


  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    You can spend the money on "products" and "medications" if you want to buy chemicals that might mess with your system or you can choose to add a natural food supplement like the psyllium husk fiber. You can find it in bins at whole foods and other places and it is pennies compared to the fancy Metamucil. If you are eating vegetarian you can really increase your fiber up to 50 or 70 without too much trouble. I am biased and cheap. I don't' want to spend the money on a remedy when I can do it with food to begin with.

    Fully agree with this, same as me, what I use and what I suggested. I also have helped dozens of people on low carb diet (which are thus low fibre) and always suggest lots of spinach and broccoli which are both high in fibre alongside psyllium husk.
  • I had this problem for many years. When I finally went completely vegetarian last July, I have not been constipated once since. Not suggesting you go that route, but just something for the thought process.
  • it may be as simple as drinking more water...waste needs to be the right constancy to come out....if its very dry it will be very difficult...water and increase the veggie volume.
  • First start with the additional fiber (25-35 grams per day)
    If that doesnt help can add the stool softener.
    If that doesnt help go to GI doctor.
    If they dont find anything, go get checked for food allergies!! Alot of food allergies can present this way-constipation. I was having the same troubles and found out I am allergic to several foods that I had no idea of! When I avoid them, I am fine.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Thanks again to everyone. I have done a lot of reading and research today and I am convinced that one of my problems was not enough water intake. It would explain why this happened when i had increased my fibre intake quite considerably over the period tha tthis all became an issue. I have never been one to drink extra fluids...just the necessary for thirst, and although I have upped my water intake this last few days for a challenge, up to that I was just drinking my normal (low enough) amount. From reading I now see that the increase in fibre should be gradual, accompanied by increase in water intake. Well, I increased fairly rapidly (I think) but didn't increase water so it probably explains the sudden worsening of things. I am going to try increasing my drinks for a while now and see f it helps whilst still upping my fibre because I think that is a healthy move for me to take anyway. There are some great suggestions here of how to do that. Here's hoping for results!
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Try metamucil! Walmart sells a generic form of it!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I take a digestive enzyme daily and that keeps me regular
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    fiber fiber fiber
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I had the same problem. I use benefiber every day now and the problem is solved. It works much better than metamucil. I had used laxatives initially but once I tried benefiber all my problems stopped. That stuff is amazing and it has no taste at all. I put it in my coffee in the morning. Works like a charm. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Absolutely take a fiber supplement. I take benefiber they even have a weight control one. Drink water, eat softer foods....and for worse situations, if you know what I mean... Take miralax... Dulce lax and all of those have an ingredient that makes your body stressed to go when it finally does... Miralax is a natural and light laxative that doesn't have that urgency affect. might consider adding fish oil to your supplements.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    For me, an increase in fiber caused me to experience this. I had always thought fiber made you poo, but that's not how it works. If you increased your veggie intake and those veggies are high in fiber, this may be the culprit.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    "Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet because it aids in maintaining regular bowel movements and producing soft stools for elimination. However, consuming a diet that is either too low or too high in fiber may hinder elimination and lead to constipation. Too little fiber in the body prevents its ability to bind to food and water in the digestive tract, which helps move them through the body.

    Furthermore, eating too much fiber or introducing it to your diet too quickly may lead to difficulty in breaking down the food in the digestive tract. This leads to constipation because food is unable to move through the digestive system and remains in the stomach undigested. Finding a healthy balance of appropriate fiber intake as part of a well-balanced diet plan may prevent constipation and digestive upsets"
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    Some medications can do the same. I had 3 surgeries in 1 yr and the pain meds put a new meaning to $h**ing a brick. Why they don't just put stool softners in pain meds automaticaly is beyond me. I now have to take Ultram for chronic headaches and even though I've been able to reduce the amount of Ultram I take, I still have to take a stool softner daily.
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    #1 cause of constipation is dehydration. At least that's what my professor had told me a couple years ago...
  • smsavoy
    smsavoy Posts: 103 Member
    I have had this issues for years, started after i had my daughter. The doctors would just say it was IBS, recently found a great GI doctor that got me going to the bathroom under control. I use to go every two weeks. The dr put me on Miralax every day and cutting out milk producted helped a lot. Then i started eating healty and exercising, now my issues are back. Miralax hasn't been working every since i added the exercise. I am thinking it is because i am not drinking enough water, so my plans is to drink more water this week. If that doesn't work back to the GI doctor i will go.
  • katiedee2
    katiedee2 Posts: 5 Member
    I had this problem in the past, I was going to WW and the leader told me to eat pears and it didn't matter if fresh or can. This worked for me.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Just a reminder - there are two kinds of fiber in the foods you eat and you need a balance of the two plus lots of fluids to stay regular.
    Soluble fiber is found in lots of fruits/veggies and oat bran. It dissolves in water and will hold onto cholesterol and prevent its absorption. Think of a gooey gel - It slows digestion and keeps you fuller longer. Its what you get a lot of when you kick up the fruit and veggie intake. BUT - It has nothing to do with moving things along!
    Insoluble fiber found in wheat bran, whole gains etc has the laxative effect - They increase stool bulk and increase speed of passing.
    Psyllium and Metamucil provide insoluable fiber so they can take a while to kick in. Also remember that the insoluble fiber is the one the gut bugs love to ferment. Causing the gas, bloat and cramping common with rapid increases in fiber intake.
    The original FiberOne cereal - the twigs are a great source of insoluble fiber and I find it works really well for me. AllBran and bran buds would are about the same - I just like the Fiber one better as a dry snack.
    Just be aware that all fiber products are not the same! the Fiber one bars are deadly for me since the fiber source is chicory root extract! I wind up with the bloat and fart issue within an hour or two after eating anything with chicory root extract as the fiber source.
    Make sure you check the labels as you try things out so you know what fiber source works or doesn't!
  • repoman150
    repoman150 Posts: 42 Member
    you need magnesium citrate. It's what we give patients before they undergo bowel surgery. Works every time.

    Take this only if you want to completely clean is just a temporary relief.
  • I have been having a tough month and pretty painful too! So I only drink water now and fresh vegetable+fruit juice once a day and things are getting better :D
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    I suffer from this too.
    Some veggies may seem harmless but cause even more constipation.
    Like carrots, for example...for me they block me like hell, I had to bann them from my diet.

    On the other hand, fiber fiber fiber. But what triggers me are good ol' kiwis. I eat 2 per day and it does wonders. But sometimes I have to take 3 Kiwis, or 2 Kiwis + 1 orange...they're good snacks :)

    My mom warms up her water (because she says she can't drink it too cold) and she says that she goes to the WC more often and she's could try that too)