100+ Pounds to lose Labor Day Challenge beg 7/6

I don't know who originally responded to chellebelle's post about a group for people with 100 or more pounds to lose, but anybody who fits the category is free to join. We have approximately 2 months until Labor Day, so let's aim to lose at least 10 pounds by then. We will weigh in weekly. Post your starting weight tomorrow. if you are so inclined, you can also post your workout, or any helpful tips recipies or anything that will aid in our quest to become healthier, happier, and most of all slimmer! Good luck and let's support each other!


  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Here goes.....starting weight 247. Curse those salty 4th foods. Oh well. It will drop off soon enough. Is anybody going to join me?
  • BSantos
    BSantos Posts: 9
    Hi Aerdrea,

    I am up for the challenge! Some friends and I are doing our own 8 week biggest loser challenge and we weigh in every Tuesday night at the same person's house since she has a fancy scale. I hope they join MFP soon as it is great. With that being said, if I can post my weight each Tuesday night for the summer on this discussion that would be easiest for me. If I can join your challenge then my starting weight is 270 (as of last Tuesday). Hope to hear from you soon!

  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Good morning! I'm in for the challenge. We might have to message some of the others from the board to make sure they see this thread:)

    I don't have a problem weighing in on Monday, since I tend to weigh myself every day, even though I tell myself I'm not going to.

    Starting weight as of today --- 274.5

    I usually try to get to the gym every other day for the treadmill or elliptical. It's a bit of a drive from my house, so usually on my days off, I'll do stuff at home. I bought the Biggest Loser Fitness book and have been doing some of those circuit training exercises plus some of The Firm videos. Very challenging and I seem to always be sore, but hopefully that will subside soon.

    Welcome to all and I look forward to chatting with everyone!

  • chellebelle
    Hello everyone. One of my oldest and dearest friends is getting married Labor Day weekend so this is perfect.

    Starting weight

    Good luck everyone!!
  • lori847
    lori847 Posts: 2
    you can do it i know you can.well i need to lose a ton of weight by next year right now i weigh 244.5 and want to get down to 217:smile:
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    So we made it through the first day. Maybe it went great or maybe you are off to a bumpy start. Whatever the case may be, keep going. Tomorrow is another day. I do want to share something that I was listening to on the Jillian Michaels podcast a couple of weeks ago.

    She says that we don't have to give up our favorite foods to lose weight (we knew this already right?). Eventually we learn to incorporate those foods into our diet without going overboard. But if you are anything like me, certain foods may trigger a binge and that's never good. To overcome temptation, Jillian suggests that you make a list of things that you want. It could be anything from better cholesterol numbers to fitting in some jeans that you haven't been able to get into lately. Whatever it is, write it down. Carry it with you and refer to it often if needed. When you are tempted to break from your plan, think about the things on that list. Is what you're about to do/eat going to put you closer or farther away from those goals? According to Jillian, thinking about it this way helps to build your willpower "muscle". So make your list and start exercising your willpower!
  • bettame32
    bettame32 Posts: 17
    I would like to join in on this.

    SW on MFP-260
    CW- 253
    GW for 8/31- 240
    GW for 9/7-230
  • BSantos
    BSantos Posts: 9
    Welcome Bettame....we are here to support each other! I weighed myself this morning and only lost 1/2 pound. I was discouraged since I have been eating healthy and exercising everyday. Since it was my first week, I thought I would loos at least 2 pounds...oh well! I am wondering though, does anyone know what I could do to loos a bit more than 1/2 pound? Thanks all! Becky:ohwell:
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Welcome Bettame32!

    @ BSantos, do you track sodium? I found that when I added sodium to my tracker it was a real eye opener.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'd love to join in on this ...
    My weight this morning 244.4 ... I am so happy I finally passed the 10 pounds lost mark! I had been hovering around 7-8 pounds lost for over a month! I am feeling healthier with every pound I lose, and I'm working out more now than ever. I still need to work on some menu planning as that is where I always fall down with my weight loss efforts.
    I ate under my calorie limits the last couple of days, but unfortunately it was for a bad reason - I was upset about some icky neighbors that are threatening to sue us to take our RV off our waterfront land because they want to build a $500,000 house next to us and don't want a 'campground' for neighbors. Jerks! The surprising thing is how young they are to be such creeps - in their low 30's ... but their parents have money, and they definitely have an attitude of entitlement. I don't think they will be able to force us to move our camper (it's a very nice one by the way) ... but it is still stressfull to deal with. Surprisingly I didn't eat everything in sight (which would be my usual response), but instead wasn't hungry. I'll have to be careful though, the temptation to binge eat may be around the corner if I keep up this stress level.:mad:
    I need to stay focused on me and my family and forget about those !@##Q$#$@%! neighbors!
  • BSantos
    BSantos Posts: 9
    Welcome! I am sorry that you have to deal with such "snooty booty" neighbors. Remember that we are here to support you-so turn to us when you get frustrated and not food. We will all end up dealing with frustrations in our life, we just need to learn better ways to deal with it. Together we will all accomplish our goals. By the way, your kids are adorable. I have a ten year old daughter and she is a lot of fun! Becky
  • chellebelle
    I'm so sorry about your neighbors. I have a sore spot for those who have that sense of entitlement. I always like to think that if I had an easy road, I wouldn't act like that. I don't know.

