Please avoid the dangerous HCG diet scam



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Its not dangerous to everyone, my aunt did it and is now super healthy and dropped a ton of weight,
    Yes, actually it is a bad idea for everyone. Just because your aunt managed to lose weight on it, is no indication of the quality of this product. Eating only 500 calories a day regularly is dangerous. Period.

    Compare HCG to gastric bypass.
    I'll leave that to you, if you're trying to make some point.
  • about pregnant women, they are producing hundreds of percent more HCG than someone on HCG diet is getting. Pregnant women produce so much that the body cannot take, and the extra is eliminated. Pregnant women can actually loose weight if they treat their bodies to a diet. But women are thinking of eating for two, so they eat all they want. The reason why HCG is within pregnant women is because the hormone tells the body to take the stored fat and give it to the fetus for nurturing. When there is no fetus, and the person is getting a tiny fraction of HCG injected (or however else you take it), the stored fat is consumed and used as nurturing for it's own body. I've read the whole big study on it and how it all works....what was that booklet, like 200 pages or something? It's been over a year since I've done it or read about it.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    about pregnant women, they are producing hundreds of percent more HCG than someone on HCG diet is getting. Pregnant women produce so much that the body cannot take, and the extra is eliminated. Pregnant women can actually loose weight if they treat their bodies to a diet. But women are thinking of eating for two, so they eat all they want. The reason why HCG is within pregnant women is because the hormone tells the body to take the stored fat and give it to the fetus for nurturing. When there is no fetus, and the person is getting a tiny fraction of HCG injected (or however else you take it), the stored fat is consumed and used as nurturing for it's own body. I've read the whole big study on it and how it all works....what was that booklet, like 200 pages or something? It's been over a year since I've done it or read about it.
    And have you what the FDA has to say about it? Or do you only read marketing literature to get a 'clear' picture of this product?
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member


    Why would a horse be on the HCG diet? I thought horses had more sense...

    Maybe that's why the horse died.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Its not dangerous to everyone, my aunt did it and is now super healthy and dropped a ton of weight,
    Yes, actually it is a bad idea for everyone. Just because your aunt managed to lose weight on it, is no indication of the quality of this product. Eating only 500 calories a day regularly is dangerous. Period.

    Compare HCG to gastric bypass.
    but isn't gastric bypass only recommended for people who are morbidly obese around 450-600+ pounds?

    That's the thing. What is obese?? It's not a "number" it's based on your bodyfat%. for men anything greater than 25% is obese. A lot of people on MFP are considered obese. I am considered "obese"

    Oh I wasn't thinking bodyfat % i thought it was based on actual weight you were carrying around but I guess it should be based on bodyfat since there are bigger people who carrying more muscles. Idk I just feel that diet is a bit tricky if it can work for someone and they aren't dead then I guess party time for them(?)
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Speak for yourself. Not all people on here are like that. And seem to be pretty miserable yourself.
  • I've never heard of this diet; what is it? From what I gather it involves injecting hormones? I couldn't handle 500 cals a day. I'd start eating my desk.
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    bump - read later
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    Speak for yourself. Not all people on here are like that. And seem to be pretty miserable yourself.

    Extremely miserable! I'm so mad that I've lost 30 pounds and haven't gained anything back no matter HOW much I eat. I'm so upset that even though I work a 12-14 hour manual labor job that I didn't feel any muscle weakness! Another thing that just pisses me off, my Doctor gave me a clean bill of health. Can you imagine my anger? The one thing that really gets to me EVERYDAY, is that this diet worked. /end sarcasm
  • about pregnant women, they are producing hundreds of percent more HCG than someone on HCG diet is getting. Pregnant women produce so much that the body cannot take, and the extra is eliminated. Pregnant women can actually loose weight if they treat their bodies to a diet. But women are thinking of eating for two, so they eat all they want. The reason why HCG is within pregnant women is because the hormone tells the body to take the stored fat and give it to the fetus for nurturing. When there is no fetus, and the person is getting a tiny fraction of HCG injected (or however else you take it), the stored fat is consumed and used as nurturing for it's own body. I've read the whole big study on it and how it all works....what was that booklet, like 200 pages or something? It's been over a year since I've done it or read about it.
    And have you what the FDA has to say about it? Or do you only read marketing literature to get a 'clear' picture of this product?

    No, I've read the actual HCG manuscript by the doctor that did the official study. Dr. Simeon's "Pounds and Inches." Google it, it's free for anyone to read. It has a lot of science jargon and it was written many years ago, so it may be difficult for the average reader. But that's where you need to start.

    I DO NOT go by FDA. The government does not regulate me. I guarantee they don't approve of a ton of the holistic and natural things I consume. Why? Because the FDA is a load of crap and they love to keep Americans going to doctors, buying pharmaceutical medications and feeding the health scam. People are getting sicker everyday because of the FDA. Keep feeding our livestock full of crap for us to eat. Ugh, I shudder when I hear people are only following what the FDA approves of.
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    I did this diet for a couple of weeks. It was an absolutely miserable existence. I was so weak I could barely move. I was dizzy and lightheaded. I wanted to work out but couldn't because 500 calories is not enough food to fuel a workout! I was so grumpy and felt like crap that my fiance made me stop doing it. It is a quick and temporary fix that harms your body. I lost like7 lbs or something but then put on 10 after I stopped. It is not worth it in the least. I feel great now losing weight the healthy way, by eating right and working out. I think that it is perfectly acceptable to share experiences like this on MFP. This is a place to share ideas and support others. Why would we want our fellow MFP friends to jeopardize their health? People are of course allowed to disagree with the sentiments but I'm not going to "leave people alone" or stop "beating a dead horse." This is obviously not a dead topic if people are still arguing about it.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I don't know much about this diet, but I did find it funny that it was HCG -- which is the hormone a woman's body produces when she's pregnant. Cause as we all know, especially all the recent mothers who are on here now (me included), pregnancy is GREAT for weight loss!!!

