Hope to start a Christian thread



  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768

    Why is it that anything can be cussed and discussed but when we mention God, Christian or anything to do with it folks begin to get all bent out of shape. Just mosey on back to the threads that give you support and let us do the same.

    I have often asked myself this very question!!! I still can't come up with a plausible answer...Anyway I thank GOD that this group has started. I know that what God's got for me is for me and no one else. So I take that into every workout I do and I keep telling myself that God won't give me more than I can handle.

    God bless and keep you all and have a blessed 4th of July weekend!!!

    I'm pretty sure its NOT the same reactions you get when you mention someone dies whether it be on here or on tv, or at your work place. Its totally appropriate to "Ask for or say a prayer" or "We'll be praying for you, cause their in heaven now." Freaking Michael Jackson kicks the bucket and everyone wants to get all spiritual about it. But any other time when its less convienent, you have to stay silent or be sensitive towards someone else. I think thats garbage. As long as everyone can be civil and dare I say, adult, about it....whats the real issue here? Cause someone doesn't agree or believe? Well I dont' believe or agree with alot of things on here...but I don't silence people for it. People need to grow up. Luckily, nobody around here has a problem, so thats refreshing.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Unless I'm missing something, I don't really see many people making a big deal about it. I think one (maybe two people) said something? Anyway, we shouldn't worry about it and just move on. We don't want to be the ones causing the issue when there isn't one, right?
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    July 3

    Matthew 10:22

    'And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.'
    Christ has a powerful lesson for those who choose to diet. Dieting makes us different, and it is never easy to be different. Being Christians made the disciples different, and they had to suffer many things for their difference. People who are different are often excluded by others. Sometimes they are even abused and persecuted for their differences. There was only one reason the disciples were able to persevere in their faith, and that was the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. That same Spirit can give us the power to be different and the strength to persevere, even through a tough diet.

    Today's thought: Christ helps those who choose to be different!

    Be encouraged and empowered!
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    July 4

    James 1:12

    Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
    Christ allows us to declare a special kind of independence from the prison of obesity. Prisoners endure their captivity because they believe that they will one day find release. Through perseverance we earn the right to declare our independence from fat. God will stand with us as we fight for a healthier, more slender body. His Holy Spirit will help us withstand the temptations of rich, fattening foods, and He promises to bless our efforts to do what is right and good. Let us celebrate the freedom from flesh that God will help us achieve.

    Today's thought: Faith in Christ can lead to freedom from fat!

    Peace and blessings to everyone.
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    July 5

    Romans 5:3-4

    . . .we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope.
    The first week had been the toughest. Perry had paced back and forth past the refrigerator a thousand times. His hunger was so intense that it made him feel ill. He stuck with it a week, but he didn't lose much weight. He decided that he would diet at least one more week. Then it happened. A few pounds came off. Perry felt better. He felt more hopeful. The longer he dieted, the easier it got; especially when he could see some results. Dieting is tough. It takes a lot of patience to wait for the first few results, but when they finally come, they offer us the hope we need to stick with it.

    Today's thought: God gives us hope in order to cope!

    Server and Worship while we wait!!!
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    July 6

    Galatians 6:9

    And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

    Janet was tired of dieting. She had been at it for almost six months. She looked better, and knew that she was doing the right thing. Taking the pounds off had been hard, but sometimes Janet felt that keeping them off was even harder. Thin people didn't understand that dieting wasn't just something to do to lose weight. For a person with weight problems, it had to be a way of life. God knows that dieting is hard. He knows dieting can be a bore. More than that, He knows we need help to diet. Rely on God. He won't let you down.

    Today's thought: I will take dieting one day at a time, one pound at a time!
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I joined this group when it first began...then kind of lost touch...but I'm back! I think this is a great idea for a group! :smile:
    I don't see how it could be offensive. No one here is telling anyone what they should or should not believe. We are just trying to encourage each other! :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • JenniferAnne73
    Did someone start a new thread or are you using this one????

    I would love to be a part!!
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Reminders for improving our prayer life:

    1. Pray several times a day; not just daily. How often do we communicate with the people we care about (spouse, children, boyfriend or girlfriend, close friends, parents .. )?
    Thank Him. It seems the only time we talk to Him is when we want something.

    2. Learn to say table grace again. Sure, we will get some strange looks at restaurants (so what?...since we claim that we are not ashamed to be Christians). It's a great way to incorporate more prayer into our lives and show the Lord how much we appreciate what He has given us. So many are struggling to even find something to eat on a daily basis.

