low fat/low cal desserts?



  • p_barron
    Fudgsicle Sugar free original bars only 40 cals a pop I usually have 2 so that is only 80 cals and they taste like chocolate
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Dark Chocolate
    Skinny Cow candy or ice cream sandwiches
    Smart Ones sundaes...cookie dough, fudge brownie, strawberry, key lime, pb cup, etc.
    Indiv. snack size cups of Dreyer's or Skinny Cow ice cream
    Weight Watchers cones/bars
    Angel food cake with cool whip

    :D I have every night! Tonight, 190 cal key lime pie!
  • magicalamanda
    magicalamanda Posts: 35 Member
    There are no good desserts under 200 calories! A single cookie? I have an apple tart recipe that's super healthy but it's 230.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    1. Fruit with a dollop of lightly sweetened greek yogurt (I like berries and stone fruit the best for this)
    2. Apple + peanut butter
    3. mango + shredded coconut (a little orange would be nice in this as well)
    4. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter mixed with a little bit of unsweetened cocoa powder and some crackers (or a piece of toast)
    5. Hot chocolate (I just mix milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, my favorite sweetened with some cinnamon and maybe some chili flakes)
    6. a cup of chocolate almond milk
    7. A mini smoothie: 1/2 a banana, a cup of chocolate almond milk
    8. plain greek yogurt with a little bit of jam (about 1/2-1 tablespoon)
  • rower75
    rower75 Posts: 90 Member
    Would never have thought to add rice krispies to pudding. Probably makes it seem more satisfying.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    I love fresh berries topped with 0% fat greek yogurt (honey or mango/peach are my faves!). Greek yogurt is packed with protein, it's super healthy, and the richness and creaminess makes you feel like you're cheating on your diet but you're not :tongue:
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    There are no good desserts under 200 calories! A single cookie? I have an apple tart recipe that's super healthy but it's 230.

    Ok, share?
  • Treed79
    Treed79 Posts: 28 Member
    A simple strawberry shortcake~ 20 cal lowfat whipped topping, 60 cal dessert cup, fresh strawberries flavored with Stevia.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    My favorite right now is So Delicious Coconut milk mini ice cream sandwiches. only 90 calories per serving :)
    This! I love those!
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member

    Someone posts about this nearly every day and it angers me for many reasons. The main reason is because I think any sort of "diet food" is ridiculous and that when you introduce things like artificial sweeteners into your diet it defeats the purpose of trying to achieve overall health. Then there's my personal issue with boxed cake mixes and similar convenience foods which is too long to get into. And finally, there's the fact that as a baker, I find this "recipe" to be an absolute atrocity.

    I don't mean to take this out on you, it's not about you at all. i just get incredibly tired of people going on about how delicious this is when I know it to be full of unnecessary preservatives, man-made chemical ingredients that studies have shown are bad for your health and in no way compares to a dessert that's actually delicious. I just don't see the point in half-assing something like dessert. Do it right and do it less often and/or in smaller portions. Don't give yourself a heap of crappy ingredients just because it's low cal and/or low sugar.

    THANK YOU!!!! I dont understand how its any "healthier" for you. I mean you can get a boxed cake where you just add water.... Water= A TRILLION times better for you!! I dont even understand how this could be good.!!!!

    On a side note: sorry to jack your thread!!! Try angel food cake, strawberries ,and whipped cream!
  • Kahlan_sw
    For something quick and effortless? I like the sunrise tofu deserts. They don't taste like normal pudding of course but if you are used to tofu then they are YUMMY. and only 90 calories, limited ingredients (5?).

    Or another favourite (other than the frozen grapes somebody else mentioned... SO GOOD!) I like to chop up strawberries, mint and drizzle with a touch of agave syrup if I really want something sweet.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Frozen Fat Free Whipped Cream - Tastes a bit like ice cream but WAY less bad for you. Has a little sugar but not much. You can top it with a sugar free jam or something if you like. I personally just eat a few spoonfuls of the frozen fat free whipped cream and I'm good to go.

    I get sugar free fudgicles, throw them into the micro for about 12 seconds so it's soft and melty then mix it up with a little bit of natural peanut butter and some coolwhip and refreeze it for about 15 minutes. I can't remember the total calories but I'm pretty sure it's under 200 calories
  • NicoleSchimmel
    NicoleSchimmel Posts: 162 Member
  • rgoodman1979
    rgoodman1979 Posts: 9 Member
    Yum! So glad I found this!