60 days in, but no difference :(



  • sg_02
    sg_02 Posts: 11
    My doc gave me clean bill of health. I am 170lbs and 5'-5", 20lbs less is my goal as of now.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    In a very general sense, without details on diet, weight, gender, etc....if you are not losing, then one or more of the following is likely the answer:

    1 ) You are eating more than you think, so weigh and measure and log every bite. No cheat days/weekends/etc. You can still overeat healthy foods.
    2 ) You are not burning as many calories as you think, so get a HRM and double check your activity levels. Leave a portion of your exercise calories as a buffer.
    3 ) Your goal is unreasonable based on your starting weight and how much you have to lose. You'll need to adjust your expectations/goals.
    4 ) It hasn't been long enough since you started the program or you are losing, but not as fast as you think you could, in which case patience is the solution.

    If you are positive that you are accurate and reasonable, then you may want to consider a checkup by your physician.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
  • mwimwi
    mwimwi Posts: 11
    I think you should just try to look at what you're eating. Sometimes you don't realize how calorific some things are!
    I've been on MFP for about two months, which I've lost like 3 pounds the first 3 weeks, then I gained back + 1, then hit a plateau already! Yay...
    But I've been just a little more cautious recently and lost 5 in the last 3 weeks. If I did it, you can as well
    My only advice is: be patient :) your body may need to "wake up" before you see the results. Just give yourself a little more everyday, like having a 15 minute walk after lunch every day. And remember it's better to lose the weight slowly!
    Keep going and don't give up!
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    You girls not losing...make your food diary public so we can see what foods you're eating etc
    Even if we see what she is eating, there is no way to know if her amounts are correct. I still say "if you aint losing, a food scale is the only way".

    ^^This is very true. You may want to try giving yourself mini challenges to see what works best for you. Example, I normally work out no less than 5 days a week...next week I will work out 2x - 5 days a week and eat nothing but fruit, vegtables, chicken and fish to see If there is a difference in the scale when I weigh in. Every body type is different...so you basically have to experiment to see what works best with you
  • danihonline
    There are so many factors in how your body is dealing with the food you consume- it is not all about the total calories. For your metabolism to speed up and for your body to correctly use the calories you need to be sure that you are eating the correct portions of carbs to proteins, etc. But as other replies have stated you may want to speak with your doctor or a nutritionist to make sure that there is not an underlying issue.
  • mowink55
    You are SPOT ON! I have been doing this for 25 days and only have a 3 pound weight loss......not as bad as the original poster's, but depressing to me. I try to take pride in the fact that I am getting healthier and stronger, no matter what the scale says.
  • sg_02
    sg_02 Posts: 11
    Thanks guyz! am going to get a food scale right now. i have been using measuring cups for a month now. will make more changes. Now that one of u mentioned about water consumption, i realize that for some reason its has gone down for me last few weeks, I used to drink water throughout the day but now its not the same case anymore.. may be i shuld get that going!!!
  • Blondie_44
    Thank you Kissybiz! I needed to hear that. I am not losing as fast as I thought I would but I feel so much healthier and I ran/walked my first 5K last month!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Thanks guyz! am going to get a food scale right now. i have been using measuring cups for a month now. will make more changes. Now that one of u mentioned about water consumption, i realize that for some reason its has gone down for me last few weeks, I used to drink water throughout the day but now its not the same case anymore.. may be i shuld get that going!!!

    no maybe about it! and beware your sodium levels; those are what have kept me from losing quickly
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    what are you eating? did you lose any weight beofre starting MFP?
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    I know how you feel! When I first started MFP, I actually gained weight! I think the problem was that prior to MFP, I was not drinking enough water. I now consciously make sure I get my 8 glasses a day - so I'm sure I gained water weight from that. Plus, I'm on my time of month right now so that's not helping. I'm going to weigh myself when it's over to see what's going on.

    I have lost a couple of inches from the 30 Day Shred since I started it a couple of weeks ago, so I think I'm going to go by inches as opposed to weight lost. I'm 5'8 & 160 which is a healthy weight for my height - I wouldn't care if I was 160 if I was able to get down to a size 6 or 8 & look a lot slimmer! I just feel like I look so chubby right now. :( Good luck to you, OP!
  • SusanMarie7777
    SusanMarie7777 Posts: 11 Member
    Exercise makes a huge difference! If you aren't exercising you may want to add that. Plus you need to get enough calories to keep your metabolism up. Make sure you get enough water too. There are many great exercise dvd's to pick from. Good Luck!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Thank you Kissybiz! I needed to hear that. I am not losing as fast as I thought I would but I feel so much healthier and I ran/walked my first 5K last month!

    Awesome job!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It;s been almost 60 days since i started using MFP, i dont see any change in myself or scale. I do eat within cal limits..Feeling totally demotivated but i still log everyday :(
    Any ideas?
    Have to been to see a doctor to see if there's a medical issue?

    If you have and there's no medical issue, then ponder this — you are in maintenance.

    Yes, MFP has given you a calorie level by which some folks can lose weight. The reality of the situation is that the calorie level you can't.

    I've had my RMR tested. According to the test, I need 1958 calories. MFP recommends something like 2200 calories.

    The math on that's is, again, simple. If I'm eating 220-1958=242 extra calories per day, I will gain weight.

    It is that simple.

    My suggestion is to set custom goals and knock a few hundred calories (at least) off your calorie number. Try it and see what happens.

    Oh, I forgot. In my first 60 days, I lost 33 pounds. So, yes, "Eat less, exercise more." does work.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • lowerys81
    Make your food profile open for everyone to see, we might be able to make a few suggestions.
  • Kdubuclet
    Kdubuclet Posts: 9 Member
    While calorie intake is a big factor in weight loss, so are the other intakes, like fat, carbs, sodium, etc... Not to mention the exercise that you do. Keep in mind too, that the calories burned according to MFP are general and not specific to you. For example, I purchased a heart rate monitor that calculates a closer estimate to what I burn when I exercise. I do Zumba. For an hour, MFP says something like 790 calories burned, but at my high impact, doing Zumba I can only burn about 500 to 600 kCals in one hour.

    Also, like some other people stated, we still don't have much information on you personally. Are you overweight, heavy, lightweight...are you exercising....are you older, younger...because I take your post as you have only been doing MFP and expect that you should lose weight because you are watching your calories. There are many factors that could be preventing you from losing weight. Good Luck to you!
  • whasara
    Don't know without seeing what you eat and how you exercise....but my best guess would be you are not actually measuring your food and you are "guessing" portion sizes. Portion sizes are much smaller than what an average person considers a portion. If you eat more than what you should, your total calorie count would really be significantly higher.
  • studor74
    I second this. The food scale is a MUST to fully understand portion size.