I have started strength training and will start interval running next week (just like the C25K program). I would recommend you visit the C25K website for more information on the of luck to you!

    Interval running Site:
    C25K Site (if you scroll down on the site there are podcasts that you can download and run to that have music and verbal queue's to run/walk) :
  • I plan on starting tomorrow, also, if I . have the energy. My current job has me unloading 18 wheelers manually, so once I am done with that and a full day of work in retail, I may not have the energy. If I miss Monday, then I will absolutely start on Tuesday. The app has been loaded for months, but I've made excuse after excuse. No more excuses-time to start. I would love to run a marathon (at least a 1/2) by the fall. Good luck to all who are starting this journey, and thanks to all those that have posted encouragment.
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    I started this program a little over 2 years ago. When I started I had walked alot each week but could not run for more than 10 minutes before being out of breath. I just ran about an hour ago I ran 10 miles and that was not even a challenge for me anymore.

    I remember being faced with the 27 minute straight run and no walk breaks and thinking there is no way I am going to be able to do it (When that week actually came, I completed it no problem and was really excited about doing it) .I ran my first 5k after completing the program in around 30 minutes. Last year I ran my first 1/2 marathon and am currently training to complete my first marathon.

    When I started the program I did not have a smart phone and just had my ipod, I found preprogrammed dance music for free on the internet that had the interval tones built in to tell me when to walk and then run. After I completed the 5k program, I progressed to strart a 10k program and so on. Now if I was just starting I would probably get that app for my iphone. Personally I can not run without music, it would not be fun to me at all.

    The best advice I have ever seen about the program is to stay focused on completing the intervals and don't get caught up making sure you get the distance goal. Your pace WILL improve over time and all of our bodies are built differently and we are all at different fitness levels. The interval times are universal though imo, and that is why the program is so popular. Also make sure you are taking your rest days, you can over do it. I would highly recommend following the program as closely as you can.

    As far as weight loss, I will tell you at first I was not losing weight on the program, over time I have lost quite a bit running now. There where times that I stalled and then started losing again. Don't get discouraged if you don't lose weight the first week or 2 though. You will eventually lose weight from running. (assuming you are reasonable with your diet)

    I love running now and couldn't imagine living without it. I will tell you alot of times when I start running now, the first mile my body is trying to give me every excuse to not run, but after that first mile I get in a grove and start to get into it. My favorite part is the calmness and the endorphines that I get after exersizing.

    Good luck.
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Everyone. I have completed W4 D2. Today I will be doing Day3. And this is the first week I'm going to repeat as the 5 minute intervals are the hardest.

    I log week 4 for example as 16 minutes running 5.0 minute mile and 16 minutes of walking 4.0 brisk pace. Usually I walk more.

    I don't like the music on the podcasts so I wear and stop watch and just glance at that while running/walking and listen to my own, much more motivating music. I NEED to be motivated. I find the podcasts are a bit to elevator music for me.

    I would love to have more c25k friends. Please add me. Similar goals keep me motivated and I will do the same for you.

    Keep it up!
  • muggs1090
    muggs1090 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm starting week 6. The first few weeks were hard. I think I tried to run to fast to soon and ended up with shin splints. I backed off on my speed and it went much better. I actually enjoy it (once I've done it)! I do weights after my runs and have been doing Zumba a few times a week also. Good luck!!! PS I also used the c25k app.
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I didn't have the smart phone app when I did C25K so I found a podcast that I liked and downloaded it to my mp3 player and used that. Either I held my mp3 player or put it in my pocket. I wasn't running real fast, so it wasn't much of a hindrance to me. It is a great program and I hope you find much success with it! Just try not to say "I can't" and make a goal to run a 5K as soon as you can!

    That's what I did. By the end I was tacking on extra time after finishing the workout, ran my first 5k then started training for a 10k. I had never been a runner before C25K and it completely changed my life. I wanted to give up that first time they have you do a 20 min run (week 5?) but I read an article saying that people either gave up at that week, or ended up completing the program and I was determined not to quit.

    It's hard to go from the Couch to being a runner, but it's so worth it. Stick with it and you might see some weight loss (depending on how much you eat too), but I know I DEFINITELY noticed a lot of toning and slimming down, even if the scale didn't move too far. Good luck!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I started it a few weeks ago, then stalled thanks to ice and snow, and then fell completely on my proverbial face with a big upheaval (losing my job). I have still been doing my other fitness activities and keeping eating in moderation, so I'm hoping it won't be too hard getting back on the C25K motivation wagon...

    Long story short, I'm starting out again tomorrow! Let's hope I can keep with it this time!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    As for help, I've downloaded the NHS podcasts for the programme, it gives you spoken cues for jogging and walking intervals, a bit of "you can do it" motivation without being corny, and also has good tempo music to work to, so I love it.

    As for logging, I just count the minutes run and walked and log it on mfp, the options are there :)
  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    Starting tomorrow going to. Do mon,wed,and Friday.add me people