Lost All Motivation...Don't Know What To Do



  • christinerush
    Hi look at what you have already achieved! Congrats on that! We all have bad days of eating! Also dont take too much notice of the scales! Measure yourself! My scales arent reflecting all the hard work Im doing with food and exercise but I can see my waist getting slimmer and I feel better in myself! I dont have much motivation either and I have my exercising clothes right next to my bed and they go straight on once my feet hit the floor and wash my face and out the door I go as I know if I dont go then, its not going to happen!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I go back to one choice at a time. When faced with a temptation to eat or exercise, I choose the healthier option. If I fail, I don't let that one bad choice lead to serveral more. (I call this the one cookie vs. whole bag scenario). I also remind myself that this is a marathon and not a sprint, so I am not going to make measurable progress every week, but if I am honest with myself and I work at it, I will reach my goal.

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • chevvy53
    hello aw bless you don't give up its a blip we all have them your not on your own I dont know what your intake is for the day but have a look and maybe put to lose less a week ??maybe not so strict plus if its only the odd day and you okay all week should balance out you have done so well so far. What to do ? my advice dont be hard on yourself !! ive joined the group which is not weighing till the first of the month as for me I think that the scales can become an enemy if not careful .. keep it up our doing great !!
  • ShellyShuey
    Here's the trick. Forget about your motivation. It's waiting 6 minutes into your workout anyway.

    There's a reason that 'just do it' is the best and longest lasting mantra out there.

    Pretend you are a zombie.
    Put on shoes.
    Stand up.
    Mindlessly go do your workout.

    Tell your brain to butt the hell out of your body's business for five freaking minutes.

  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    So what you're saying is you haven't ever felt discouraged? K....

    And you're right...I do get up and go to work every day...I also come home and exercise right on schedule. The eating right thing however is a bit trickier especially with my current situation. As far as whether or not I can live with myself knowing I haven't done everything possible...I have for 26 years...so yes. I just don't want to :)
    No, I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is how I feel doesn't dictate my behavior. There have been a few weeks it plain fcking sucked I didn't log a loss because I worked my *kitten* off. But I kept doing it anyway because staying fat is not an option.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    So what you're saying is you haven't ever felt discouraged? K....

    And you're right...I do get up and go to work every day...I also come home and exercise right on schedule. The eating right thing however is a bit trickier especially with my current situation. As far as whether or not I can live with myself knowing I haven't done everything possible...I have for 26 years...so yes. I just don't want to :)
    No, I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is how I feel doesn't dictate my behavior. There have been a few weeks it plain fcking sucked I didn't log a loss because I worked my *kitten* off. But I kept doing it anyway because staying fat is not an option.

    Makes sense...It really kills me not logging a loss...I guess I just keep going.
  • Meliklotz
    Meliklotz Posts: 66 Member
    Here's the trick. Forget about your motivation. It's waiting 6 minutes into your workout anyway.

    There's a reason that 'just do it' is the best and longest lasting mantra out there.

    Pretend you are a zombie.
    Put on shoes.
    Stand up.
    Mindlessly go do your workout.

    Tell your brain to butt the hell out of your body's business for five freaking minutes.

    I loved that!!
  • csc3197
    I think motivation comes from within and action comes automatically when it feels right. I don't believe in forcing yourself. I would sit in silence and be completely still (form of mediation) and figure out what is really bothering me.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    I remember this little bit from "Friends" and try to adopt Joeys mindset:

    Chandler: Hey Joey? You've had a lot of sex, right?

    Joey: When? Today? Some, not a lot.

    Chandler: Well because when I was with Monica I couldn't seem to.....not that I didn't want to or anything, it's just that I coudn't, I couldn't.....there was an accident.

    Joey: Don't worry, it happens.

    Chandler: So it's happened to you before?

    Joey: Sure, once.

    Chandler: What did you do about it?

    Joey: I did it anyways.

    Of course if the lack of motivation persists I remember Einsteins definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results and analyse what I need to change up to get things back to feeling right.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Man I LOVED the zombie thing!

    Luke - I haven't lost any weight in about 7 weeks and its ENTIRELY due to not being able to keep my eating in control But you have to remember a couple things. 1 is that you won't be losing as fast as you did the first few weeks. It sucks but those first 10-15 drop EASY and feel GREAT and the rest of it is boring slow slogging.

    2 is that one bad day does NOT derail your efforts. 2 bad days don't derail you either. what DOES derail you is just giving up - so don't!