    I know this too, and I am a guy. Women burn up a lot of fat, when lactating. I believe this is what a woman survives on for the most part, and what she's consuming is used to produce milk.

    I am not saying the hormone HCG is the reason for this, but it does happen to turn out a lactating mother loses body fat. I don't know which hormones are involved in this.

    Please read a book before pretending to know anything.

    1) HCG has nothing to do with lactation.

    2) The perceived "fat loss" during lactation in the immediate newborn period is actually due to water loss. Since you know, they don't need the epic amount of blood volume that they did during pregnancy. Anything further would be due to a caloric deficit.

    Biology 101.
  • I've never heard of this diet; what is it? From what I gather it involves injecting hormones? I couldn't handle 500 cals a day. I'd start eating my desk.

    I thought the same thing. lol
    Trust me, you have trouble fitting in 500 calories. Your body is consuming your fat like a machine and you don't feel hungry at all. I felt like I was force feeding myself. I had trouble swallowing food at times.
  • renu74
    renu74 Posts: 90 Member
    I am guessing everyone here supporting the HCG diet understand and know that HCG is derived from human pee.(YES, human pee). Also, HCG is not excreted by just pregnant woman, if HCG is high and the person is NOT pregnant, then it is considered as a marker for tumor or cancer and further tests are done. I understand the desperate nature of humans want to lose weight, short cuts in this case is NOT wise. Just my 2cents.
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    I wanted to eat my arm I was so hungry.

    This diet is AWFUL. Please don't do it.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I've never heard of this diet; what is it? From what I gather it involves injecting hormones? I couldn't handle 500 cals a day. I'd start eating my desk.

    I thought the same thing. lol
    Trust me, you have trouble fitting in 500 calories. Your body is consuming your fat like a machine and you don't feel hungry at all. I felt like I was force feeding myself. I had trouble swallowing food at times.

    You are fortunate that your body has such a high level of toleration for starvation eating, because HCG in ANY form does NOTHING the snake oil salesmen that push it claim. People have become very ill on that plan, lost muscle, had their hair fall out, and had their metabolism so messed up from malnutrition that now they are heavier than ever!

    MFP does NOT want members recommending that dangerous diet on this website! MFP is all about safe, healthy eating, exercise and weight loss -- NOT starvation diet scams!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    about pregnant women, they are producing hundreds of percent more HCG than someone on HCG diet is getting. Pregnant women produce so much that the body cannot take, and the extra is eliminated. Pregnant women can actually loose weight if they treat their bodies to a diet. But women are thinking of eating for two, so they eat all they want. The reason why HCG is within pregnant women is because the hormone tells the body to take the stored fat and give it to the fetus for nurturing. When there is no fetus, and the person is getting a tiny fraction of HCG injected (or however else you take it), the stored fat is consumed and used as nurturing for it's own body. I've read the whole big study on it and how it all works....what was that booklet, like 200 pages or something? It's been over a year since I've done it or read about it.
    And have you what the FDA has to say about it? Or do you only read marketing literature to get a 'clear' picture of this product?

    No, I've read the actual HCG manuscript by the doctor that did the official study. Dr. Simeon's "Pounds and Inches." Google it, it's free for anyone to read. It has a lot of science jargon and it was written many years ago, so it may be difficult for the average reader. But that's where you need to start.

    I DO NOT go by FDA. The government does not regulate me. I guarantee they don't approve of a ton of the holistic and natural things I consume. Why? Because the FDA is a load of crap and they love to keep Americans going to doctors, buying pharmaceutical medications and feeding the health scam. People are getting sicker everyday because of the FDA. Keep feeding our livestock full of crap for us to eat. Ugh, I shudder when I hear people are only following what the FDA approves of.
    Right, so keep on injecting that pee, I guess.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Some people are just hard-headed and would rather look for the most ridiculous fads in desperate attempts to lose weight. Balanced diet? Nutrition? What's that? Such concepts I guess are just too complicated for them to understand so they opt for something that sounds simple: Take magic drop, starve self. They refuse to acknowledge the consequences of what will happen to their bodies.
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    ^^^THIS a thousand times.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Speak for yourself. Not all people on here are like that. And seem to be pretty miserable yourself.

    Extremely miserable! I'm so mad that I've lost 30 pounds and haven't gained anything back no matter HOW much I eat. I'm so upset that even though I work a 12-14 hour manual labor job that I didn't feel any muscle weakness! Another thing that just pisses me off, my Doctor gave me a clean bill of health. Can you imagine my anger? The one thing that really gets to me EVERYDAY, is that this diet worked. /end sarcasm
    No one disputes that a starvation diet will make you lose weight....thing're losing a lot of lean muscle mass with your fat from doing such. Some people...with enough determination, can of course succeed on any ridiculous fad diet, including HCG. The point is, it's not healthy and NOT necessary for results at ALL. So why would someone willingly want to torture themselves for a method that has a high rate of failure?
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