    3. Be very careful telling someone you will pray for them. Not to walk-the-walk & talk-the-talk is very unbecoming for a Christian and hypocritical. When someone requests prayer, stop and pray for them right where you are. You will eliminate one more lie from your life and will be amazed at how your friendship with that person will blossom (along with your relationship with the Creator because of your obedience).

    4. Pray when you are in the shower. This is a great way to build a great habit and cleanse yourself both inside and out.

    There is no more important habit than prayer. Constant communication brings us closer to God and is the difference between being seen as "religious" and having a personal relationship with Christ. “Prayer is not merely an occasional impulse to which we respond when we are in trouble, Prayer is a life attitude”.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Reminders for improving our prayer life:

    1. Pray several times a day; not just daily. How often do we communicate with the people we care about (spouse, children, boyfriend or girlfriend, close friends, parents .. )?
    Thank Him. It seems the only time we talk to Him is when we want something.

    2. Learn to say table grace again. Sure, we will get some strange looks at restaurants (so what?...since we claim that we are not ashamed to be Christians). It's a great way to incorporate more prayer into our lives and show the Lord how much we appreciate what He has given us. So many are struggling to even find something to eat on a daily basis.

    3. Be very careful telling someone you will pray for them. Not to walk-the-walk & talk-the-talk is very unbecoming for a Christian and hypocritical. When someone requests prayer, stop and pray for them right where you are. You will eliminate one more lie from your life and will be amazed at how your friendship with that person will blossom (along with your relationship with the Creator because of your obedience).

    4. Pray when you are in the shower. This is a great way to build a great habit and cleanse yourself both inside and out.

    There is no more important habit than prayer. Constant communication brings us closer to God and is the difference between being seen as "religious" and having a personal relationship with Christ. “Prayer is not merely an occasional impulse to which we respond when we are in trouble, Prayer is a life attitude”.

    Nice and refreshing...thanks for posting this...it reminds me to pray more. My daughter thinks it's weird that she doesn't pray before eating at her pre-k. Next year...no problem she'll be attending a private Christian school. :flowerforyou:
  • kwallen90
    kwallen90 Posts: 23 Member
    I love the idea of a Christian thread! My relationship with Christ is important to me as well and I find the more I trust in Him and have that one-on-one time with Him the better I am able to stay disciplined and focused.
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    hi everyone,
    I do hope u had a fun week end and did get to see the fireworks. Itsn't is amazing that such beauty can come from something that can be so dangerous.
    I have not been on site in a few days, as I have shared with some, my 68 yr old sister is dying from cancer, only was told last month. She still has not told my mother who is 91 yr old so I have been put in the middle of something that hurts me so much.
    I was blessed, with many many prayers going up for me and my family, I did get my sister to agree to let my mother come into visit with her but she still would not tell mom that she is dying. It is so sad. My sister is a Christian and I do believe that she has peace with in, I pray he will continue to bless her , with that peace and taking her pain away. Please keep her in your prayers, uplifting her needs and also my mom. thank you and I too am praying for all of you, God knows your needs
    chat later
    I do hope your doing well with your eating patterns. I have done so poorly since last week end but I am not beating myself up, will get back on track after my testing ths Fri. Until then I am on clear liq so choices won''t be a problem. Colon runs in the female side of the family so I have to be tested.
    hugs to all
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    Did we move somewhere else??? I just wanted to say I think this is a great idea perhaps we could introduce ourselves to each other a bit more:
    I live in Maine and I married my husband almost three years ago
    We are thinking about having a baby (and praying about it) and have decided to let God decide if we are ready (stopped taking my pill last weekend and praying even harder). I have been a Christian since I was five BUT walked away from God as a teenager and did many things I am very ashamed of. In my darkest hour in my early 20's (contemplating suicide) God reached down and reminded me he had never left me that I had left him. After reconciling with God who is so merciful I taught at a Christian school for two years but then went to teach at a public high school. I teach science and like to use the phrase 'that is the way we are designed' which doesn't get me in trouble and doesn't compromise my values ;-)
    I find that lately my devotional life is falling my the way side my goal this summer is to get back on track and make it so much of a habit just like brushing my teeth. My grandmother passed away a few months ago and her memorial service was the most beautiful I have ever seen her Christian legacy is something I hope to follow. I know she is home with Jesus and that gave us so much comfort I hope to see her again I am just sad she won't get to hold my babies (if I have them....).
    I also have found my diet has fallen by the wayside as well. I am not sure why I am having such a hard time usually I am very good in the summer but I work at a movie theatre and the free popcorn is so tantalizing I eat a ton while I am working!!!!!
    Anyway I hope despite the 'rules' discussion we will be able to keep this thread up and going I don't see how there can be anything wrong with a group of people with common interests in this case our love of Christ!
    So lets keep it up!
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you for the devotions!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I taught science high school also but didn't bother to gloss it over. But I live in the south and people are going to say that much too you.
    I taught at a Christian school for two years but then went to teach at a public high school. I teach science and like to use the phrase 'that is the way we are designed' which doesn't get me in trouble and doesn't compromise my values ;-)