    It's hard to find constructive ways of dealing with stress. Have you ever seen those anti-smoking ads where they drive the car or try to drink the coffee and spill it everywhere? They go on to say something like, "It's hard to do these things without smoking but you'll get used to it"....lol With a little patience, we will learn to deal with things without food :wink:

    I got my butt back on the treadmill today. It's been 2 weeks :blushing: But the better news is I feel FANTASTIC!!! You never belive those skinny minis when they say exercising feels good, but I'm starting to see the light. :laugh:

    Have a good evening everyone!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Can I join in?

    My start weight for this challenge:

    Monday - 271.5
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Wow! We have a nice little crew now!:smile: Welcome everybody!!

    I'm off to a good start diet wise since my 4th of July BBQ badness. However, I am having a hard time with exercise. I am sooooo fatigued lately. I can't seem to get up early enough to make it to step class at 5am and if I wait until 5pm when I get off work, I can't drag my butt to the gym. Where have you guys found time to fit in workouts during the day? I used to get up at 5am, but once I missed a morning or two, I got out of the habit.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I would love to join also....what is the exact day of labor day...? I am currently 230 and i will aim for 10 pounds and hope to get more!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I agree, this is a good group:) Day two and I'm doing pretty well. I actually did not weigh myself this morning, I'm so proud:) I've been an everyday weigher for so long, it's hard to get out of the habit.

    My workouts are going well. I belong to Snap Fitness (24-hr gym) and it's right down the road from work, so there are no excuses not to go ... usually ;) I've realized that I am tending to do my workouts 3 days in a row, then 1 day of rest and this seems to be working out pretty well. And I've been doing different things so that I don't get bored with the same ole thing everyday. Actually, today is a rest day and actually, I feel guilty! I can't believe I'd ever feel guilty for not working out. Course I'll probably get up tomorrow morning and do some sort of workout, then again after work ;)

    As far as when to fit the workouts in, I tend to only go after work. Plus, I have a partner at work that belongs to the same gym so we go together. We work the same crazy hours so it helps to have someone else that wants to go. Btw, by crazy hours, I mean 6 days on dayshift 0630-1430hrs, 3 days off, then 6 days on evening shift 1430-2230hrs and then back to dayshift after 3 days off. So basically I'm working out at 2230hrs on some days and 1430 hrs on others. Crazy, but that's what I have to do.

    Well, I guess I've composed a book here, didn't mean to, lol. Hope everyone is doing great and keep us posted!

  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Thanks for the advice kamcat73. I really just need to check my motivation list and get back in the game. Maybe I'm just in a workout slump right now.

    The real reason for my post this morning is that I heard an awesome quote....

    "Many of life's greatest failures are people who did not know how close they were to success when they gave up."

    I think that's a quote from Thomas Edison, but don't quote me on that (haha)! Anyway, I thought that it was a good quote because how many times have we all given up? I know I've tried diet after diet and plan after plan only to give up after I didn't miraculously lose 100 pounds in 3 months. We have the tools we need to finally lick this problem once and for all. Keep pushing and don't give up!!!:bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :happy: Thanks for the support about our nasty neighbors, I really don't understand people like that either and have never had to personally deal with anything like this before.
    I'm trying hard to not let my stress lead me to food. I did well last night - worked out at the Y for 90 minutes and stayed under my calorie limits.
    Today will be more of a challenge because I don't have a workout scheduled yet, and no meals planned. It is never good for me to go through a day without a plan.
    ok ... right now I'm 'scheduling' it in my own mind ... I only have time to do 30 minutes on my exercise bike tonight, and 60 minutes at the Y tomorrow morning. I'm going to have a tuna melt for lunch, and hamburgers and rice for supper.
  • anew30
    anew30 Posts: 6
    Is it too late for me to join? My name is Tanya and I joined 2 days ago ...
    My starting weight is 252.6 ( it really should be 253 but I'm holding on to the .6) however as of today it's 249.4 ..yes yes I know don't hog the scale but I was curious:laugh: is there a specific weigh day..I'm currently using Monday as my official weigh in..let me know


    Btw: How do u guys get ur ticker on the post?
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Is it too late for me to join? My name is Tanya and I joined 2 days ago ...
    My starting weight is 252.6 ( it really should be 253 but I'm holding on to the .6) however as of today it's 249.4 ..yes yes I know don't hog the scale but I was curious:laugh: is there a specific weigh day..I'm currently using Monday as my official weigh in..let me know


    Btw: How do u guys get ur ticker on the post?

    Great to have you Tanya, and it's never too late to join:) Monday is the weigh-in for this forum.

    As far as the ticker, I believe you create one under Tools, then copy the ticker code and paste it into your forum signature under settings (My Home). Hope this helps, let us know if you need anything! Kim