I want to give up.



  • Jazzyrose77
    Jazzyrose77 Posts: 153 Member
    Don't give up. I see you have small kids. Are you getting enough sleep? If not that will slow down weight lose.
  • jacalou
    jacalou Posts: 61 Member
    Please don't give up. Your efforts will pay off. Sometimes it just takes some time for things to "catch up". You are gaining muscle mass and this could account for your gain. I'm willing to bet that if you are working out as you say that your butt looks better despite what the scale says. Add me as a friend and I will happily cheer you on! This is for you, your health and your children... don't give up on yourself... We've all been there. Be proud of every effort you are making and keep it up. The rewards are coming!:smile:
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    Don't give up!! Just add a few veggies and fruits a day....try adding a salad to dinner and lunch. Have fruit as snacks. It takes time. I hit a plateau for 2 weeks and am just now starting to lose again. You will have ups, downs, and plateaus. It will work if you keep at it. Don't get discouraged. It's hard but you CAN do it if you want to do it!!! Good luck!!
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Don't give up! Im a full time student and my psychology teacher is a PT(personal Trainer) and she told me once my body gets to where its not dropping weight I need to change up my workout because my body has gotten use to the current workout. Try adding some weights, weight lifting(like 5 pounds to start), stair stepping(great way to burn lots of calories), and try to do early morning workouts before you eat breakfast IF possible so you burn the stored fat/calories and not the recently consumed fat/calories.

    Good luck and Don't give up!!

    ^ This. Try getting a book that really gives you a set plan. I've chosen Body for Life since I'm interested in free weights. I got it for .75 cents on Half.com. It shows simple & effective exercise with a set plan for eating. It really jump started my fitness again.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I spent two years on a plateau. I was so discouraged. Then I started eating clean and the weight is slowly but surely coming off. I eat 1600 calories a day and haven't been working out lately and I still lose. When I hit the gym 5 days a week I gain a little at first due to building muscle. But that's a good gain. If you need some meal plan ideas check out my blog.


    I take a cooler bag to work everyday that I pack the night before. this works well for me. I also make and freeze dinners on Sundays so I always have something to grab on those days I am too tired to cook something healthy.
  • KMSForLife
    I agree with the sodium comments. It's difficult to do because sodium is everywhere - but try to cut that back and try to increase your water so that you are drinking 10-12 glasses EVERY day. I disagree with the comments that you are eating too much. I think you should actually try eating what MFP recommends. You just have to be careful in how you consume those calories - pick the right foods.

    More importantly, don't give up - keep your children in your focus and know that every time you exercise you are improving your health for them. The scale alone cannot determine your success. Think back to when you started and make a list of ways your body has improved. If you stop and think about it, then I believe you will find that you have succeeded. Every day that you try to become healthier is another day of success.
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    Don't give up....just keep at it everyday. You may want to have some tests run to assure that thyroid issues are not the problem. Try to eat a more plant based diet with lots of fresh fruits & vegetables, just a suggestion.
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    I know exactly how frustrating that is. That has happened to me so many times and in the past I've given up every single time. Now, however, I have a different mind set and maybe you can consider adopting it too on top of all the other great advice you've been given. Don't concentrate so much on dropping the pounds. If you are eating healthier than ever before, drinking your water, exercising and getting enough sleep you are getting healthier. Sometimes certain people lose weight slower but your heart and muscles are benefitting from your efforts. Also, in time you may see inches lost before you ever notice pounds lost because your body is firming up and changing. The most important thing is to not give up or you'll never achieve the results you want. Reevaluate everything you're doing and see if anything needs tweaking. If so, change it. But remember that you are doing this to be healthier - not just to lose weight. The weight loss may be slow but you are accomplishing the goal of being healthier. Eventually the pounds will come up.