    My study for today was an online book called Prodigal to Priest by David Chadwell. The topic is How To Solve Troubles. (http://www.westarkchurchofchrist.org/chadwell/book2c4.htm)

    "There is nothing in life so terrible or so powerful that it surpasses the Lord's ability to help His people. The Lord can help a Christian with any form of trouble or any kind of problem. Nothing is beyond His helping and caring. Being helped with troubles is never a question of the Lord's power. It is a question of trusting the Lord's power, of being honest and open about one's troubles, and of being willing to pay faith's price of solving, coping with, or enduring one's troubles."

    I had to come to realize eating wouldn't solve troubles it just covered them. I substituted exercise but that did not solve my troubles either. So now I walk and pray and suddenly I have peace. The problem may still be their but I am at peace with it and eventually am guided towards a solution or ability to endure.:flowerforyou:
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone,
    wow, it is great to see so many new people on this site, it shows us, the enemy has no hold on us, yea.
    sorry I have not been on for awhile but I do plan to start next week adding some great site that u can check out for a real blessing.
    I have been so busy going back and forth to see my sister who has cancer. She was told a month ago, but it now has spread all over, so she is now in a nursing home, She is only 68. My mother is 91 and just 3 months ago, my sister said," gee Mom, I am so glad I have your genes, I will live a long life"
    My mother is diong well with this sadness but yet I am not there during those late night hours.
    It takes me about 21/2 hours to go home so I stay a few days but it is hard, My mother lives with a man who is 91 and loves loves his home HOT. I die and so doesn't my 4 legged son from the heat. We love haing a cool house. The twin bed that my "son" and I sleep in is so tiny and SAmmy thinks he can take the whole bed over, but dang, he 's my baby and I let him. I lay pushed against the wall all night.lol
    so everyone, thanks for your support and interest in this thread, I really am so happy because more than ever we do need a spot to share and lift each other up, encourage.
    I just got on for a few seconds to update this site , need to get to bed, got to leave early to visit my sister and mother.
    I did scan what everyone has written, love the verses. I will reply, like I said, when things get settle down. This such a hard time, there is only the 3 of us, mom, Georgia and me.
    hugs and blessings to all
    dang, I am so excited that I have met such dear, kind, caring spiritual friends who have cared about us enough to share so freg on this site.
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    hi everyone:smile:
    I forgot to thank each and everyone of you that has been praying for my sister, mom and me.
    Believe me when I say, those prayers are being heard, things have been so awesome for us and we seem to be moving in areas that I never dreamt would happen in the way that it has.
    My mother seems to be doing so well, she prayed the sinners pray with me, we have gotten to share about Heaven and she is now excited to know she will see her mother and father again. God has used my sister illness to bring this joy to all of us.
    I feel so wonderful knowing I have friends like u who are out there praying for us, friends that I don't even know but who care. God is using u all in such a mighty special way.
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    That is so awesome to hear! God works and moves in mysterious ways!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I have been so busy going back and forth to see my sister who has cancer. She was told a month ago, but it now has spread all over, so she is now in a nursing home, She is only 68. My mother is 91 and just 3 months ago, my sister said," gee Mom, I am so glad I have your genes, I will live a long life"
    My mother is diong well with this sadness but yet I am not there during those late night hours.

    I have been following your posts about your sister and your mom and keeping you and them in my thoughts and prayers. I need to be sure I understand where things are. In an earlier post, you said that you mom didn't know about your sister's condition, but in the post quotes above, you seem to imply that now she knows. If that is the case, I am glad for your sake, as it has to be stressful enough for you right now without having to be "in the middle" as you were before.

    May God keep you and yours in the palm of his hand during this time.

  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    July 14

    Philippians 1:6

    Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

    Ron was one of the best contractors in the business. Every job he'd ever started, he'd completed to the client's satisfaction. He never left anything undone. His reputation was beyond reproach. No one ever had to worry when they had Ron working for them. When we rely on God to help us with our dieting, we can rest assured that He will stick with us throughout the entire process. God does not give up. When He begins a job, He finishes it. We can have complete confidence in God. He will help us realize our goal.

    Today's thought: With God's help, I can see this thing through to the end!
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