Filling breakfast foods?



  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    My typical breakfast 1 egg 1 egg white sandwich with some al fresco chicken sausage and some cheese on a whole grain english muffin....cereal always leaves me hungry. I also alternate with whole grain oats and some dried fruit and nuts!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    During the week, I'll have turkey bacon and fruit when I get to work, around 7AM / 7:30. with a cup of tea. Around 9AM I have a Shakeology and it fills me untill lunch 12 /12:30

    On weekends I'll have a Shakeology blended with fruit and ice or a full egg breakfast (no bread) depending on time.
  • knelson422
    Small amt of Olive Oil (like 1/4 to 1/2 tsp), saute red pepper and spinach, other veggies if you like, add two eggs. Turn, add 1 Tablespoon of cheese, fold over. Love the quick veggie omelet. Keeps me satisfied for a long time.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I swear by this following breakfast recipe that takes under a minute and is usually under 300 calories if done right:
    Cals Carbs Fat Protein
    Tropicana - Orange Juice Not From Concentrate, 150 ml 71 15 0 2
    Onken - Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt, 150 g 74 11 0 7
    Mornflake - Extra Crispy Muesli 5-Fruit, Nut & Seeds, 20 g 76 11 2 2
    Morrisons - Tasty & Tangy Pomegranate Seeds, 30 g 16 3 0 0
    Morrisons - Exotic and Succulent Mango Pieces, 60 g 37 8 0 0
    Total 274 48 2 11

    So basicallly, half a small glass of fresh not concentrated Orange Juice, then in a bowl, using a digital food scales to help with sizes, pour 150ml of FAT FREE yoghurt in (I usually buy the big pots so I can choose my portion), then add whatever fruits you like - not too much and try to avoid bananas as they are the highest in calories, and then a sprinkle on top - just a dusting of a healthy muesli.

    It's really yummy and soo filling! Yoghurt always makes me feel full.
  • CindySchooley
    Kashi brand cereals are very good for you & I find very filling.
    Sometimes I just eat Dry on my drive to workk.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Oatmeal fills me up the most in the morning. Are you having a snack between breakfast and lunch?

  • Malin88
    For breakfast, think: high protein and high fibre. It's also better to eat smaller portions more often throughout the day. So have a breakfast of:
    - natural yoghurt for the protein (avoid flavoured yoghurts and check it isn't high in sugar if you go for a light version. Fage is a very good brand.)
    - with some high fibre cereal like Kelloggs All Bran.
    - Add some blue berries if you want to sweeten it.

    The high protein and fibre combination will keep you full. If you have a long wait between breakfast and lunch have a fruit with a low GI (or some nuts) 2-3 hours after breakfast to keep you going. If you're hungry between meals, it's normal. It just shows that your metabolism is working the way it should be ;)
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    **Bump** for all the good suggestions.

    I always feel hungry an hour or so after breakfast too. I eat a lot of instant oatmeal....might try actually cooking some and see if that makes a difference.

    Even when I eat eggs (whites) for breakfast I feel hungry...maybe I need more protein.

    Looking foward to taking these suggestions and playing around with them to find out what works for me -I am so tried of being hungry!!
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    from what I have read and from experience protein is what helps us feel more full, also snacking is important so you dont get hunger pangs. Try adding an apple with a piece of cheese or some nuts to nibble on by mid morning. Almonds are good. pumpkin seeds have zinc and good oils..etc each person is different so you will need to find what fills you. good luck..:)
  • Swal02
    Swal02 Posts: 29
    Thanks everyone. Some awesome suggestions that i'll take on board! :)

    My biggest issue is I just can't saunter off and start nibbling an apple before my lunch break.
    I might get away with a small bag of nuts to keep it at bay.

    Breakfast i'll have to pre make as i don't have time to cook in the mornings

    I've always been able to eat a lot of food. My dad towers over me with him being 6ft tall and i can eat way more than him. Give me half an hour and i'll eat another bulk of food if i could. It's sheer will power that stops me doing it, and trying, when i can, to eat little and often. But work makes that last part hard to do.

    Saying that, sticking to my calories has been pretty easy for me so far .... hope it stays that way. It's just this little morning hurdle that's annoying me.
  • DrIanKellar
    DrIanKellar Posts: 38 Member
    I eat oats+oatbran mixed with sweetened soya milk. I don't heat it, as it tastes nicer cold. 30g with about 200ml of soya works for me - enough to do a 20 mile cycle ride to work and not feel hungry until lunch.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    I find when I add fruit (bananas or any kind of berries) to my cereal it helps keep me full for the morning. I also like fried eggs. I tried microwaving an egg the other day for a quick scramble/omeletty type thing with added veggies. That was good too and quick.
  • Swal02
    Swal02 Posts: 29
    Omelette sounds good :D
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    For me personally, porridge keeps me fairly content until lunch time. I like to sweeten mine with jam or a piece of fruit cut up and eaten with it. I also find eggs pretty filling as well, either scrambled or soft boiled with granary toast.
  • paulramos
    paulramos Posts: 1 Member
    Generally high protein meals keep you fuller longer, so egg whites are a great option as they're high in protein and low in calorie. Fill the rest of your breakfast in with some good carbs and you should be good to go until lunch.

    If you're the kind of person that's constantly hungry (aren't we all?) then maybe you could split your meals even further and eat more, smaller meals throughout the day.
  • cfurcsik
    Me too. Protein at every meal keeps me full. I like Southwestern Eggbeaters and a piece of toast.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    eggs for me - and none of that egg white nonsense - whole eggs, scrambled, poached or boiled or with bacon at the weekend :D
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    I am one of those that needs a high protein breakfast to keep me going and I usually stay full past lunch 1200pm usually I eat about 600am. So, what do I eat....

    Most of the time I will make the fake eggs or egg whites but usually include one egg yolk as well.
    I might even eat what many would consider a dinner like chicken or fish to get me started in the morning.

    If i have hormel all natural no preserative lunch meat then I will make me an omelette or a sandwich on my gluten free bread or toast.

    I am a firm believer of breakfast is your most important meal... I also try to eat a larger amount of my calories in the morning as well... all healthy and high protein.

  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    I like my protein/meal replacement shake (Body By Vi) with fruit, almond milk and a little cranberry juice all for about 200 calories. It keeps me full until lunch most of the time. If I get hungry in between I will usually grab a light snack. This weekend we were traveling and on the road early. We stopped for breakfast at Subway and I had their egg and cheese on an english muffin. I was still hungry after eating the sandwich!! I think I'll stick with my shakes!!
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    For me -
    2 eggs sunny side up with wheat toast
    oatmeal with nuts added
    or on weekends I make
    multigrain flour paranthas (indian) with vegetable stuffing and greek yogurt