5 foot and under club :)

Hi everyone.

Looking for support from people short like me. It seems like is it so much harder for us to get rid of the pounds and to be at a healthy weight.

I'm 4'11" on a good day lol. My goal weight to be by June is around 140lbs. I'm just around 170 now. Even at 140, I'm still considered overweight. My doctor wants me to be like 110lbs, but I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable at that weight.

Anyone else feel the same way I do?

I hate being so short sometimes :( lol



  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Me! I'm aiming for 129 but I'd be happy at 136. I'm always shocked at how low people want to go, it's just not achievable for me and my body type (chunky!) I'm 5 foot exactly.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member

    Like you, 4'11 on a good day! I'm around 130 right now and want to be around 115 if possible. I think the worse part about being short is the fact that it's so noticeable when you gain weight!
  • BMI is a load of crap, in my personal opinion. I'm 5'1, 125lbs, and I'm smaller than ever! I've been 115lbs and appeared MUCH bigger. My pants size has never been a size 3 until now! With that said, muscle matters. I have put on a healthy amount of muscle, and hope to put on more! I want that ab definition, posterior definition, etc,. I don't want to be skin and bones : )

    Do what feels right for you and good luck on your goals!
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5 foot and went from 134 to 123 recently. I would like to be around 110-115. It is SO hard to lose weight at this height. I have been working my *kitten* off for quite some time and the weight is coming off very very slowly. When I gain 5 lbs it is super noticeable. The lowest I have been as an adult is 109 and I didn't look teeny tiny. I wish I was just a few inches taller!!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I'm 4'11 also. I started at 188 and hope to get to 125.
  • Prettypiglett
    Prettypiglett Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 5 foot 1 and have a long way to go to get near a target ....I will get there.....
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I'm 5' and have a goal of 115. I haven't seen that number in 18 years, but I'm determined to see it in 2012. 28 lbs. to go...
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I think at your age 110-120 is reasonable. I am 4'11" but 57years old. I weighed 102lbs when I got pregnant at 25 years old. For me at my age I am shooting for 125-130 as a final goal, but I've been losing inches more than weight lately and firming the muscles. Bottom line is that you have to do what makes you comfortable. Be patient, because if you lose the weight the correct way, it takes time. Good luck!!!!!
  • Hi everyone.

    Looking for support from people short like me. It seems like is it so much harder for us to get rid of the pounds and to be at a healthy weight.

    I dunno, it's just as hard for the over 6 footers like me to lose the lbs! :)
  • MKBrew2012
    MKBrew2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too 5'1" on a good day....Seems I have been fighting my weight all my life. Never been a skinny minny. I agee with you though, the charts do give us "little girls" much wiggle room (so to speak) I am very comfortable at 140-150, and I actually hope to be there
    again. Menopause did a number on me, and I am trying to turn the tables on it ! It can be done, if I can dig deep and find the patience. Wishing you all happy success! Don't forget to praise yourself for the little success's along the way. It's a journey:smile:
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm 5' and 130 lbs. I still look 'chunky' when sitting down, but standing up I look great. All my loose skin just kinda bunches up together when I sit down and makes me look like I have a gut.

    Much better than I looked at 206 lbs, but still...

    I accept anyone that wishes to be my friend, so add away!
  • Mayreni
    Mayreni Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 4'10, started at 190 and my goal is 110 depending on how I look. I may increase it to 120 because I'm very curvy and have large breasts. Those alone should count for at least 10lbs :laugh: . I'm glad I found this group!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    4' 9" (and a half... On a good day)

    I'd like to be 120 (147 right now) less would be awesome but Im not sure if it's possible. Add me shorties! ;)
  • Wow! Loving all of the responses so far :)

    Feel free to add me anyone!

    Good luck to all ;)
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I'll be 30 in December and it wasn't that many years ago when I was a Size 0 and a skinny minny. I don't know what the hell happened :laugh:
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I'm 5'0 and I started at 170 too!

    You'll be surprised how quickly your goals will change. I never in a million years thought I'd be aiming for 102lbs (it honestly sounded sick to me!) but even when I was down to 109 back in November I STILL had plenty of belly chub. It's a loooooooooong journey for us shorties :)
  • mskiraann
    mskiraann Posts: 19 Member
    4'8" and 152 lbs. I have always felt chunky growing up, but I did realize it was because I was short. I only aiming for a 30 lbs loss now, but we will see. I'm hoping I can just get that far.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'0" and currently at 135. My goal is 118 (which is "normal" but has a lot of room to go down supposedly). Yeah, I feel like it's harder to maintain a good weight because, at our height, we just have to weigh less. My biggest strategy is muscle! At 118 (or even 125) and 22-25% body fat, I look really good, and I can eat more than if I don't build the muscle.

