Tell a little secret game..



  • Strobins05
    I have a mild form of OCD - the volume on TV, radio, etc must be on an even number!

    Pairs of light switches must be even. Chairs must be on a line. Dollar bills must be in order - face up and numerically sequenced. The list goes on, my wife says I need a shrink, I just tell her to even up her side of the bed.
    ^^^ Just wow!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I sometimes pretend I don't speak English so I don't have to deal with people.... There are a lot of moments where I say "Desculpe. Não falo Inglês...Você fala Português?" rsrsrs (In English: "Sorry. I don't speak English. Do you speak Portuguese?")

    Ich mache dies auch! Aber nicht mit Spanish - nur Deutch. :-D

    personally I find it funnier when I say I dont speak english... in perfect english... because... well.. i do speak english.... kinda.
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    I still hop in and out of the bed quickly, because I am scared that if I let my feet linger on the floor near the bed too long, something under there is going to grab my ankles...and Im 23

    if I knew that and knew you, I would TOTALLY be that jerk that hid under the bed and grabbed them.. LOL.


    i can't have my feet hang out off the bed incase someone grabs them. on the other hand, i would so be the (3rd) jerk to hide under your bed and grab your ankles lol
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm super attracted to a handsome man wearing a really stylish sweater. I know...a sweater??? So weird...WTF! And I live in Miami.
  • Strobins05
    I know when people are going to die! (I turned to my mum the other day and said i had suddenly started thinking about such and such person - someone i have not seen for years) to find out they had died at that moment. I have done this LOTS in my lifetime. I generally don't tell people as it just makes me appear even more weird :)

    Hey, when am I going to die? I am trying to budget my money. Wanna make sure the last check I ever write bounces. Help me out, please.
    ^^ You my friend are hilarious! love it!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    When I'm cooking alone in the house I pretend I'm on a cooking show, including talking to a non-existant camera :)

    on the plus side- there are no imaginary special guests!

    OMG! I do this too, with anything I'm doing that has me by myself - doing my hair, putting on make-up, cleaning the house... Wow, this is so funny.

    I'm scared of the dark.

    I have a weird eating habit where when I take a bite of something the first bite has to go on my right side of my mouth, and the second bite has to be bigger than the first and goes on my left side... and it continues. I have this weird thing that because I'm right handed, my left side gets less work so I give it more - it's the same with tattoos.
  • SkinnyShadow
    SkinnyShadow Posts: 106 Member
    It's not really a secret, but I have an irrational fear of being impaled. Like, I look at my surroundings all the time to make sure I can't fall on anything that will impale me. I don't drive behind any vehicles carrying logs, pipes, ladders...anything like that.

    lmao omg.... ha.. that was funny :D so sorry...


    ok, let me read some more, and then I'll decide what I'm willing to share ;)
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I think my best friend can be a little too judgmental... I love her to death, and would do anything for her, but I've been on the verge of telling her my two biggest secrets a couple times, but backed down because I was afraid she wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore. :(
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think my best friend can be a little too judgmental... I love her to death, and would do anything for her, but I've been on the verge of telling her my two biggest secrets a couple times, but backed down because I was afraid she wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore. :(

    Sounds like you have some juicy secrets.
  • kiters
    kiters Posts: 60 Member
    I am extremely afraid of ghosts and demons....supernatural movies are NOT for me!

    Oh and cleaning my ear with a Q-Tip, the feeling is orgasmic!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Okay, I'm going to share a super embarrassing one in hopes that people do the same.

    I have an (ir)rational fear that when I fart I will shart myself. This steams from when I was in 9th grade and literally sharted myself. So I can't fart anywhere but at home or in a bathroom. LMAO.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I think my best friend can be a little too judgmental... I love her to death, and would do anything for her, but I've been on the verge of telling her my two biggest secrets a couple times, but backed down because I was afraid she wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore. :(

    Sounds like you have some juicy secrets.

    Not really that they're juicy, it's just that it would be a big scandal in my area. I live in a very small town, and everyone is straight and Christian. Me? Not exactly either. And she's voiced her opinion on bisexual/homosexual relationships before, and it's not very positive.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think my best friend can be a little too judgmental... I love her to death, and would do anything for her, but I've been on the verge of telling her my two biggest secrets a couple times, but backed down because I was afraid she wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore. :(

    Sounds like you have some juicy secrets.

    Not really that they're juicy, it's just that it would be a big scandal in my area. I live in a very small town, and everyone is straight and Christian. Me? Not exactly either. And she's voiced her opinion on bisexual/homosexual relationships before, and it's not very positive.

    Oooh, that's a hard one. I wouldn't suggest sharing that with her unless you know she's the right person to tell. Best advice? Find some new friends that are more accepting. You don't have to ditch the other one, just ones that you can openly talk with.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Okay, I'm going to share a super embarrassing one in hopes that people do the same.

    I have an (ir)rational fear that when I fart I will shart myself. This steams from when I was in 9th grade and literally sharted myself. So I can't fart anywhere but at home or in a bathroom. LMAO.

    OMG, I can't fart, pee or poop in a public bathroom. Actually, anyone's bathroom but mine and my parents'!
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    if im sleeping alone, I usually sleep on the couch because its more comfortable... also i dont have to remake the bed. lol

    I do this as well. secret? hmm..I have a bad habit of pulling my eyelashes out, especially if I wear mascara, but mainly because I hate the thought of one falling in my eye.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My secret: I think of my dog as an actual child. Don't get me wrong, I put my human family members ahead of him, but I still love him as if he were a human child. Did you know dogs don't usually mentally mature past a 4yr old human? That just makes me love him even more LOL shhhh don't tell anyone...

    Me too!!!! I love my dog he is my second baby. Plus he doesn't talk back to me or complain. As long as I feed him, pet him and take him for walks he loves me unconditionally. Wish men were that easy. They are close but still require more work.
  • SkinnyShadow
    SkinnyShadow Posts: 106 Member
    Hmm, ok:
    I have to hold my breath while driving past a grave yard... I have these crazy thoughts that I'm going to breath in "death particles" and they will become part of me :p
    .... same thing if I walk by someone I think is really ugly (!!!) I know, it's horrible.. I can't help it, I've done it since I was little. :/
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Hmm, ok:
    I have to hold my breath while driving past a grave yard... I have these crazy thoughts that I'm going to breath in "death particles" and they will become part of me :p
    .... same thing if I walk by someone I think is really ugly (!!!) I know, it's horrible.. I can't help it, I've done it since I was little. :/

    Oh, I do the graveyard thing too. But more so because I don't want any spirits coming into me.
    I've got a ghost in my house but she seems to not want to steal my body lol.
  • myers0machine
    i am a poker player(who cheats)i always win tho :)