Very low or no calorie food ideas?



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You could have 2 small meals of grilled chicken or fish with steamed or stir fried veggies for your 551 cals.
    Or, eat a little more and do some exercise, or eat a little more and accept that today your calorie deficit won't be so large as usual. Eating more than usual every now and again isn't the end of the world - and it's always going to happen sometime, learning to live with going out to eat is a really valuable life skill.

    Those lists of "negative calorie" foods are just wishful thinking - many of those foods are very low in calories and most of them are fruits and veggies so they are very good for you, but don't fool yourself into thinking your calorie count is going backwards, it doesn't work that way! Your daily calorie allowance already covers basic bodily functions (like digestion) so you have accounted for this already.
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    Ya I seriously need help with better eating... Also my work hours are too crazy so I stress eat too much. I've told my part time job (have a full time too) I can't do early mornings anymore but they don't listen. I feel like I get barely any sleep even when I go to bed at 8pm! I'm even sick today so I think it's a sign.

    Thanks for all of the good ideas! I really do love this site!
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    Yep! Looked at the diary.
    You dont eat enough to properly lose weight.

    Boost cals to 1600-1800!
    Do a 90/10 rule!
    Its easy!

    90% unprocessed whole foods!
    10% Junk!

    I have heard of this and kind of understand... But could you explain to me further? Either here or message me?

    I posted on my yesterday's diet a few things I want to do instead of what I have been doing.

    FYI all: I did exercise for the day twice so I didn't feel as bad. I am sick now though so I really need to give the part time job the boot. Can't keep doing this to myself.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Iceberg lettuce is has no nutritional value whatsoever. so possibly a salad with light dressing also she is just wanting to stay

    Nah, that's not true. Iceberg does have nutritional value.

  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    there really is no calorie foods. Iceberg lettuce is has no nutritional value whatsoever. so possibly a salad with light dressing also she is just wanting to stay under her calorie intake. by consuming low calorie foods along with 0 calorie foods she will be able to reach or stay under her goal and still feel full. also comsuming 0 calorie foods she will burn more calories because the body burns calories to digest them.

    Here is a list of actual no calorie foods.
    •Green beans
    •Garden cress
    •Hot chili peppers
    •Green cabbage
    •Honey dew melons
    •Grape fruit

    I don't usually post criticism but really? This makes no sense .. not to mention the comments on that website "If you eat an apple it takes 100 calories to burn it off" ... whaaaaaat?! *rubs temples*

    to the people speaking about no calories foods: those foods may take more calories to burn when digesting them BUT those calories burned are already figured in to your BMR so you cannot count them twice. You must count the calories in each of those foods to accurately count your calories for the day.
    If it were true what you all said there would be alot of vegetarians weighing negative pounds.
  • marlene39
    marlene39 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd check the calorie in olive oil...good for you but very high in calories...
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    there really is no calorie foods. Iceberg lettuce is has no nutritional value whatsoever. so possibly a salad with light dressing also she is just wanting to stay under her calorie intake. by consuming low calorie foods along with 0 calorie foods she will be able to reach or stay under her goal and still feel full. also comsuming 0 calorie foods she will burn more calories because the body burns calories to digest them.

    Here is a list of actual no calorie foods.
    •Green beans
    •Garden cress
    •Hot chili peppers
    •Green cabbage
    •Honey dew melons
    •Grape fruit

    I don't usually post criticism but really? This makes no sense .. not to mention the comments on that website "If you eat an apple it takes 100 calories to burn it off" ... whaaaaaat?! *rubs temples*

    to the people speaking about no calories foods: those foods may take more calories to burn when digesting them BUT those calories burned are already figured in to your BMR so you cannot count them twice. You must count the calories in each of those foods to accurately count your calories for the day.
    If it were true what you all said there would be alot of vegetarians weighing negative pounds.

    ^^ this
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Protein Fluff will fill you up and make you want to take a nap for 200'ish calories...and I bet you couldn't even finish the whole batch.

    Otherwise, easier options are vegetables, boullion cubes (never tried drinking broth lol), or just go to bed and wake up later, lol
    can you give me your fluff recipe?
  • xchinad0ll
    xchinad0ll Posts: 101 Member
    or just go to bed and wake up later, lol

    HAHAHA i do this a lot. Not on purpose sometimes =]
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Make a big root vegetable stew.

    1 large potato
    3 or 4 carrots
    half a rutabaga/swede
    1 large sweet potato
    one onion diced
    4 or 5 cloves of garlic
    mixed herbs
    pint of stock
    tin of beans or presoaked lentils.

    sweat the garlic and onion in a LARGE pan with a teaspoon and a half of oil

    dice and add all the root veg (potato, carrots, sweet potato and swede) mix in well to get covered in the onions and garlic

    add the pint of stock, mixed herbs and a hefty pinch of cracked black pepper

    bring to the boil for 5 minutes, cover and simmer for 45.

    after 45 minutes add the lentils or baked beans to the stew

    cover and simmer for a further 15 minutes.

    take off the heat and allow to cool a little before serving, this will make it lovely and thick.

    You can add any other herbs and spices you like, experiment!

    My version used baked beans, and serves four people a large bowl each... At about 213 calories a serving.
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    I take back what I said. You had three brownies for a snack the other day and Sonic for lunch a couple days before that. Even with that, you were routinely low on calories the rest of the week, I only looked back 3 days. I don't see what the fuss is about.

    EXACTLY!!!! one bad is not the end of the world!!!!!! Just eat normal the rest of the day and make smart choices...... Day to day is just that....weekly is what is more important.... :)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Go do some exercise.
  • kfrancisco92
    really criticism on a fitness website? People on here need to chill out or take the drama to facebook. I just joined yesterday and already i find this quite sad. Have a good day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    really criticism on a fitness website? People on here need to chill out or take the drama to facebook. I just joined yesterday and already i find this quite sad. Have a good day.

    So you're criticising the criticisers? Oh dear :smile"
  • kfrancisco92
    nope just stating the obvious thats it ridiculous how this site is being used. it was recommended by my dr so i assumed it would be useful, just never imagined it would be like a social network to make fun of anything anyone puts on it.