Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (Starting 2/27/12)



  • chrisc2006
    chrisc2006 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm on board, I started the kick start this morning and am following the meal plan. Good luck everyone!
  • @ kschristine - Detail away!!! I find LOTS of help in other peoples details. I might find something that will apply to what I am doing and help. Thanks for the share! Good Luck!
  • @ kschristine - Detail away!!! I find LOTS of help in other peoples details. I might find something that will apply to what I am doing and help. Thanks for the share! Good Luck!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • ok... so another question... how do you track your excercise on here? I did the first dvd but I don't know how to capture what I did. Any help would be appreciated.

    So far, so good. I really liked the first dvd ... the moves are simple to follow but man, did I feel it. I am WAY out of shape! I really liked her style and encouragement throughout the routine and actually caught myself "talking" back to her:laugh: but I pushed through it... and that is what matters! Big accomplishment for me.

    Took my measurements/weight, food is on track, water is on track ... have managed to "stare down" the diet coke in the fridge:happy: ... step one has been taken!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Sounds like we are off to a great start!

    Measurements/weight/pictures are all done for me. I have a vision board saved as the background on my computer (more motivating than I thought it would be already). I pre-weighed and packaged all the meat for the week and put it in the freezer. I plan on pulling out what I need the night before so it can thaw. I'm following the kick start and had Greek yogurt this morning, have the hummus and veggies portioned and packed for a snack and I'm enjoying the citrus salmon salad right now. Having the steak salad tonight for dinner.

    I had to do workout 1 and cardio 1 back to back as I work until 1am and know that I won't do it when I get home. I logged the workout 1 as circuit training and cardio 1 as aerobics general. Not sure if that is the best way but I'm mostly logging to make sure I say on task. I'm following the plan as close as possible so I don't have too many decisions to make if my calories are a little off.

    I like detailed posts too kschristine! It helps me stay on track hearing what others are doing. Good luck everyone! TODAY IS THE DAY!
  • divadonna78
    divadonna78 Posts: 6 Member
    Just got mine in the mail today - will start first workout tonight when I get home from work. Would love to follow along with everyone on this 90 day journey! Good luck to everyone!

    Oh and I ordered mine on 02/17, never got an email so I emailed customer service and they promptly replied. I got my tracking number and it was delivered a little early, on 02/25.
  • I did the first workout today (I'm skipping the 7 day metabolism thing). I feel amazing!
  • purplebookworm
    purplebookworm Posts: 10 Member
    I did workout 1 today. I'm not doing the kickstart. Anyway, I really liked it. It was doable while still being tough. I am looking forward to tomorrow's workout. One funny thing, my son came into the room to see what I was doing. He said that Jillian sounded like Wesley Crusher to him from the other room.
  • I expected to wake up sore after day one, but I was just fine. Day two was a great morning workout, I feel full of energy.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Finished workout 2 and cardio 1! I was surprised how sore I was this morning as I am used to Jillian's workouts and didn't feel like workout 1 was as tough as I expected it to be. I'm sure I will be hurting tomorrow again. I should be able to space out the cardio 1 workouts tomorrow so I'm looking forward to not having to do them back-to-back.

    Sounds like everyone is off to a great start!
  • I hope I will feel just as good. I skipped the double work out each day for a week but am currently on my second day of the "Jump start Your metabolism" diet... VERY rough...but I'm hoping it pays off. Not necessarily my metabolism but in my overall energy. I'm one to consume a LOT of sugar because I have a weakness for pop. So headaches are occuring but it's merely 7days.. so we'll see. I'm glad to hear so many good things about the actual work out plan though! :)
  • I am so excited!! I ordered JMBR over the weekend. Can't wait for it to get here. How long did some of you have to wait before you got your order?? I am planning on doing her KickStart. I just feel that I really need the structure of the plan.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Is it worth getting this if you also go to the gym? Iknow this is a program where you would do these workouts at home daily..
  • Finished dvd #2 ... wow! Again, really liked it ... but I was very sore from the 1st day and almost gave up 2x ... but I didn't! I finished the dvd... woohoo! I will not be doing the pm cardio ... the heart is in it ... but the body is very out of shape! :laugh: ... I can barely walk now. I feel somewhat bad because I want to follow the plan completely, but I know if I try it, I will be in a lot of pain and then just want to give up the plan all together. Backing off is better than giving up ... I still excersised today which is more than I can say I've done in the last 6+ years!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Want to order this, so following along for a while to see what you all think of it. Keep it up!!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I ordered yesterday... should be here in 7-10 business day. LOL.. guess I'll start next week sometime.

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    sorry i'd join in but it's over $100...."too rich for my blood"

    you can make 4 payments... $30+shipping... my first payment was $44... next will be $30... and so on..
  • purplebookworm
    purplebookworm Posts: 10 Member
    I did workout 2 today and loved it. I really appreciate how she is starting out a little easier. I felt good after I finished and almost did the cardio, but I decided not to because I am trying to avoid burning out. But as the evening has gone on, the soreness has kicked in and I'm glad I didn't do extra. I am really loving this program so far!
  • sanifr
    sanifr Posts: 41 Member
    I will be starting next week and am excited. I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts so far. Good luck to everyone!!
  • Just finished the cardio dvd and I feel like I'm dying! Still very sore from the last 2 days so I'm proud of myself for even putting the dvd in, let alone playing, let alone actually excercising! Don't get me wrong ... some of the moves I did were very UGLY and I wasn't keeping up with the pace 100% of the time ... but I pushed myself and I was breathing hard. Can I say I hate the "running man"? If anyone had been watching me, I know they would have busted a gut laughing! I would, if I wasn't in sooo much pain:laugh: ... how did I get to be so uncordinated??

    I'm finding myself getting more short tempered, and I know it has to do with cutting out diet coke and dramatically changing my diet from what it had been ...plus of course, being sore....by the end of the day, I just want to hide out in my room and not deal with my responsibilities. I know it will pass... hopefully the family will survive and forgive.