    Feel free to send a friend request my way :happy:
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I'm 4'11" and started at 170 about a year ago. I'm currently around 120 and hoping to drop to 110 before Sept rolls around. It has been hard to lose the weight with my height and it's bad because on a petite frame 5-10 pounds make a LOT more difference than they do to those tall girls out there. Good luck to all the shorties out there!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    On the other hand, when I tell one of my (tall) friends that I want to be 118 and back into size 4, they act like I'm anorexic or something. I hear the "that's tiny!" all the time ... maybe it is, except that, heigh-wize, I AM tiny, so it really isn't that unreasonable a goal for me.
    Can't win for losing, can we :grumble: :laugh:
  • I'm 4'9 and a half. I'm about 136lb at the moment but can so totally do with losing a bit more. I want to get down to about 110lb depending on how it looks. At my heaviest I was 165 and I didn't notice how big that was until I started losing the weight!
  • I'm approximately 4'10" 150 right now. I was about 180 back in 2002. Started working out got down to 150 ish. Sat on that felt good but then I saw a picture, recalled "still fat" do something else. In 2005 found this great gym, my son had a gym down stairs and we had all the great equipment but the big bonus was Les Mills programs. Fell in love with all of them. Toned a lot gained muscle tone, lost inches and felt good, still needed more. Read book and followed to a "T". Body for life for women. Started to keep a long of what I ate, every sugar, fat, cal. I also bumped up exercise to two cardios or one cardio class and elliptical or a cardio and Les Mills body pump, it started to come off first just a lb. a week, then two lbs...(got to 128-felt great, got tons of comments and stayed there for about 5 years, since then working and practically single mom, forgot i need to move to keep off weight). I'm starting that program again. Ohhh, I cut my sugar back to 30 grams a day, stayed away from pastas and white bread and rice...I'm not sure what help me the most...good luck.
  • I'm 5ft and currently 137, I'd be really happy at 132 to be honest! I'm a curvy girl and at this weight I know I can maintain and look good in my clothes. If I achieve more then so be it, but it's important I can maintain my goal weight or otherwise what's the point?

    Anyway, feel free to friend me
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    On the other hand, when I tell one of my (tall) friends that I want to be 118 and back into size 4, they act like I'm anorexic or something. I hear the "that's tiny!" all the time ... maybe it is, except that, heigh-wize, I AM tiny, so it really isn't that unreasonable a goal for me.
    Can't win for losing, can we :grumble: :laugh:

    100lbs is perfectly reasonable for us shorties.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    5ft and currently around 127lbs, ultimate goal about 119lbs but even then I won't look skinny, I didn't when I got down to 121lbs!
  • I'm just over 5ft in socks, in the morning (before the vertebrae have time to compress...), and also think that BMI doesn't work too well at our end of the height scale - nor for athletes, bodybuilders, really tall people, etc.
    I have been lighter and still not felt as healthy as I am now. Although currently 17 weeks pregnant, so all calcualtions tend to go out the window!
    I train for strength and only measure weight as a step in calculating body fat % - which is a much more accurate indicator of "health" than just highly variable numbers on a scale :wink:

    Great thread to start!
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    I am five foot even! i weigh 178 right now :sad: but i hope to be around 150 for my friend Christina's wedding in May. I could use all the help i can get!
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    Hello there!

    I'm 5' tall, I agree with the rest of you that gaining 5 pounds is noticable on people as short as we are, and we look heavier at smaller weights, which makes sense! That doesn't mean it's not frustrating!

    My goal is 110, but a muscular 110. If I have to be 115 and be muscular, I'm cool with that. I started out at 150 in August, got down to 135 and joined MFP, and am now 126 according to my last weigh-in a couple of weeks ago. I know my body, though, and I know weight loss is going to stall out at 120. My body likes it there, but I don't like to weigh 120. I want my "heavy" to be 115.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member

    You can do it. I am 4 ft 6 in and started out at 170 just over a year ago. I have since lost 45 lbs and 40 inches all over. So it can be done. If you want, add me as a friend and then check out my blog which has hints, tips and tricks as well as recipes.
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    5"1 here!! My heaviest was 143 EEKK! and I reached my first goal of 125 (actually 124.6) I am thinking I would like to go down to 120 and be more toned then I am now!! Everyone seems to notice a couple lb gain but not many have noticed I have lost almost 20 lbs =/