    Hang in there! You'll do it!
  • Ivorallc
    Get your body fat measured or measure waist etc. Chances are if you are training 5 days a week your muscle mass is increasing and that is balancing off against the fat loss. Keep it up.:smile:
  • Glact
    Glact Posts: 9
    Dont give up, if you are exercising that much your body may be getting stronger, i know it can be frustrating to see that when you are trying to lose weight your actually gaining. but keep it up for about two weeks until your body gets use to the change in lifestyle, your muscles will adapt and you will no longer gain as you have gotten stronger, then you will see toning and weight loss. muscle weighs more than fat and i know that sounds cliche, but it is the truth always give yourself about two weeks before you start seeing any weight loss when starting a new program.
  • khanson12
    khanson12 Posts: 2 Member
    don't give up just keep going your body is hanging to that weight for a while but it will let it go soon. try eating smaller meals more often and eat more fresh veggies and fruits. add green tea with stivia twice a day. add things like black berries 1/2 cup a day. we are all routing for you.
  • Parism12
    Don't give up!!! I know it's hard because I've got LOTS to lose. Just keep plugging at it. You obviously have not found the right method for you. Do me a favor and go to this site (below) to take their free quiz. Let me know what it says that your body type is, and perhaps I can help to give you some insight. Let me know if you have a problem accessing it. Be encouraged! It won't happen overnight, but it will happen! I believe in you!!! :smile: http://bpt.mybodymakeover.com/tools_for_success/body_blueprinting_quiz.aspx
  • rattler0812
    rattler0812 Posts: 40 Member
    My wife has similar issues. She had to remove anything processed from her diet. Our family starting eating really healthy and her weight started dropping like crazy. But she also changes up her workouts on a weekly basis. She has a basic idea of the workouts she wants to do. But she doesn't get in a pattern.

    Watched the processed crap and sodium intake. Keep the sodium as low as possible. Try and keep processed out as much as possible. That's what she has found to work for her and what has been helping me.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    First off, don't give up. Second off, I am right there with you. I started in January as well, and have lost 8 pounds. I have gone up a pound, then down a pound. And I am working out at least 5 days a week- 2 with a trainer, 3 with the c25k program. I am watching my food, drinking my water, etc. But, people have told me this- at first there will be weight that comes off because your body either isn't used to exercise or it's getting back in the habit. Don't give up- keep doing exactly what you're doing- or mix up your work out to make it more fun. Have you checked your measurements yet? You may be losing inches but not weight. I'm here if you ever need anything. You can add me if you'd like.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Give up what though?

    Don't see this as something to get past just as a change of lifestyle. Just keep going, but change the way you see it.

    I'm on 1200 plus exercise calories and I find it plenty, plus I have treats. Just make sure you stick below you calories, plus your carbs and fat as well as your sodium. Concentrate on portion control and filling meals with low cal foods like vegetables.

    I'm losing weight slowly but I have lost 9lbs since the beginning of January. To many people this might seem slow but I'm fine with it as I know it's a lifestyle change.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Two words: Tape Measure.

    Used once every 2-4 weeks (especially when the scale appears to be "stubborn"), this may give you reason for satisfaction. Also, pay attention to your workouts and whether you're improving in endurance (duration, resistance or incline) or strength (lbs of weight used). These may not be as easily measured, but this improvement is improvement just the same. You have much to be proud of, even when that one tool (the blessed scale) chooses to not be your friend.
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    Why dont you give up? This may sound strange but thats what I do.... I tell myself I will reat give my body time to plateau its honest what its wants to do then hit it hard in two days. Yes you may put on a lb but then after a rest it will come off nicely! Well thats how my body works. Sometimes it just needs a little boost!

    I also find that if I eat more and exercise a little less then my body seems to drop weight, i think its cos instead of burning out and by the end of the wweek exercising half heartedly I give it 100% all the time cos I feel more fresh!

    This works for me anyway, I just stay positive, eye on the goal and listen to your body.
  • evhaynes
    You can do it!!! I think the biggest help for me is looking up the nutrition information BEFORE I eat something. I also am on WW, and they stress choices. Even though I may have enough points left for the day, should I really eat the french fries? I also reallllly enjoy my wine, but I've cut down to once a week. That's not to say you can't have it more often, but I have to think of it as an exchange. If I drink wine, what other thing should I give up?

    Don't fret! You will succeed!!!!
  • flurby
    flurby Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I often feel the same. At some stage I am sure most of us go through the same struggle. You are here for a reason! Look at what you have acheived already.... 8 lbs. That is awesome since January.
    Dont forget how far you have come, make little goals, reward yourself and dont deprive yourself. Everyday it is a choice to eat healthy and exercise and to stay on track, each day you choose not to is a day (or more) further from your goal and each day you try you are closer even if you dont feel like it.
    The scales are evil things to have handy, take them away and only get them out once a week or once a fortnight. I know for me I will get on them every few days if they are handy to use. Focus on how you feel and your clothes. sometimes the weight loss stops but hang in there keep strong, take measurements everyother week so you can see your overall loss.
    I completely understand the feeling of wanting to give up, and I have been there done that.... only just logged back on here. and in 12 months away I did not succeed any better by feeling sorry for myself and giving up.
    Hey send me a pep talk in a week - i will be needing it :) hang in there and keep us focussed.