    Ummm also - whatcha got your weekly loss set to? If you have it set very high like 2lbs or 1.5 lbs that level of calories can be too restrictive and lead to binge eating. I personally can't try for anything more than about .75 lbs/week or else I find the daily allotment of calories way too restrictive.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Man I LOVED the zombie thing!

    Luke - I haven't lost any weight in about 7 weeks and its ENTIRELY due to not being able to keep my eating in control But you have to remember a couple things. 1 is that you won't be losing as fast as you did the first few weeks. It sucks but those first 10-15 drop EASY and feel GREAT and the rest of it is boring slow slogging.

    2 is that one bad day does NOT derail your efforts. 2 bad days don't derail you either. what DOES derail you is just giving up - so don't!

    Ummm also - whatcha got your weekly loss set to? If you have it set very high like 2lbs or 1.5 lbs that level of calories can be too restrictive and lead to binge eating. I personally can't try for anything more than about .75 lbs/week or else I find the daily allotment of calories way too restrictive.

    its set at 1.5 per week but I'm not having an issue with the restriction really...most days I find myself trying to eat enough. But the last 3 days or so have been different. I've been eating small amounts...of crap. lol
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Look mate I reckon you're just over-thinking it.

    We humans are the only animals on this earth that use our brains to work against advancing ourselves. We use all our 'higher thinking power' to muddle up very simple things.

    Mate, you're doing fine. You will have it a bit hard every so often but when you get to that point where you're trying to find reasons and the Holy Grail of motivation, just know that whatever you need can be provided to you in your own hands.

    Control is an illusion. Hard work and results from your endeavours is the only reality you need to remember.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    We've all been there, but at the same time you have us all here back you up. No one really wants to go work out after working all day and having a family to come home to and do things for/with....but do it for your family. You have a lovely child on the way and you want to be able to be there for them for a long time and be able to do the fun things with them as dads should. You have had great progress so far, and you might have just hit a platue, sometimes after awhile you need to just switch things up and see where it gets you, Try to get protein shakes in you or more protein in general. It helps a lot for most ppl. Esp men. Just hang in there and know that you can do it
  • Michelle650
    I went through the same phase for a couple of months! It hit me when I gained back almost all the weight I had lost since joining MFP! Just think of how far you have come, do you wanna throw all that away? Throw in the towel? Gain the weight you have lost through blood sweat and tears? No........think of that. It motivated me. But it was too late for me, don't leave it that late for you!
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Never feel like you wasted your time. I know that can be easier said than done and it is soooo easy to fall back into old habits. You just have to have faith that you will make it through the tough patches and keep pushing yourself. We all have those days, weeks, etc. Don't give up.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Motivation is a tricky thing and it really depends on what you are losing motivation for. I constantly start a weight loss journey, get motivated, do it a couple weeks, then fall off for months. This last time around, I have sort of done the zombie thing. Even though I don't want to get up and go to my exercise class, I have to. After class I feel so glad I went, that I try not to ruin the rest of my day without eating. Find something positive about your weight loss journey and just keep doing it. Mine is working out. I feel so good after I don't necessarily want to stop it. One or two days off the wagon isn't bad, but it shows strength getting back on to the wagon and continuing your journey. That will definitely be my real goal when my birthday comes up in a couple weeks. As of the not losing weight. If you are working out, your weight could be staying the same because you could be growing muscle, which in the end will help you burn the fat.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Another thing would be to find another way to feel the change. I didnt feel or look like I lost yet, but I can tell I'm getting stronger in my workout class.
  • csuma74
    I agree with all the advice given and here is my own; don't think of it as a diet but a change in your life style. You have already reduced your chances of high blood pressure, heart disease etc. You may have slipped up a bit but you have already done your body a lot of good.

    So put on your big boy pants and do it, we got your back here you know!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Luke, my scale hasnt moved outside of a 5 pound range in 20 months.... according to your logic... I should get discouraged about now? No darlin... NO

    that loss is not the only measure of progress. Have you taken your starting measurements? Have you picked up a smaller pair of jeans to work into? THe only way to keep this going is to embrace the Non Scale Victories... cause if you let that scale be the meter of your success... you shall doom thyself, young Jedi
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Luke, my scale hasnt moved outside of a 5 pound range in 20 months.... according to your logic... I should get discouraged about now? No darlin... NO

    that loss is not the only measure of progress. Have you taken your starting measurements? Have you picked up a smaller pair of jeans to work into? THe only way to keep this going is to embrace the Non Scale Victories... cause if you let that scale be the meter of your success... you shall doom thyself, young Jedi

    I have measured myself...no change in measurements in over 2 weeks either. But I've decided no measuring and no weighing for 1 month.